Chapter 7

Onika (Nicki) POV

"Girl he did what?! Again?!" Gabe asks and I nod annoyed thinking about the whole situation over again

"Girl why do you stay with him?" Gabe asks ringing up another customer

"I don't know girl I honestly don't know why its like all of a sudden he just slowly stopped having sex with me now he doesn't even want to fuck me at all." I said becoming frustrated

"Nicki I love you, but you have got to be one brainless girl if you don't see what the hell is going on." Gabe said and I sigh looking away not wanting to believe what she's insisting

"He can't be cheating Gabe." I said trying to convince her, but more so myself

"Than what do you think could be going on Nicki?" Gabe asks with her arms cross with her eyebrow arched and to be honest it was pissing me off

"Look just because you're with Joseph doesn't mean you can look down on me and Adrian's relationship." I said snapping and she looks at me completely shock

"Nick listen you taking your anger out on the wrong person I'm not the one you're mad at, I'm looking at for you because I've been through the same shit before!!!" Gabe yells and I settle

"Ole dude would come over and I would want to do it and he would always say he was too tired, his back was hurting, he just wanted to chill, and every other bullshit excuse in the book I heard it all before come to find out this boy was messing around with a bitch who claimed to be my friend." Gabe said

"I- I'm sorry Gabriella I really am I just don't know what to do why would he want to I don't understand it." I said my thoughts all over the place

"Nicki I never wanna see you get hurt just seeing you so upset hurts me, but you gotta open your eyes Onika." Gabe says before walking away to the inventory room to unpack more stuff leaving me at the front alone with my thoughts