The start of the greatest system user

my life was like any other teenager, I lived with my parents, I went to high school, I played video games and read books, watched movies, tv shows and read manga, and watched anime. My life was great I had ok family we had our ups and downs but we made it work. Now I'm dead floating in the void think about my life and what I could have done better or at least tried doing at all. I wasn't all that social but I had about 10 friends at most's they were great and I never had a girlfriend, I thought would have had one before I died. The way I died is unknown to me but I was up late at night reading a novel wanting to do what any anime and manga lover be transported or reincarnated into another world like the MC and be all power full and have a system. But I never expected to die well so quickly and so young before I got the chance to even live my life a little or fuck it up at most.

Now I'm just sitting in the void floating about as a ball of like I think is my soul, I'm not sure. but what I do know it has been a long time and I'm just chilling in the void trying to do stuff, I've meditated, try controlling the void, talking to it, "fighting" it, or just straight up eat it. Idk I got board after a while you kind of go crazy when the concept of time and space are literary fucking out of your grasp and past your understanding. while try to think of what the hell I'm supposed to do know, I see a bright flash of light in front of me or around me I don't know the voids weirded. what comes in front of me is what I think is a man it too bright to make out. The light slowly fades and I can make out what's coming towards me, is see and a man with skin that's looks so clean, soft, and faces that look like it made by the gods and a body well defined that would put any man to shame. if I wasn't a man I would go further into detail but it seems he looking at me with a questionable gaze. I float a bit close to the guy and ask the million-dollar question "are you, god?". He looks at me with a smile and laughs and then calms down after a bit he says "I'm sorry I was watching you do you stuff in the void it was funny but I'm not "the god" but I'm one of the powerful ones, to be more precise in mortal terms I'm an old/elder god ". I slow to think about what he said and ask my next question "will you be the one who going to reincarnate me".

The god just said "yes" and I was slightly put at ease by his answer and slightly sad. I ask the god " how did I die, I don't remember, I was in my room just reading, and then the next thing I know I was dead and floating in the voided." the god looks confused just think about it and pulls out what look like a crystal tablet, he scrolls through the list of thing on it and stops on what is my information i guess. Then he stops and looks at me then to his crystal tablet and looks back at me and then the tablet. Theses goes on for a minute for a minute be for I say with a tone of anger " don't you tell me you fucking killed me too early or killed the wrong person. " God stops what he doing and finally comes back for his pain mode, then he tells me theses " ummmmm... it's not that you died too early but the wrong version of you was killed, there are multiple versions of you, and I k.." but before the god could finish I slap him and yell " what kind of elder god fucks up so badly and kills the wrong version of me from a different timeline or reality. so you better make theses up to me or I will find a god or goddess in my next like to kill you." I was pissed and the god looks like he saw the world's most peaceful/nice man come and kill a man and shit on his grave. I wait for the god to collect himself. I went and grab the tablet looking thing and well its a shocker, the version of me he was supposed to kill was a war hero from a world were world war 3 happened and I was born a bit early as 2002, there were many big differences between him and me but up until my 17th birthday a lot of fucked up shit happens.

Our parent gets sick and died our brothers we lose contact with I'm lone and I was a mess until I'm 22 and get registered as an in the army and suppose to die at the age of 39 on the field of battle leading the US to victory and live again in a world of fantasy after. I had started crying mid knowing theses, I float back to the god he's looks better, I ask him "is he still alive or is he in heaven for what he did least tell me your fuck up didn't get a version of me sent to hell or something. " he looks at me and checks and says " he in heaven know with the god of that version of the world living a good life I think". I was happy to know theses but now it's what going happen to me, then the god tells me theses "your still still getting reincarnated and get a lot of wish's to make up for theses and I never told you my name …"

the god says his name is" Mallory the god dreams, nightmares, and misfortune ". I thought about the meaning of his name and realized his name meant "unfortunate" or "ill-fated" in French. I cruse the god or goddess who made Mallory. well, at least I'm not with an evil god at least.

I think over what I want to say but Mallory speaks first " ok, so your amount wishes well be decided by a dice roll of an infinity side dice so there a fair chance ok. you wanna roll it" I think it over for a bit and think of the kind of thing I could wish for so I say what the hell I'm already dead, and roll the dice it rolls through the void I got a 21 so I got better then a Nat 20, but fair is fair i guess. I ask a question to Mallory " what type of world I'm going to a fantasy one or something else." Mallory answer by saying " the world you will be going to is a world with swords, magic, and cultivation ." I'm so excited about theses and ready to go.

"ok my first wish is ( i had a premade list mad for theses stuff LOL)

1) a world alteration there another type of cultivation the pone from the novel/book soul land all volumes and it is called beast cultivation.

Mallory: approved

2) second I want a spirit that allows me the ability to create anything I can think of.

Mallory: wish approved but the restrictions are you cant make anything living until you reach god of some level and to create things you need more mana/qi etc. to make the depending on the item

3) third I want a system from the manga and novels that have a store that is connected to the multiverse(tv shows, movies, books, novels, fanfictions, etc.) and a smart Ai with it.

Mallory: approved

4) I want my body to be able to absorb any types of energies and be compatible with every energy that exists in the multiverse

Mallory: approved

5) I want a beast companion that is strong, evolvable, adaptable to everything, loveable/cute, can talk with it can be anything your choice (you guys can vote on what I get)

Mallory: ok?

6) I want an infinite amount of energy/qi/mana, etc.

Mallory: Ummm, I say approved!

7) I want my body to able to adapt to all thing that comes at me'

Mallory: approved

8) I want something like the realm of violet jade immortal from absolute strengthening technique with the spirit ascension platform so I can acquire real spirit rings. also, add a challenge area so I can fight people across the multiverse and a training room so I test my powers.

Mallory: approved

9) I want an ability to integrate the sprits that I can kill and add their years into my existing spirit rings

Mallory: approved

10.) I want to be the admin of the system

Mallory: ....I'm the system administrator then you can have admin but with a few things removed from your control.

MC: that's fair

Mallory: that wish take up other 5 other wish

MC: shit, umm that real ... never mind

11) I wish to have something like the library of the heaven path with all the books that exist that include techniques, recipes, skills, abilities, grimoires, and etc.

Mallory: approved

MC: does creating my body count as a wish and do i keep my past memories

Mallory: the body doesn't count as a wish and your memories you keep them and do you want to still be reincarnated or transmigrated

MC I want to be transmigrated into a house near the close kingdom or village.

Mallory: ok

MC: I want to keep my other 4 wish for later

Mallory nods to my request

Then a transparent screen appeared in front of me, showing what my las body look like. I made my body more tone than it was ever going to be, made my eyes galaxy blue design, and kept my hair black, and made my sword down below 8 inches, and kept my skin color light brown then I finished other things as well. I kept my first name Charles and change my last name to Jackson. I made myself a few inches taller(5) from my original 6 ft.

MC: I think I'm finished

Mallory looks over the changes and approved them.

Mallory: you know you look like one of the races of the world that is not really like by many and some cultivators and the church.

MC: the demon race I'm guessing then but don't they usually have horns or more of a different aura about them or have tails.

Mallory: well most half breeds have these skin color and yes most have horns to the tail some even get wings if the bloodline is that pure some have red eyes. but half breeds are disliked by their own kind and what will your race be by the way.

Charles: I want my race to be high human and yes I find with the look I have will deal with those who think I'm a demon but that's for later.

Mallory: ok, I will give your system info about the world, and you the list of things you can do and can't do as the admin of the system.

As Mallory said that everything went black for me and I felt like I was being pulled that multiple layers of water and it getting harder and harder to stay awake through each layer. until I blackout.

[system admin has been made, system integration process 100%]

{welcome admin of the system to the world of The Edge Expanse and creation}