Chapter 12

Onika (Nicki) POV

"Yes Gabe I will call you to let you know I made it home safely." I said to her and she clings to me not letting me leave the store

"Please go right home Nicki." Gabe begs me and I sigh giving up

"I will not go anywhere except home okay, plus your iphone is connected to mine you know where I'm going." I said to Gabe and she roll eyes

"Don't forget you can also turn the location off smartass." Gabe sasses me and I sigh in frustration shaking my damn head

"Girl are you my mother or my best friend?" I ask sassing her back and she puts her hand on her hip

"Bitch I'm both because I gotta teach you and love you at the same time." Gabe said and I smack my teeth at her

"Bitch all these bitches my sons you better stop playing!" I said and we both broke out in laughter cracking up in the halfway empty parking lot looking at all the people and workers happily leaving going home to their beds, families, or back loneliness

"Well girl we best get going." Gabe says and I quietly nod looking at the orange and purple hues in the sky while the sun sits comfortably on the horizon bidding a slow farewell till tomorrow

"I love you Nicki." Gabe says pulling me into a bear hug and I smile to keep from crying and she rubs my back

"Girl you're amazing if Adrian chooses a penny over a dime that's his lost you are way too amazing to be getting put through this what one person won't do another will remember that." Gabe says getting into her car cutting on the engine and pulling out of her designated parking space she backs out and drives out of sight going towards the exit

I stand with my thoughts and a broken heart not understanding why he can't just love me, what does the other girl got that I don't have




I hear my iPhone buzzing indicating a phone call coming through and I saw its Belcalis calling me I get into my car and once inside I immediately lock all the doors so nobody tries to run up on me while I'm on the phone

"Hello?" I say cutting on my car it automatically connected to the bluetooth as I put my car in reverse backing out of the parking space I speed out towards the exit of the mall complex and

"I'm sorry is this a bad time it sounds like you're driving?" Belcalis asks and I smile at how considerate she is of me

"Its cool you're on speaker." I said pulling up to the first red light which buys me more time to be on the phone with Belcalis

"I just want to make sure you got home safely and to ask you would it be okay if we could have dinner at our home instead?" Belcalis asks and I thought about it becoming upset

"Is my dorm not fit to your liking?" I said my laugh was very sarcastic and rude

"Onika no that's not what we're saying we want to be with you privately no one knows where we live so its the perfect way of us getting to know you and you getting to know us." Belcalis and I suddenly felt the guilt coming in of me jumping to conclusions

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that." I sincerely apologized

"Onika it is okay just please stay calm okay, because I know you're not okay do you want us to come over?" Belcalis asks and it made me smile

"Sure I'll order pizza give me twenty minutes to get home and I'll text you my address now simce I'm at a red light." I said secretly excited as I send Belcalis and Katorah my address since I know they're both going to want to come over sometimes together or individually

"Okay love we'll be over soon." Belcalis says before giving me kisses through the phone and hangs up

"Ahhhh!!!" I squeal excitedly bouncing around in my seat as I hurriedly make my way home

"I'll guess I'll have to pause on that Onlyfans." I thought to myself as I finally pull up to my dorm complex I quickly make my way towards the back and park in my spot

I got out locking my car up as the sky just now begins to hand itself over the darkness I make my way up towards my door and see a boquet of lavender color tulips lying on my front steps

I pick them up noticing a little note attached to them I turned it around and read it

To my main lady and number one girl in my life


"Ughhh!" I groan throwing the flowers in the trashcan

"My favorite flowers are black roses you jack ass." I muttered going into my dorm closing and locking the door behind hopping into the shower