Getting Eri Into Class 1A!

The next day, Izuku was woken up by kids jumping on him. "Daddy, wake up! You need to sign us up for school!" Eri yelled, making Izuku groan and pull his kids into his arms so they were all laying down with him. "Haha, Daddy! You need to get up!" Elizabeth said, making Izuku laugh. "Dad! Hurry, I'm hungry!" James yelled, making Izuku laugh and let his kids get up. Izuku got out of bed, "Ok, while I change you guys set the table." Izuku said, the kids ran out of the room at top speed. Izuku got on a white dress shirt and black skinny pants. Izuku walked out of his room and went to the kitchen making pancakes quickly. Izuku and his kids ate the pancakes quickly, but James and Eri ate most of them. After eating Izuku cleaned up, "Okay kids, get dressed! I'm signing you up for school!" Izuku yelled, making his kids run to their rooms getting changed. Izuku put on his shoes and went downstairs to the dinner. Izuku could here feet tobble down the stairs in a rush. Izuku laughed at the sight. Eri had her sweat hanging off his sweater, James had his shirt inside out, and Elizabeth's dress was backwards with lopsided pigtails. "Eri fix your sweater, James fix your shirt, and Elizabeth come here." Izuku laughed out, making them blush in embarrassment. Elizabeth ran over squealing, Izuku caught her and laughed. Izuku fixed her purple princess dress and then got her pigtails straightened out. Izuku picked Elizabeth up and looked at his two other kids and saw they fixed themselves up. Izuku laughed and unlocked the door opening it. Izuku let Eri and James go out first before he walked out and locked the door. Izuku looked around and smiled a sad smile. Eri held Izuku's free hand and smiled up at him, making Izuku smile. "Thanks sweetie, but I'm okay." Izuku said, smiling. James looked at his dad smiling, Izuku and the kids went to the elementary school first. Izuku signed James and Elizabeth up for grade 2 and 7. Their principal was nice and surprised when she saw Izuku.

After that, Izuku did one of the hardest things in a while going back to UA. Izuku was infront of the gate of UA with his kids and ringed the buzzer. "This is principal Nezu speaking, who is this?" he asked, "This is Izuku Midoriya with Eri Midoriya, James Midoriya, and Elizabeth Midoriya." Izuku stated, the gate went open instantly. Izuku walked in with his kids. James, Elizabeth, and Eri were excited and amazed, making Izuku laugh. "Come Eri, James. We are signing Eri up for school." Izuku said, they walked into the school. Some of the older teachers were surprised to see Izuku and Eri. Izuku walked to Nezu's office and knocked, "Come in." came from a voice from inside, Izuku had a weird feeling. When Izuku opened the door a knife came flying at him, making Izuku catch it. "Be careful." Izuku scolded the rat bear thing. Nezu looked at Izuku and smiled warmly at the sight of him with his kids. "Ahh, Izuku! What brings you to this school? We thought we would never see you again." Nezu asked, making Izuku laugh. "I'm here to make you take Eri into the school." Izuku said, smirking. That made Nezu wonder. "It ain't that easy, she has to pass the exam." Nezu said, "She'll pass, I have taught her lots of things. I bet you she will get in. If she gets into this school, I want her in 1A." Izuku said, "And if she doesn't get in?" Nezu asked, "You can have me do anything." Izuku said, winking. Izuku's kids laughed at that. Nezu laughed too, "Deal, Mr. Midoriya." Nezu said, Izuku had camera's pop up in his office in a split second. Eri took her sweater off and gave it to James, "Hey, why are you giving your sweater?!" James yelled, "Take care of it for big sis, while she kicks ass!" Eri said, cracking her knuckles. "Don't swear! That's bad!" Elizabeth yelled from Izuku's arms, making Izuku laugh with Nezu. "Izuku can you show Eri to city C, I will watch your kids while you take her down." nezu said, making Izuku nod his head. Izuku let Elizabeth down onto the ground gently, Izuku looked at James who nobbed and went to his youngest sibling. Izuku went to Eri and they walked out of the office. "I know you can do it, sweetie. I will love you even if you fail this exam. There is nothing stopping you in life except yourself, you got that. Eri you don't need to worry, I will always be a proud father that you and your siblings are my children, even if you guys become villains." Izuku said with a giggle at the end. Eri looked up with her face that had fear in her eyes, but a confident smile, making Izuku laugh and ruffle her hair. "You're cute." Izuku said, "You promise." Eri said, making Izuku laugh. "Yes, baby girl. If you pass or fail we will get ice cream with your siblings after." Izuku said, making Eri squeal with happiness and start running. "Then why are we taking forever to get there, let's get this exam over with." Eri said, making Izuku laugh and run ahead of her in a slow pace so Eri can keep up.

As soon as they made it outside the gate. "You got this, sweetie!" Izuku said, putting his thumb up. Eri giggled and gave him the thumbs up back at him. Izuku disappeared in a flash, leaving Eri at the gate. Izuku was back into the office by walking in. "She's ready!" Izuku said, grinning. Nezu had a glint in his eye, making Izuku laugh and his kids shriek. On the modator. Eri walked through the gates and robots came out. Eri's quirk doesn't work on these, so she used her Martial arts that she was taught by Izuku, it made it easier to destroy them piece by piece. Izuku smiled at her daughter, when she killed 30 of the robots Nezu pushed a red button. A huge robot bigger than the buildings came out, Izuku smiled remembering the first time he saw the robot, Eri had the same face as him, but was running and dodging the lazers. His other two were shaking and praying, making Izuku laugh. "You taught your daughter some great Martial art moves and she has replicable reflexes. Izuku only smiled warmly at this. "She alway's wanted to be a hero, I'm glad that I helped her learn." Izuku said, warmly. Nezu smiled at the warm look that his old student gave looking at the screen. "Fine, you win this deal. Now destroy that robot for you daughter." Nezu said, making Izuku laugh. "Daddy! Be careful!" Elizabeth said, "YOU BETTER NOT DIE, DAD!" James yelled, making Izuku laugh his ass off. "Kids, I'm not going to war. I will destroy it with one punch, ok?" Izuku said, Izuku walked out of the office and ran like the wind, making it into the city in no time. Izuku grabbed his daughter by the waist and used a full counter at 100% and jumped up into the air cracking the ground, making a big hole. Izuku was face to face with the robot and punched it in the face yelling "SSSMMMAAAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHH!!!", making the robot shatter and break to the ground. Izuku landed on the ground, laughing. "I haven't done that in a while." Izuku said, letting his daughter down. But as soon as Eri stood she fainted, making Izuku catch and freak a little, but calmed down quickly. Izuku smiled and kissed Eri's forehead, "Good job, baby." Izuku whispered, as soon as Izuku went back to the office his kids ran up to him with stars in their eyes. "That was so cool!" James shouted, "Ya, I want to be a hero like you daddy!" Elizabeth said, hugging Izuku's leg. Elizabeth clung onto izuku's leg, making Izuku walk with her hanging on his leg. James went onto Izuku's back, Nezu laughed at the scene, "Looks like you still got it, Mr. Midoriya. You know I can give you a hero license, if you would like?" Nezu asked, hoping Izuku would see yes. "That would be great, but I have a cafe to run too." Izuku said, grinning. "Come on dad, can't you do both?" James pouted, making Izuku laugh. "Fine, but I will only show up to fight if it is really needed." Izuku said, laughing at James pouting face. "Sounds good to me, when Eri comes to school tomorrow, make sure you show up too. So we can talk, fill in information, and get your hero licences. Go see recovery girl, she can heal Eri and give Eri her school uniform." Nezu said, making Izuku nob his head and smile. Izuku carried his children down the hall, getting weird looks from student's. Izuku walked into the recovery girls office. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a patient and will need a school uniform, Ms. recovery girl." Izuku said, making the Recovery girl and her patient turn their heads so fast that they got whiplash. "IZUKU!" came from the two voices, making Izuku laugh. "It's me." Izuku said, Izuku laid Eri on the bed. "You silly man, what happened to her?" recovery girl said, "She was fighting robots and daddy destroyed a big robot yelling smash and the robot went BOOM, CRASH, CRACKLE, and shattered it was soooo cool!" Elizabeth said with stars in her eyes, making Izuku, recovery girl, and he patient laugh. Izuku looked over to the skinny skeleton of a man and smiled, Izuku walked up to him and hugged the man. "It's nice to see you again, All might." Izuku said, making All might smile warmly. "It is good to see you too, young Midoriya." the man said, Izuku smiled. "Well, tomorrow. I'm coming to school with Eri and I'm going to get my hero license with Nezu." Izuku said, making All might smile a great big smile. "Dad is being a hero, a cafe owner, and a father at the same time. Ain't that cool!" James said, All might was be withered at that statement. "Looks like you got your plate full, I see." Izuku laughed, "Ya, I guess. But it won't be that hard, I'm only going to do hero work sometimes, cafe mostly during kids are at school or sleeping, and on my days off from cafe go out as a family and do some hero work." Izuku said, making All might laugh. "Plus, he's handsome and a super dad!" Elizabeth added, making Izuku laugh with All might. "What's the childrens names?" All might asked, "The boy is James, the one on the bed is Eri, and the little one on my leg is Elizabeth." Izuku said, smiling. "You should have gotten together with your old classmates and teachers. When they found out you disappeared they were devastated. I didn't tell anyone about you leaving for America except your mother like you asked, but I think it would be good for all of you." All might said, making izuku smile. "That sounds like a good idea, I can invite people to the cafe but I don't have their numbers." Izuku said, laughing. "I can give you them." All might said, "Sooo, who got married or dating?" Izuku asked, curiously. All might laughed at that. "Your going to use it against them aren't you or trick them. Fine I will only tell you if you tell me if your married or dating anyone?" All might said, making Izuku laugh. "Daddy's single, he doesn't want to be in a relationship yet." Elizabeth said, puffing her cheeks. Izuku laughed, "Well, Uraraka and Tysus are married, Kirishima and Bakugou are married, denki and Jiro are married, Tamaki and Ojiro are married, Mina and Sero are married, Mintea is in a relationship with someone, Ayoma and Fumikage are in a relationship, Kouji is married to a lady, Todoroki and momo are married, Mashirao is married to sweet guy, Mezou is dating a women, and Rikidou and Tooru are married." All might said, Izuku sucked it up like a bullet. "Interesting." Izuku said, smirking. All might laughed nervously at that thinking, 'Did I do something wrong by telling him?' All might looked to Recovery girl who walked in with a uniform for Eri. Izuku followed his eyes and it landed on Recovery girl. She placed the clothes in Izuku's hands with a smile. "I'm glad to see you again, Izuku." she said, making Izuku smile. "It's good to see you too." Izuku said, "Now if that girl is like you getting hurt all the time, you will get your butt whooped by me." Recovery girl said, making Izuku laugh. "Don't worry, she will be just fine." Izuku said, smiling. "Hmm, I will watch your kids. I want you to visit Mr. Aizawa." Recovery girl said, making Izuku smile. "Sounds good!" Izuku said, Izuku put Elizabeth on the bed her sister is sleeping in. "Be right back, k?" Izuku said, winking. "K, daddy." Elizabeth said, Izuku looked to james. "See ya, squirt. Watch your sister for me." Izuku said, "You got it!" James said with a thumbs up, making Izuku laugh.

Izuku walked out of the office and went to his old classroom. Izuku knocked on the door with a smile. The door opened to reveal Midnight. "Well, haven't you grown up to be a delicious man." Midnight said, putting a hand on Izuku's chest. "You're still as beautiful as the last time I have seen you." Izuku flirted back, making Midnight giggle. "You want the Caterpillar?" Midnight asked, pointing to the yellow sleeping bag. Izuku laughed at that, "Ya, I will take him off your hands." Izuku said, walking into the class. "DEKU!" came from a young boy. Izuku looked over and saw a young boy he hadn't seen in a long time. "Oh, it's nice to see you again Kota!" Izuku said, the boy jumped out of his seat and hugged Izuku. Where have you been? Are you back to become a hero?" Kota asked, making Izuku laugh. "Well, I was in America and I am getting my license tomorrow. If you want to meet up again, just come to cafe Midoriya, I own the place. Now I need to pick up the homeless man." Izuku said, smiling. Kota let go and had stars in his eyes. "I will definitely go!" Kota said, making Izuku smile and ruffle Kota's hair. "That's good to hear." Izuku said, walking over to the sleeping bag that has Mr. Aizawa in it and lifted it up bridal style. The students were trying to keep in their laughter, while Midnight was taking photo's. "I see Aizawa is still tall as ever." Izuku said, walking out of the room sideways. Izuku walked down the halls getting looks from people. Izuku went to the empty staff room and laid Aizawa on the couch. "Mr. Aizawa, it's me your #1 problem child." Izuku said, making the man golt awake. "What the hell?!" Aizawa yelled, then looked around. Then his eyes landed on Izuku and his eyes widened. Aizawa got out of the sleeping bag and walked up to Izuku. Aizawa hugged the boy, Izuku put his head on Aizawa's chest, hugging back, making Aizawa blush. "It's good to see you again sensei." Izuku said, smiling. "You too, problem child." Aizawa said, "Want to go get coffee?" Izuku asked, Aizawa pulled away and grabbed his sleeping bag. "Sounds good." he said, "Just need to grab my kids." Izuku said, "You have a wife or something?" Aizawa asked, Izuku smirked. "Why are you jealous?" Izuku teased, Aizawa was a little flustered by that. "Just kidding, I'm single. I adopted my kids." Izuku said, Aizawa nobbed, "I see." Aizawa said, following Izuku out of the room to recovery's girl office. "Well, we are going to the cafe. You guys can have Ice cream when you get home." Izuku said, making his kids sprint out of the room and Eri who was in the hospital bed run. Izuku gave All might his card, "Text, call, or come visit." Izuku said, Izuku and Aizawa walked after his kids.