Chapter 14

Jailain (JuJu) POV

She told me she was on her way before getting onto the road

I had already decided yesterday what I was gonna wear today I had a tank top with the words

Just Smoke It

On it with the weed symbol and some high waisted black rip skinny jeans and my green Pumas, I start styling my hair into twists than pinning them back with green hair clips I grab my black purse and switch out my phone case to the one with the green weed symbol all over it that also could hold my money and credit cards

Once I felt I completed my hair I look in the mirror marveling at my appearance smiling knowing that Sylyssia was gone flip her top when she sees me like this

I already lotion my skin and did my face care routine so I took a bit of perfume and sprits myself with it, but not too much that it'll take away from my natural scent



"There she is!!" I said gleefully before making sure I had everything I needed and I lock the door before closing it and I made my way to her car seeing her get out meeting me halfway

"Hey." I said shyly ever we had video sex last night I get so flustered around her and she knows because she grins and me before pulling me sweetly into her arms

"Damn she smells good." I though wrapping arms around her sniffing her

"Thank you baby girl." She says smiling at me

"I-I said it out loud?!" I ask covering my face in pure embarrassment

"Its okay love, but are you ready to go?" Sylyssia asks me and I shyly nodded my head and she took my hand in hers and lead me to her car and open the door for me

"Such a gentlewoman." I said teasing her and she just simply laughs and rolls her eyes closing my door making her way back over to the drivers side and start up the car

"Do you want brunch? Because I know this cute little café downtown." Sylyssia said smiling

"I want food." I said and she laughs

"Well whats your suggestion?" She asks pulling out of my drive way and onto the road

"Nu-Ways!!" I squeal and she laughs

"I never been there what do they have?" She asks and I look at her in shock

"Only the best damn chilli dogs, hamburgers, and patty melts you could ever eat the fuck!!" I said and she just laughs more at me as I instruct her on how to get there as we enjoy each others company singing along to the songs that would come on the radio

"You don't know nothing about that Sean Kingston!!! You're way too beautiful girllll that's why it'll never work you'll have me suicidal, suicidal when you say it's over!!!" I sung and Sylyssia just watch me smiling until we pulled up to Nu-Way

"Here we are!!!" I said and we both got out the car and she took my hand in hers as we went inside

"This is an interesting eating establishment." Sylyssia said looking around seeing how noisy and how lively it is

"This a place where black people come girl its noisy, but filled with laughter and love." I said as Ms.Barbra came up to me hugging me

"Hey suga I haven't seen you in so long how you doing?" Ms.Barbra ask as we all sat down on the stools

See Ms. Barbra was my next door neighbor when I was staying with my mom long ago, she would always take me places to try and get me out the house and she can throw down in the kitchen she makes a mean batch of chocolate chip cookies

"I'm doing good Ms. Barbra I see things haven't change a bit round here." I said smiling at all the elderly and young African American people being able to sit together and talk and laugh cheerfully

"Nothing has, but who's your little friend there? She seems lost." Ms. Barbra asks laughing at how Sylyssia is looking around not use to this type of scenery

"Well this is a very special person to me Sylyssia this my grandma by heart Ms. Barbra, Ms. Barbra this is Sylyssia." I introducing them

Sylyssia tried to shake Ms.Barbra hand, but got pulling in a big love hug

"We hug around here suga." Ms. Barbra said laughing pinching Sylyssia's cheek

"I'm not use to physical affection both sets of my grandparents died before I was even born, my mother and father stayed occupied with work so I'm not use to this." Sylyssia said

"Suga consider me your grandma." Ms. Barbra said with the most sincerest smile as she took Sylyssia's hand into her slightly shaking ones and held it take

"We all family round here this is a spot for love its rowdy, but love all the same." Ms. Barbra said looking between me and Sylyssia and she smiles

"You came out the closet?" Ms. Barbra asks me and I start choking on the air while Sylyssia firm pats my back

"What them young folks be saying? You eating the cat?" Ms. Barbra said and we both start choking up blushing

"Grandma!!" I whine my cheeks red in color while Sylyssia smirks

"I haven't it ate it yet grandma." Sylyssia said to her and I damn near died

"Shut up!! She don't need to be knowing that!!" I was completely embarrassed by the both of them

"Girl I had a bit of it back in my day." Ms. Barbra said and I gasp at her

"Grandma ain't you Christian?" I ask in complete shock and Ms. Barbra smirks

"Before I got right with the Lord." Ms. Barbra said and Sylyssia was just laughing her ass off tears in the corner of her eyes while I just shook my head as I stood up and order our food and drinks while asking Ms.Barbra if she wants anything