'Since I am done with the preparations time to start my ver own organization'
A boy could be seen walking into a deserted bar, this boy was the fifth prince himself walking into utter chaos, the bar was filled with scary,buff and brawny men most of them with scars fighting over drinks and throwing chairs at each other,but the moment he walked in they immediately stopped what they were doing, just like that the room was filled with every silence that one could hear a pin drop, they were all scared of him because of what he did to them.
3 days ago
Right after he finished training with his magic it was after he took a bit of money on his journey to the blacksmith he bought information on all the nearby bandits hired a few rouges and mercenaries captured all the nearby bandits numbering around 300, purchased two bars and started torturing them still maintaining his smile.
After a day of torture they became his loyal men he chose a leader for each bar. Since they all looked the same he chose a brawny guy with a cool scar running across his eye named Harold and a skinny looking guy with a shady salesman looking smile named bale.
He ordered the first bar to work as mercenaries for hire under the rule of Harold he also instructed them to also "recruit" others while the second bar under bale to work as a merchant company. With this he could one day compete against other secret organizations like the assasins guild, sorcerer society or even dark merchant guilds. This guys worked on a continental scale countries sent armies to hunt them down.
With the groundwork set he headed out to school on his carriage.