
The water around Iko, which seemed so cooling and magical when she was younger, had turned into a swirling vortex of pain and death. The once crystal clear water was turning more and more scarlet red as if a child was trying to water paint a sunset. Suddenly Iko felt something sharp stab her foot before she could even breathe in the cold night air, she was dragged down into the murky depths.

She looked around wildly trying to locate the beast that had ruined her perfect evening. Her lungs began to burn from the lack of oxygen, she tried with all her might to reach the surface, where the one thing she needed more than anything was. The world began to fade to a darker shade of gray with an inevitable blackness catching up each second. Iko's lungs felt as if they had been filled with gasoline and set ablaze. Her once hope-filled eyes began to flutter shut as she tried to breathe in the oxygenless water.

"Was this truly my fate? To die before I even lived?" thought Iko as she faded away into the dark abyss. This was her end... Or was it?