chapter 7

[An: I'm changing my writing style a bit so it feels more story-like instead of a script to me.]

As the sun had risen, daylight had broken through my tent and I rose from my sleeping bag. I get out of the tent and walk about and start taking things from the camp and packing up the things that aren't needed at the moment, as I was packing I asked Ava to get me the merchant job and show me the perks status and other things I get from it, also if the spell ready to be cast on Jennifer.

Ava: admin the spell is ready and the merchant jobs status are shown now

[Merchant ]


Allure - simply improves your prices when trading with the other party by 10 percent. But considering the speech tree perks can be unlocked by a higher level it is

(!)Money seeker - you find money in anything you find and make a business out of it, even the dreams of people.

(!)Traders body and mind - you have an eye for the money you can spot/smell out a deal a mile and can calculate money, trade value, the market, and more


Intimidation-Use this skill to get a bully to back down, to frighten an opponent, or to make a prisoner give you the information you want. Intimidation includes verbal threats and body language.

Silver tongue - Oratory skills that are particularly eloquent, artful, seductive, and/or persuasive. He might not have much experience in politics, but his silver tongue is bound to win over a lot of voters.


(!)Master tradesmen - these abilities allow you to turn into a veteran of tradesmen and boost your chance of winning the trade by 50 percent. Furthermore, it has the chance to backfire on you, the odds are random.

One Coin Flip - use the money you have to boost your status the more money the higher it will go. ( the OATA has made some changes to the for you)you can use all of the items with a value to boost your status and any of your panter and your skills, perks, abilities.

Passive skills

Speech - when you speak people will agree with you more in an argument or trade

The trader- you have a great business sense, you can manage a business well and make well trade, and more.

[ some skills, abilities, and perks custom-tailored to you by the system and OATA ~have fun](AN: the custom things are having the next to them (!) next to it. Also there stats bonuses after getting new jobs and class.)

As I looked over the thing that the system and the OATA had done for me I was happy but I had a question about the system and ava separate beings. This is odd but I can get behind it if I wanted to do the thing that all those characters do in the novel make their system AI a body and make them their close friend, family, or lover after being with them a few years.

Charles:( hey ava are you and the system separate or is it just programming/guided)

Ava: Well we are the same but not at the same time and if you do make me a body then the system will become an Ai but not as developed as me but still as smart as ever and helpful.

After that, I look at my menu and see what is new and add to it after the new job.

[system menu}


Job and class


Cuvlation and techniques

Store/Shop[ you can sell stuff to it know or barter with the system/ava for things]



violet realm

Library of the heavens

Admin controls



Charles: stats

Name - Charles Jackson

Age - 16

Race- Pure High human

Titles- (other worlder), (the unfortunate)(The Dirty Hacker) 😁(One Above Them All). (Martial Arts God),(Creator),(Living God Of Energy),(Great Sage Alchemist ),(One With All Energies),(merchant),(favored by the gods)


Exp stores- 0/0( these is to give to jobs and to level you up as well)

Exp- 10/360( the more jobs and class the more exp need to level them up)

Job- Great Sage Alchemists Lvl-1, merchant LVL-1

Class- (LG) Energy-1

HP- 2300/2300

Mana- ∞

Energy stores- 80/100 (can absorb all forms of energy even from sleep or eating)

Qi/spiritual energy -0(has not started to cultivation to get his ∞ Qi wish )

Cultivation stage- error

Strength:25 (humans have 10 and high humans 15 or 18)

vitality: 230 ( these is times 10 for high humans and 5 for humans health )


Intellagens:31(this stat for mana and thinking speed)

Mind: 28(38)(this stat is for cultivation methods or skill invoicing the mind )

Luck: Error(WTF did you do )

"New" charisma: 10 ( helps with making deals and charming people)


"New" (merchant) you gain a new stat and your dealings gain a 10% boots to in

charisma related things

"New" (the favored)- you have been favored by the one of above them all and your system. This has affected your fate and luck by an unknown degree so enjoy the Chaos

(All new) Abilities/skills/perks


Intimidation-Use this skill to get a bully to back down, to frighten an opponent, or to make a prisoner give you the information you want. Intimidation includes verbal threats and body language.

Silver tongue - Oratory skills that are particularly eloquent, artful, seductive, and/or persuasive. He might not have much experience in politics, but his silver tongue is bound to win over a lot of voters.

[Passive skill]

Speech - when you speak people will agree with you more in an argument or trade.

The trader- you have a great business sense, you can manage a business well and make well trade, and more.


(!)Master tradesmen - these abilities allow you to turn into a veteran of tradesmen and boost your chance of winning the trade by 50 percent. Furthermore, it has the chance to backfire on you, the odds are random.

One Coin Flip - use the money you have to boost your status the more money the higher it will go. ( the OATA has made some changes for you)you can use all of the items with a value to boost your status and any of your partners and your skills, perks, abilities.


Allure - simply improves your prices when trading with the other party by 10 percent. But considering the speech tree perks can be unlocked by a higher level it is

(!)Money seeker - you find money in anything you find and make a business out of it, even the dreams of people.

(!)Traders body - you have an eye for the money you can spot/smell out a deal a mile and can calculate money, trade value, the market, and more








All forms of Gach [locked]

Spirit Abilities and weapons

God tier spirit rings

After looking at the shop the first time I realized I never saw any type of money for the system or points for the shop at all even before I had used the info crystal.

Charles: (hey ava where is my system currency I don't see it anywhere.)

Ava: you don't have a system currency you use these worlds money but you can add a way to get it.

Charles: ok ava make a new system function that makes a currency for me level up, giving the system monster cores or spirit ring and items of value and any other things you can think of.

Ava: yes admin :)

After I finished talking with Ava I saw that Jennifer wasn't getting up. I went towards her tent, I saw her sleeping in her battle dress and sleeping soundly. I think how she could sleep so soundly and not be in some type of half-awake state at least, I shout "GET THE HELL UP ". After shouting I see that she had barely even flinched or moved from me shouting, I know that what I'm about to do is bad but what the hell. I create a bucket of water and toss it on her sleeping body and wait for the shit to hit the fan.


3rd person POV

after Charles had thrown the bucket of water on she had rose up from her sleeping bag and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK". After the event had transpired of her yelling at me and just saying she should have woken up after I yelled at her. I had used the ambient magic in the air to dry her off and turn it into low-level fire magic.

System: host has gained mana manipulation[maxLVL] and fire manipulation[1LVL-->3LVL] (AN: it will keep rising the more the MC use at 300% TIMES faster )


After all the arguing and eating of breakfast had taken place we started on our way towards the city of hearthstone. As we had taken off from the campsite I had talked more in detail about my life and she listened.

I had to ask "so when do you want me to perform the rituals to stop your body from slowly weakening". She looked at me and realized that and forgot about what had to happen last night. she spoke " you have what you need to do what you need for the ritual when did you.." she said with slight shock because she has never seen me move from the camp or do any preparation. With that said I stopped and started to make the things needed for the spell and started to make random magic from formation from my memories. I placed a few rand gems and jewels from rubies, sapphires, garnet, and different diamonds of colors. Jennifer looks at the items I was using and looked at the diamonds more than anything. she looked at them and ask a question "what are those gems you are placing I have seen the diamond but the other 4." I look at her with amusement. The four gems you are talking about are different variants of diamonds that have different properties and this one (the black diamond) this one's from the stars above. it has the rarest of all the diamonds and it has some of the interesting properties to it when you eat them but I will show you later."

after a 10 minute of "preparations" I made Jenifer get into the center of the magic circle, I make up some chant of random words that sound like an incantation of some sort in Spanish hoping she couldn't understand me "ava utilizar el hechizo Ahora y Hacer Que se vea llamativo" (translations- ava use the spell now and make it look flashy). After saying all that the magic circle glowed blue and the gems started to flash and lights started to form and started to encircle around Jenifer these processes lasted about a minute before they started to move faster and faster into a tornado with rainbows but not like the original, a 6. Jennifer started to pain a bit but seeing that nothing was happening she asks'' hey Charles is everything going alright", I hadn't known how long the process would take but ava chimed in '' the process would take about 5 more minutes and the thing will be more interesting." when ava said that thing had gotten more intense many things to happen the gems were going into the center of the rainbow tornado each on lined up into a vertical line and went in it to the tornado and lined up with Jeniffer's body and sent a blast to her and did what it needs to do and all over her body and such for the rest of the 4 minutes. After that, a cocoon had formed around Jefferies' body with a rainbow color. as I looked over the cocoon it had the gems embedded in them cocoon still in a vertical placement and then there was a cracking noise all over the cocoon, I backed up from the cocoon and let it do its thing after it broke it apart I saw that after everything from the cocoon had come apart I saw Jennifer was now naked. her body was now more vibrant and clean, her draconic body parts were more refined and her spirit seed was showing more she had these more spiritual/magical things about her and seem to have gone from a 10 to a 25 out of 30 in the rating being more beautiful. I use appraisal on her to see if anything more has happened to her after her changes.

Name - Jennifer Blackfire

Age - 16

Race- Half-Dragon,half-fire spirit perfectly balanced

Titles-(dragon brown), (swords maiden),(one with fire),(a perfect half breed)


Job- swordswoman

class- sword maiden[12], a magic swordsman[10] (2/4 jobs)

HP- 1850/2850

Mana- 2250/15500

stamina - 2800/2800

Qi-270690/277690( cultivation style dragon and fire spirit )

Cultivation stage- Golden Core Stage 7

Strength:194(dragon have 130 and spirits 60 for fire and half-dragons/spirits or 18)

vitality: 285 ( these is times 10 for dragons of all types )


Intellagens:155 (this stat for mana and thinking speeds)

Mind:126-->136 (+20)(bonus from the necklace and for focus on spirits powers )

defenses - 0

Luck: 45-->75 (+30 from one of the rings )

Status effects/ailments

Cursed/blessing - these can be seen as a blessing or a curse your existence and power are derived from the legends of your spirit bloodline the more people know of it and believe in it the more powerful you are and live for.[{Edited}people need to sustain life 549/200 and above need to be great spirit 2035 ](AN: now that the MC has changed the value of need to live she has gained a huge boost in power and those who are closest to her bloodline will feel these changes. also, do you want me to add her skills and abilities of all characters )


(AN I'm sorry for leaving for a week I'm just writing theses for fun so sorry if I'm not doing what i said in the description of the book)

(4 hours earlier)

As I and Jennifer were making our way from the campsite we started our way to Hearthstone, by flying which will take 10 more hours if we rush and 12 if we take our time flying. Through our flying, I was talking with Ava about a few things on our way.

Charles: ' hey ava is it ok for me to introduce new types of techniques, items, and more to this world ok? Are there like real gods that would stop me not just cultivators who are like one step into demi-god territory or divinity?'

Ava: 'it is up to the admin to do what he wants also unless it has a more impact to the world like you editing the mana or Qi of a certain area to be high there would be no problem but if you were to I don't know to make it so mana or Qi no longer exist in an area the same thing unless it like the whole world depending on what it is the sure devein punishment or retribution will be placed upon on you and you will be watched by the gods and goddess more for you are an anomaly in their eyes or a threat. If you aren't pushing your look with them and make too much a mess of their world '

Charles: 'So I can literally do almost anything without too much backlash if it doesn't affect the gods too much or the world and if it does they come and beat my ass right?.

Ava: 'correct but I will tell you these don't do something crazy that get unwanted attraction and make something that could get you to kill or other around you'

Charles: "so like editing Jennifer's condition would be fine right?"

Ava: "it depends if on the spirits that watch her and gods that had things planned for her."

After a while, I think of what I'm going to do besides make a shop with a shit ton of things for me and the people of the town to wonder about. I think that if god-like beings are going to be near me I might as well do something about it and make a few items to kill god no matter if they are god or bad.

Charles: 'Ava can you make a new function that shows which gods, goddess, demon gods, entities, and heavy beasts are watching me even if they aren't on these planes/. Realms of existence like the TOATA. also, add their status to me and the alignments and allow me to talk, block them, and other things like a messaging app...Pls.'

Ava: 'as you wish admin, also pls be reminded that some of these gods may not be a true god but cultivators of the heavenly realm or god plain of different worlds or this one they may not be all god as they seem. The creation of these functions will take 5 to 10 hours to finalize and add to the personalization of admins. also to get the permission from the gods and space law, interdimensional laws, and many more to be fully operational but for now, you get the name of the gods that are watching'

Gods and goddess watching

TOATA- watching

Mallory - watching

Artemis- off hunting

(ovdarr) True God of magic- studying magic

Worlds will- always watching 👁

(Katherine)Ture Qi god- cultivating

(god of this world)- offline (?)[AN name and gender them pls]

Cultivator gods and goddess

(gin avorise) The false god of magic- panicking

[ AN: you guys can name some god or goddess you want me to add or your own types of gods if you want, or make your self one. I want to see what you come up with]