
"Is the portal ready to go Josh?" A lady called to her husband as the wind began to pick up around them. The man turned to face his wife and nodded, "the portal is only going to be open for a couple minutes we need to be quick with our goodbye's Linda." She nodded back and started to tear up as she opened up the bundle she was carrying.

Inside was a small baby who was looking up at his mother as she hugged him close to her chest. "I wish we could bring you with us, my child, but we can't." She paused as tears fell down her face onto the child. "I want to let you know that your mother and father love you very much and that no matter who you return as you'll always be our child." She kissed her child one more time on his lips, before looking to her husband who had his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

Josh reached down with his right hand and let his palm fall against his son's face. "We love you Mark and we promise that one day we'll see you again as a family united together." Linda smiled softly at her husband and together they walked towards the figure watching the event transpire. The figure slowly walked into the light revealing a person whose appearance was similar to Linda with blond hair and green eyes.

"I promise you sister that your child will be safe with me and I'll make sure he lives a normal life until I can reveal the information to him." Linda weakly smiled, she slowly brought out her baby from her chest and put him in her sister's arms. "Thank you, Jen," Linda said as she hugged her sister, Jen tightly returned her with a free arm. "No, I don't deserve thanks, if I chose to not take care of my sister's baby I would have never been able to live with myself." Linda just sobbed in return and continued to hug Jen until Josh softly squeezed her shoulder. "I'm sorry Linda, but it's time to go. The portal will only be open for another minute, we have to go now."

Linda finally let go of her sister's hug and followed her husband and he led them to the portal. The portal had a blue tint around its edges and a swirl of colors in the middle that shifted constantly due to the massive amount of energy circulating within it. Linda and Josh wrapped around each other with their arms and steadily walked towards the portal. As the portal began to suck them towards it they both turned at the last moment and watched as their baby held in Jen's arms slowly faded from their view before they were sucked away to a different world.


I let out a yawn watching the air-rail travel by in the distance. "Mark Gaton is this class boring to you, should I switch up the lesson so you pay attention better?" I immediately pulled my attention away from the window to the front of the class where my math teacher was glaring frustratingly at me. I felt my heart clench as guilt poured into me. Ms. Jackson was a kind math teacher in her 30's she was stern though as well with her students so they listened to her. Normally I always behaved well in front of my teachers no matter how much I disliked them. I never thought I'd disrespect one of my favorite teachers so I apologized as quickly as I could. "I'm sorry Ms. Jackson it won't happen again I promise." She sighed and slowly ran a hand through her hair, "it's okay Mark, I hope you stay true to your word."

My name is Mark Gaton as you've probably found out already and despite my earlier mess up, I'm a grade-A student at Central Terminia High School. I live with my aunt Jennifer though she tells me to just call her aunt Jen and her wife Cienna. Yeah, my aunts were lesbians, it definitely made growing up interesting, but it wasn't like I didn't have a father figure. If Aunt Jin didn't have female body parts I'm sure she would be a man. She had and still wasn't afraid to get dirty and lecture me for messing up. Though I can never forget when I've gotten hurt physically or emotionally how her image as a father figure shatters in front of me. Her instincts as a mother figure spring up and she treats me like her little baby.

Aunt Jen and aunt Cienna didn't keep me ignorant about my past. They explained to me that my parents were unable to take care of me due to something they were involved in. They assured me that they weren't criminals, but they told me that they would explain it to me when I was older. I was getting close to that age and I hoped they would explain it to me soon, I shook my head and brought my full attention to Ms. Jackson as she talked about the lesson on the screen. Although I wanted to join the Enforcers to protect the city from criminals I had to do well in school to qualify for the Enforces and of course graduate from high school.


1 Year later…

Ding Dong! The school bell rang across campus signaling the end of classes. Students flooded out from classrooms from across the massive school that educated about 600 hundred thousand students. Many either made their way to clubs, sports, the student council, or home. I was one of the many students hurriedly making their way to the air-rail to head home. Today was June 7, my birthday and I was turning 17 years old. Summer vacation was only a week away after my birthday making it all the better. I couldn't wait to get home since aunt Jen and aunt Cienna always celebrated my birthday and went to great efforts for me.

I don't know why they always went so far with my birthday, I suspected that they did it to make up for the fact that I never get to see my parents, I really wasn't sure. Either way, I appreciated it and was grateful for their affection that they showered me with.

Before I could make it out the electronic gate onto the air-rail station my friend Frank rushed up to me panting and breathing heavily. "You really thought that-" He took another large gulp of breath and continued, "you could leave without receiving the mandatory bro shake?" I looked at him with a puzzled look and laughed, "when have we ever had a bro shake?" He huffed, and puffed out his chest confidently, "we do now and it's time you receive the bro shake." Before I could even react he punched me playfully on the arm and leapt away from my attempt at returning back his punch. "Ouch! I'll remember that Frank!" I laughed again.

"Hah! That was for the wrong answer you gave me on our homework." "Dang, yeah, I didn't really feel that confident with that answer so I just guessed on that one." He waved me off with a hand, "Nah it's fine, seriously though I actually got something for ya, give me a second." I was pretty surprised that he actually got me something, normally we would just go out and eat or maybe get each other something small, either way, I was curious about what he got for me. Frank reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope, which made me raise my eyebrows questionably. He reached out and put into my accepting hands, "here open it, trust me you're gonna love it!" I got even more curious as to what he got me as he practically jumped up and down like a little kid opening a Christmas present. I took a glance at the envelope and my eyes popped out, I was no expert, but I was pretty darn sure that mark on the letter was the official seal for the Enforcers. I almost ripped the letter out in excitement as I pulled out the small paper inside.

The letter was an official invitation to the recruiting event held in the Terminia Central Enforcer department next week from now. I felt my hands shaking as I glanced up at Frank who was grinning at his gift. "Frank, how did you get this?" I asked in wonder. "Well, you know how my mother works as an administrative person in the Enforcer's right?" I nodded in reply and he continued, "well you see they allow sons or daughters who work there to have an opportunity to pre-sign up which allows you to try out for the Enforcers. They allow people to bring plus two and since I'm an only child I asked my mom if you could join and she said yes." I just stood there stunned for a couple seconds trying to process what happened. "So what do you think Mark?" Frank asked with a grin. "It's fucking awesome man, I can't even believe how lucky I am thanks, man."

"It's no problem man just getting my friend a pre-" I gave him a hug before he could finish. "Just a bro hug, I'm not gonna kiss you or anything," I said with a grin on my face. Frank laughed, and clapped my back, "good cause I was about to say I don't swing that way sadly." As I pulled away I looked up at him with a questioning gaze, "sadly?" Frank groaned, "ah man don't pull your wordplay on me you know I suck at that." I smirked, "Yeah, yeah, and that's why you get me to do some of your answers on our homework."

Frank looked at me and mocked being insulted, "Whatever do you mean, I would never have you answer questions on my homework, I simply just request for your assistance." I snorted and switched the topic, "seriously though thank you for the gift, I really mean it." Frank smiled and said, "yeah no problem man see you next week or maybe this weekend."

"Probably next week, my family normally likes to celebrate my birthday the entire weekend." Frank nodded, "I always forgot how much they celebrate your birthday, I guess they really care about you." "yeah" was all I could respond with as I pondered that statement. Like I mentioned before I really was grateful for the affection they showed me and because of that my birthday's tended to be one of the things I looked forward to the most. "Anyways, Frank, I gotta go catch the air-rail before I got to wait another 10 minutes, see ya." I returned the letter to him as I started to walk away, "bye Mark, I'll call you on the day of the event." I gave a thumbs up in response as Frank disappeared from view when I entered the crowd of people coming and going from the air-rail.

When I finally reached the apartment complex in sector 3 my excitement began to rise more than it already was as I got closer to my building. I put my eye close to the eye scanner so it could confirm my identity. After a couple seconds, it buzzed and the door unlocked for me. I walked in and the smell of chocolate instantly assaulted my nose. Drawn to the smell I continued walking where I ended up in the kitchen and I saw my aunt Cienna wearing an apron putting a cake in the oven. She glanced up at me and ran over and bear-hugged me. "Happy birthday Mark!"

"Oof!" I grunted, "thanks, aunty." My aunt had long brown hair and brown eyes and smooth silky skin. I tried not to breathe in her sweet scent too loudly that she brought home every day after working at her bakery. She always was a positive, go-lucky type of person, combined with her appearance it made her feel like a cuddly teddy bear.

Before I could pull away she kissed me on the cheek and backed away, my face went beet red, "I'm not a kid anymore aunty!" I pouted. She grinned, "no matter how old you get you'll always be my little baby. She went back to the kitchen leaving me to stare at her figure. Despite my aunt just turning 39, she still didn't look a day over 25. This was actually true though in a way.

Due to advancements in biotechnology and science, people were able to genetically alter their lifespans and their appearances. Of course only the rich could afford such luxuries, but apparently, my aunt's were secretly rich. They had some share's in one of the biggest tech companies in the world called Tel-Tech Industries. They practically owned the entire personal tech industry, ranging from simulators to personal devices like sim-phones and sim-tops.

We could be living in a mansion and luxury for life, but my aunts didn't want that for me and them as well. They wanted us to live like a normal family and pursue our own hobbies. Surprisingly, I was fine with that. Being with them in our small, but luxurious apartment was an amazing experience that made us feel like a real family.

"So, how was your day at school?" Cienna asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Uh, it was nice nothing bad happened." She looked at me and laughed, it sounded beautiful and I wouldn't miss it for the world. "You always say that Mark" she waved her hand, "did anything interesting happen?"

I was about to say no as always when I remembered the gift Frank got me. "Oh yeah, Frank got me a gift today." Her face lit up with yet another smile, "oh he did what did he get you?"

"Well, it's more like he invited me to an event. His mom got an invitation to an Enforcer Recruiting Event, and she's allowed to bring plus 2. And well, my friend said I come as well, and I'll be able to pre-sign up to try out for the Enforcers." My aunt's eyes went wide in surprise and ran up to bear hug me again.

I tried to dodge, but fate sadly wasn't on my side and she pulled me into a death hug. "That's great Mark, I'm so happy for you, and I'm sure Jen will be happy as well!" Speaking of Jen I heard the door buzz and someone walking inside.

Aunt Jen had her eyes closed and was sniffing her way towards the kitchen where I saw her eyes lit up when she saw the cake in the oven. "Mmmm smells delicious as Cienna." Jen like my other aunt didn't look a day over 25 as well with her blond hair and green eyes. She also had some muscles on her arms from working out every day, along with high cheekbones. She looked similar to a female athlete, yet she didn't look like a bodybuilder either.

I just realized that they were kissing each other and I turned away embarrassed. "Oh come on Mark, you've seen us kiss each other before" Jen called to me. "I know, it doesn't change how awkward it is for me." Jen scoffed and walked over to me. She looked down at me sitting on the couch and stared at me for a couple seconds.

I returned her stare, then… "Happy birthday Mark!" She screamed into my ear and started to bring me into her hug. Oh god, I desperately tried to dodge to my right, but sadly the fates once again weren't on my side. She pulled me into a hug and I swear I felt my bones crunch. I wasn't kidding when I said my aunt worked out every day so her hugs were deadly, however, they were filled with love at least.

"Well we got you a gift, but you can open that later after we've had cake right Cienna?"

"Yup for sure, I hope you like my chocolate cake Mark, I worked hard on this one."

I shot up on the couch and swiftly replied that I'd love it. I remember when I was younger, Cienna made a fruit cake once that I didn't really like, and when I told her that, Jen shot me a death glare that made me freeze up. I changed my mind pretty fast and told Cienna that I actually thought it was okay. It wasn't that I disliked her baking; it was amazing, I just simply didn't like healthy stuff mixed with tasty things. I know, not exactly mature, that's just who I am.

"I'm going to go wash up real quick," I said. Jen pulled away from me and kissed me on the same cheek that Cienna kissed me on. I groaned in my response but didn't say anything knowing that she would tell me the same thing as Cienna.


As I took the final bite out of my chocolate cake, I put my hand on my stomach and grunted. "That was a lot of food to consume aunt Cienna." I looked around the table to see Cienna and Jen similarly holding onto their stomachs. "I wanted to make sure you had an awesome meal for your birthday," Cienna said as a grin formed on her face.

"It definitely was amazing aunt Cienna especially the chocolate cake, thank you." "Ahh, you're welcome Mark." She got up from the table as she said that and crossed over the room to hug me again. This time she didn't bear hug me. Instead, she softy huggled me, allowing me to breathe in her scent again. I admit that I've had sexual thoughts about both of my aunts, I couldn't avoid it as a younger healthy teenager and I still did. Though I still loved them either way and the love they showed me as well.

"Hey Mark, want to open your present now?" Jen asked me from across the table. I rose off of my seat in excitement, "Yes please aunt Jen." She flashed me a smile, "okay but you have to close your eyes until I say you can open them." I nodded quickly and closed my eyes for about a minute.

I heard footsteps getting closer to me and I heard Jen's voice saying, "alright you can open your eyes now." When I opened them I was surprised to see that Cienna and Jen had their arms around each other's shoulders with their facial expressions appearing sober.

"Uhm, guys what's going on?" They both looked at each other seemingly communicating with each other through their eyes. They nodded and both looked at me. ��We decided that you're old enough now to see what your parents left you." I froze, my parents were a sour topic that we never discussed. When I asked about them as a younger boy they told me that I would have to wait until I was older.

"Ok, what did they leave for me?" I asked. Jen brought forward an old picture frame that wasn't used anymore since the advancement of the digital age. As I grasped the frame in my hands I turned the frame around to see a man and a woman holding their arms around each other while smiling at the camera. I could instantly spot the similarities from them which were on me. My mom had dirty blond hair and violet eyes that sparkled around her. While my father had black hair and blue eyes. They both looked happy in the picture and I had both of their physical features on me including my facial shape that looked similar to my mother's.

I felt my aunts hug me from each side and Cienna spoke first, "They left you with one more thing, it's a letter." Jen rubbed my back while she spoke, "the letter is attached to the frame behind the picture." I turned it around again and indeed saw an envelope attached to the picture frame. "I don't want to open it right now, maybe tomorrow."

"We understand you can open it whenever you feel like it," Cienna replied. "Thank you." They only smiled in response and continued to rub my back. Cienna quickly broke the somber mood by saying the words I feared the most on my birthday, "Since it's your birthday you know what that means Mark!"

"Oh god please no, I'm 17 now aren't I too old for that?"

"You're never too old to sleep with your aunties at night Mark," Jen replied before I could go further. "Fine along as if I don't have to sleep in the middle." I saw Cienna smirk at me from across the room as she got ready for bed. "Oh you're definitely sleeping in the middle Mark, we have to protect you from the invading monsters." I groaned in response to my aunt's teasing.

When I was younger I had nightmares about monsters invading our house and I would run to their room screaming that monsters were invading. They promised me that they would protect me from the monsters by hiding in the middle of their bed. As I got older I stopped doing that, but it became our thing to do on my birthdays. I sighed and decided to just go along with it. Although I always complained, I secretly enjoyed it, though I never admitted that of course. However, I had a feeling my aunts both knew it and that's probably why they keep doing it on my birthday.

Once I showered, I figured it was probably smart to put on my PJ's for once. I normally slept in just my undies, but I knew that probably wasn't the greatest idea while sleeping with my aunts. I hopped onto their bed and laid in the middle. I felt slightly jealous about the size of their bed and how amazing their bedroom was, but I knew that those were selfish thoughts. The bed that I had was awesome, it was simply that their bed was bigger.

My thoughts came to an abrupt end when I saw them both come out from their bathroom in their nightgowns. I tried to not let my blush show on my face, but it seems they noticed because Cienna laughed. "It's fine Mark, you're still a young guy after all if you didn't react to us I'd actually find that odd." I groaned again for the 100th time that day and buried my face in the pillows.

I felt the room darken and heard both of them sliding into the bed on either side of me. I should feel weird being in this situation, which I was obviously, but after doing this for years I got used to it.

As the minute passed by I slowly felt my eyes beginning to droop and just as I was about to drift off I heard rustling on my right. I turned over to my right and softly whispered, "Aunt Jen?" She didn't say anything, I felt her hands pinning my arm. When my sleepiness faded away, I noticed that Jen was on her knees just staring at me. However, her stare felt different, like she wasn't really looking at me, but rather my soul. "Aunt Jen, what's going on?" I nervously asked. Unfortunately, Jen didn't seem to care for my question. Instead, she opened her mouth to speak and I felt a chill go throughout my body. When she spoke, it sounded like honey meant to trap me in her grasp, "It's going to be...fine Mark just stay there." I felt panic rise in me, she didn't sound like my aunt Jen, but rather something else entirely. I tried to rise up, but I couldn't move at all. My aunt was already stronger than me normally, and now she felt even stronger than before.

I turned to my left to hopefully get Cienna's help, to my horror I saw that Cienna had the same expression as Jen and I felt her move closer to pin my other arm as well. Before I could raise my lips to say something, I heard Jen to the right of me, "shhhhhhh… like I said it's fine Mark." As she was saying that I felt her hand caress my leg and moved up to my thigh. Even though it felt nice I couldn't help but feel tears well up in my eyes. Were they about to rape me?

My tears seemed to be what snapped them out of whatever trance they were in as they both puzzledly wondered what they were doing. After a couple of seconds though, I saw both of their faces form into faces of horror as they realized what they almost did.

"Oh god, we're so sorry Mark!" I felt both of them hug me tightly and I let them as I was still shocked about what happened. Both of my aunts had faces of dismay even after hugging me. After a couple seconds they both nodded at each other and turned to me, Jen decided to speak to me, "we really are ashamed of ourselves Mark and we're sorry that we almost raped you. I can't even imagine what that must have felt like for you." I nodded, still shocked, "so are you guys gonna tell me what the hell happened?"

Cienna looked at Jen, "I think it's time that Mark knows."

"Yes, I think it's time as well go ahead Cienna."

"What do you mean, it's time for me to know? What are you guys talking about?" Jen turned to me and softly spoke, "I think it's time you learn about what happened to your parents, and who we really are."