Chapter 1: Telepath

Kylo Carson

So what exactly is telepathy? Reading into one's mind...? No, it's not simple as that. It's a burden I'm supposed to carry forever.

How it's a burden? Simple. Would you like it if anyone peaked into any of your dirty secrets? Would you like it if they answer your thoughts even before you speak them? Nope. Nobody likes that. Well, atleast all the girls I met till now.

It was only when I turned eight that I final understood I'm different. Unique from others.

Till then, I thought everyone was like me. A person who can read into other's mind. A telepath.

I was home schooled because my parents foresaw the struggle I would have to face because of my gift. They always pretended around me that it was normal to read other's thoughts. And I never suspected them, because they could read me perfectly, they always could.

Like a fool I used to believe that they were like me, gifted. The realised came only late that it was because of their love that they could read me like an open book. And it was their love that protected me from realising how much of a monster I really am. They protected me with their lie for 8 years from the outside cruel world that doesn't hesitate to judge a person blindly.

24th Sept 1997  I didn't just lost them both in that accident, I lost a part of myself too. The wailing became distant and there a constant buzzing voice in my head.

On the day of the memorial everyone came to claim me, the one's known as 'my relatives'. And that was the first time I was exposed to such dirty tainted thoughts.

'He deserves that, his death. He distanced from his own sister and built a castle in the middle of nowhere. Falling for that witch's trap and never visiting family ever since he had that kid.'

'So now that Ryan Carson was dead, does that mean all the shares would go to the Carson family or to the Miller family? He did hate his family when they opposed the marriage, so wouldn't it come to us, the Miller's?'

'Will becoming this child's gaurdian let me claim all of Ryan's empire? Damn it, how will I get this kid on my side?'

'The child should have died with them in that accident. How did he survive?'

'Maybe blaming the accident on the Carson family will help me claim favours. As long as the property gets registered under the Miller family name, it's all right'

'Why did this child had to survive? Otherwise we could have taken it to the court and settled it between the two families.'

Those voices still resonates in my head especially in lonely nights. The hatred laced words that still haunts me. 'You should die' echoing in my head.

I was shrinking back in horror when they talked all sweet and with faces filled with fake sympathy. I knew the truth. The truth about their poison filled thoughts.

'Ryan was right. This place is surrounded by monsters. Poor kid. That letter he send me years ago is still unbelievable. Can this kid really hear my thoughts?'

That one voice filled with worry was the only thing that made me look up, away from my parents coffins for the first time. He was a man, carelessly dressed, looked as if he had hurried over judging by his mismatched socks and messy hair. He hadn't cared to put on his mourning dress thankfully. I was sick of all these blacksuits surrounding me. I never understood how a colour could represent one's feeling. I looked up into his eyes again.

'Oi, kid. If it's true that you can read my thoughts rub your left ears'

I did. He looked shocked. And he suddenly moved a bit more closer to me.

'This is not medically possible. Unbelievable. Raise your right hand and wave at me'

I didn't. "Stop treating me like a pet and asking me to do tricks like a dog. It's not polite, even if you were my father's best friend"

He laughed. He didn't even care that it was a funeral and actually dared to laugh. He ran over to me and hugged me.

'I guess it would be interesting to take in this kid. Afterall I owe Ryan. Yo kid, you wanna come live with me? It would be better than going with these greedy monsters' He said through his thoughts.

"Take this disrespectful person away from my nephew, he is hurting him. Laughing at a funeral, who allowed this mad guy to come in?" My aunt yelled. Panicking that a man outside the family was able to bring some reaction out of me.

"Please, take me away from this place" I begged him in a whisper, as more hateful thoughts started filling my head because of THEM. The buzzing sound got louder. I felt as if my head would explode.

"Stop pretending that you care Marge, the child is more intelligent than all of you people's brain combined together. He can easily see through your facade. After all, he is the son of Ryan Carson & Kate Miller, the prodigy of a genius industrialist and a renowned scientist. And they were a step ahead of you idiots. They foresaw a day like this years ago."

He dramatically took out a paper and flashed it before them.

"I, Dr. Fredrick Alison, Kylo Carson's godfather, am to adopt the child as per Ryan Carson's will if something unforeseen is to happen to both of his parents. Till he attains 18 years of age, the Carson Empire is to be run by Secretary Sebastian, the rest of the property and house to be looked after by Lily Smith, their maid. Now if you will excuse me, I have a train to catch" with that he threw me over his shoulder and walked away from a stunned crowd.

"Your parents were good people, Kylo. So they should have crossed over to the other side by now. The remains in that coffin are just bodies without it's soul. It's people like your relatives that greedily haunts around even after death, we have no more business here in this town" uncle Fred explained.

And for the first time I genuinely let out my tears for my parents. I was too ashamed to cry along with their fake tears. They deserved a goodbye.

He was my weird Prince Charming that whisked me away before my relatives could get a chance to make a male version of Cinderalla out of me. At least that's what Uncle Fred call that incident all those years ago as a joke.

He took me to his single room condo, that he claimed to be his home. It looked more like a zoo back then. He overworked himself in his hospital as a surgeon throughout the day and would come home like a zombie in the night. Sometimes he even forgot to come back. I used to sleep on the coach afraid that I might end up become a zombie if I shared his bed. He told me that he will find a better and bigger house for us, when we move to Olka town in a week. He also taught me that not everyone was like me and I alone could read other's thoughts. So he asked me to keep it a secret. His only explanation was that it was better not to be singled out.

He even explained to me using all those complicated science as to why I was born different. I just couldn't believe him. Or more like I never wanted to.

That was until I met that kid. A kid full of smiles.


"Telepathy is neither a curse nor a wonder. They are just natural human abilities. Teach him that for us, Fred. If a day might come that we cease to exist"

- Ryan Carson _____________________________________________