chapter 5

After a long rest, I finally decide to go and find a nearby village, city, or go to one of the two kingdoms that have interested me or the basic one that has some different race. But first I needed to find some food but I realized that I could get some from the system or make my own. Next thing I realize that I didn't need the system shop but their things I don't know about the multiverse and things that I can't think of.

Charles: hey system I'm going need to know what thing I could get from a store

System Ai:{ what you can get from the system shop is bloodlines, skills, abilities, weapons, armor, spells, spirit rings, system upgrades, eggs of a different beast, contracts with any being in the multiverse, and many other things.}

Charles: Can I get a system crystal and give it to others and link it up with mine so I can control their systems and manage a few things.

System Ai: { i recommend that admin only gives it to those that are trusting enough or are summoned/contracted by admin}

So I thought over how I could use and abuse these a bit but I only do that if it was worth the monument. while I was in the thought of what types of systems I could make and give people who will be with me or pets that I make on the way.

Charles: open up the menu and go to class/jobs


Job and class


Cultivation and techniques




violet realm

Library of the heavens

Admin controls

Class: Living God Of Energy

Job: Great Sage Alchemists

System: do you wish to proceed with the activation of theses class and skills

Charles: integrate them and put me into the training room with time dilation of 1 minute outside and inside is a day.

As the process started I felt like I was being ripped apart and remade as a piece of clay being remodeled and mashed into different shapes, as well my body was being made I felt my insides were being rewired and made anew, I felt like power flowing through it an connecting with lots of new sources of power and them being intertwined with every aspect of my body and my soul it felt like it was being remade and set anew as I was born again and again. This process was so painful and it lasted for god knows how long I kept blacking in and out of concussions.....................…..

After the whole process of an ungodly amount of pain, I felt through my body, soul, mind, and every atom that I was made of. When I awoke from my coma-like state I got up and stretched my body and felt like I was a new man, which was probably true and I stretched my body and checked it over there weren't many changes besides my body was more muscular and much more pure and clean.

Charles: stats

Name - Charles Jackson

Age - 16

Race- Pure High human

Titles- (other worlder), (the unfortunate)(The Dirty Hacker) 😁(One Above Them All). (Martial Arts God),(Creator),(Living God Of Energy),(Great Sage Alchemist ),(One With All Energies)


Job- Great Sage Alchemists-1

Class- (LG) Energy-1

HP- 2300/2300

stamina 220/220

Mana- ∞

Energy stores- 0/100

Qi/spiritual energy -0(has not started to cultivation to get his ∞ wish )

Cultivation stage- error

Strength:25 (humans have 10 and high humans 15 or 18)

vitality: 230 ( these is times 10 for high humans and 5 for humans health )


Intellagens:28(this stat for mana and thunk speeds)

Mind: 23(33)(this stat is for cultivation methods or skill invoicing the mind )

Luck: 0 ( curse or blessing of the god Mallory)

(Creator)- crate you one item, skills, class, job and more- 20 percent less energy need of creating anything

(Living God Of Energy)- for creating the class -gives you a godly/divine aura that makes being lower than you free you and allows you to absorb energy that hits your aura. (can turn off the divine aura)

(Great Sage Alchemist )-for creating the class- your knowledge of magic will allow you to understand the arcane language and be able to analyze any spell or magic related thing and be able to cancel it with just a thought or a simple motion of your hand.

(One With All Energies)- from being the living God- all energies are at your beck and call once you make contact with it you can make and use it no matter where you are. Even in the void itself.

Charles: Open my Skills and abilities

[skills and abilities]

(AN-certain skills(80%) and abilities(50%) can evolve. If you want me to evolve a skill that I have max the give me an idea of what it should evolve to)

Skill/ abilities and perks

mental fortitude [ MAX level]- these skills make the user's mind more ability to focus on and execute solutions when in the face of uncertainty or adversity. Also, boost the mental resistance by 20% percent and 5 bonus to the mental stat

Adaption -the host can adapt to anything that is thrown at them physically, mentally, mental and spiritually, etc. The adaption speed is 15 times faster

Spirit abilities

Creation- allow the user to create anything imaginable but with the restriction of not being able to make a living thing.

Spirit connections and control- connect with all energies and become one and make all of it do your bidding and your will

Job and class abilities

-[supreme sage alchemy] allows the host to make any type of potion thinkable and all the host to give them any effects and properties they desire.

-[sage knowledge] the host has gained the knowledge of a great sage and their great spell power.

-[arcane body, mind, and spirit] you are alone with magic, arcana, and spiritual focus, you can cast spells at 100% faster than normal and understand the magic of all forms easier. Your spirit, body, mind is one with magic so you can use nature and all that is connected to it more easily and can be manipulated easier by you no matter the form of power.

perks - living god of energy: gives the host semi-immortality making the user un-killable for the price of the stats and class level. To reverie the host but once all stats reach zero, death is permanent.

[Energy: absorption] allows the host to absorb all forms of energy and that your body can get near or around.

[Energy: discharge] you can discharge the energy from your [Energy: storage] in these forms kinetic, thermal, electromagnetic, nuclear, magical, cosmic, sound/vibrational, and many more. From the host body at any point and touch or a short-range.

(Energy: upgrade shop)

[Energy] class skill level up price: 100 (price goes up by 100 points each level up and storage as well.)

Class skills currently available:[Energy: restoration] price: 500, [Energy: healing] price: 500, [Energy: absorb shield] price: 800, [Energy: reactive shield] price: 1000

[Energy: restoration]

Uses: 10- 100

Function: restores and repairs targeted objects at a rate dependent on the number of energy units used.

[Energy: healing]

Use cost: 25-100

Function: heals users or targets living organisms by a rate dependent on the number of energy units used.

[Energy: absorb shield]

Use cost: 60

Function: creates a shield around the user that lasts for 60 seconds and absorbs all energy from attacks hitting the shield converting them to energy units with a max absorption of 100 energy units

[Energy: reactive shield]

Use cost: 100

The function creates a shield around the user that lasts for 30 seconds and automatically counters all attacks that hit the shield with double the amount of energy they hit the shield with. ]

Charles: how long was I out for

System Ai: {you were out for a month/30 minutes outside and your mana kept you healthy and nourished}

Charles: ok, so I need you to use instant compression on my class skill and job skills and use edit on my adaption skill and make it 100 times faster temporally for a week.

Then while the system does that, I go to train with all my skills again to make me get used to all of the new power I had gotten and make myself have more control.


After that whole week of more training and testing my stats hadn't changed much but after I tried to use it, it only increased the amount of energy I could use but the more I can use the more it could be and increase the effects. Then I thought of what I have done before in this life and remember that I have an AI system and a normal system.

Charles: Hey system do you want to get a name.

System Ai:{ if you wish to give me a name I will accept it and be happy to have one.}

Charles: I'm going to name you Ava and if I make another system and have AI you can name them with me.

Ava: thank you for the name admin

Charles: So Ava so where is my best companion, that I was supposed to get.

Ava: your companion is in your inventory and once you name it with a specific name it can acquire certain abilities or perks from it.

As she said I look in my inventory and see something called a beast crystal, I take it out I look at it, and decide to put mana into it without using [Energy: discharge], it was a more offensive skill than a skill that was used for charging and blast of things.

As I was putting mana into the crystal I decided to buy other energies like Qi, spirit energy, and others to see how it would react but it just glowed brighter. After a will to put a good amount of Qi, mana, and other engines nothing happens. So I decided to ask Ava why nothing happened.

Charles: hey ava I found the beast crystal and put my energies into and nothing is happening

Ava: Well you have to pick the gender after that then your companion will form from it.

I decided that I'm going to make the beast, will be a girl, because it reminded me and my brothers, wanting a sister. So a pet will be the closest thing I will be getting to a younger sister.

Charles: make her female and her name will be Artemis SIAMESE.

System: [the name of the goddess has been detected and famous name as well skills related to it beings assigned]

(dark shadow magic)- shadow magic and dark magic are made into one, this allows the user to manipulate and control both the shadow and darkness as their own. The shadow is more for stealth and trickery of the mind and body if there are victims and dark magic is an art scene as an evil which it is but only if you allow it to corrupt your mind, it is capable of breaking down anything from the cell level, stealth, and binding of your enemies.

(nature control)- you are one with nature and nature's one with you, you can command and control things in nature but not things that are not stronger than your will or your cultivations rank/stage.

(beasts shifting)- you're able to shift forms of any beast seen or know of, you can have their physical traits.

(blood hunt)- all of your scenes are driven to the max and beyond your level, and your deaths are boosted and weakness lessons but the more you are in these states the more likely you are to go berserk.

(moon claw )- a claw attack imbued with the power of the moon and can reach range father as the moon's light touches or darkness in the area

(stealth)-to remain undetected by hiding, sneaking, or using disguises.

(shadow mend)- using the shadow to mend the wounds that are not able to be healed by light or any other means.

(ice magic)-Ice Magic is a sub-type of the second type of Magic, Water Magic. Ice Magic allows Mages to utilize ice as a form of offense and defense.

(water magic)-Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic can generate these elements from their wands or vessels and manipulate them by gathering water from the moisture in the air.

(mind distortion)- these skills allow you to distort the target's mind. The effect of the skill will slow but serially distorts the target's mind and the effect can range from many things. From madness, insanity, one-way thinking, and many more things.

(fear aura)-While it is not something tangible, it is noted that some "users" (if that is even the right word) have auras of blackish color and give off a feeling of dread and fear to those around them.

(shadow clone)-A shadow clone is a copy of one's self that has physical form and substance. The shadow clone can participate in combat using any skills and other abilities. Because the clone is a physical copy of the user and has the same amount of mana and QI, the clone is completely indistinguishable from the user even by psychic/Cultivators users and other sensory abilities.

(shadow blend)- you become one with the shadows and can move and hide within them And hide any things with you or another being.

(blessing of the dark)- Blessings of the Dark increases both skill gain and action speed when using a tool enchanted with it. Also grants the individual a great resistance to pain and damage, with an aura of shadow showing the power of it.

(blessing of nature and life)- you have gained the blessing of nature and life with these two blessings to make the world's gift. You are more intoned with the world and can have more exp was given to you and your life focus empowered. Also when you are close to death, you will have a full recovery and are given a power-up only for a minute and then the loss of consciousness.


(beast call)- call of the beast will give all that hear it a boost to all physical traits and enhances senses for 5 minutes and by 50%.

(beast control)- you can control abreast of a lower will than yours or cultivation stage

(Artemis cry)- no info available {AN: not sure what to put here or I should rename the skill}

(the curse of Siamese)- the person that has the curse of Siamese on them is followed by the Wolf, their mind will slow down and those around them will never trust them. Until they are consumed by the wolf and swallowed by it.

System:[ certain skills and abilities need a higher level to use to full potential]

while I looked over Artemis's skills she got from the goddess name, and with the name Siamese.

Charles: how long will it usually take for Artemis to form all the energies I put into it.

ava: she will take about a few hours to from her and the things you wanted to her have from the wishes you made. I should suggest that you head to town to make money and not make it because you can crash the economy.

so I did what ave had suggested and got out of the house and quickly made some leather gear and sword that had a rank of uncommon and status that made its damage output seem like a rare weapon. While I was heading out of the house I had thought of what I should do once I got to a town or a city. Maybe I should make a business like a merchant or become one of those any item stores in video games that does sound good and with great income if I use my creation spirit to make unique supplies adventure when starting the journey. That does sound like a good idea so I'm going to try to do it and maybe get the merchant job so it would be easier for me to make it, and the people to make it more believable.

Charles: hey Ava a mark where my house is and make sure no one can get in unless they need safety from anything. Also, can you mark where the nearest town, city or village is so I know where I'm going in these forests?

Ava: You currently are in the borders of the heart stone kingdom, the nearest city is the trade city hearthstone Which is a 3-week walk. The nearest town is 13 days away and the city is 23 days away but if you fly, it will take about 3 hours to get to the town and 13 hours for the city. I have marked them on your map. P.S To fly you just need to use your mana at your feet or around your body to fly.

Charles: thanks ava

I start to practice flying until I unlock the ability and use instant mastery on it after half an hour of practice. While I was flying I started to think about what I should name my business and it will have everything needed, from food, gear, magic, potion and more so I think the multi-store or omini-store would work I continued to fly to the city.