The dates.

Izuku and Aizawa were going on there first date. They were both excited and a little nervous. They arrived to a restaurant. They walked in and got a table, the tables were in little boxed areas. So they were private. The two sat down and looked on the menu.

"What you thinking?" Izuku asked as he glanced through the dishes. "...Dumplings with noodles." Aizawa said, looking at the menu. "Mm.. Sounds good." Izuku said. smiling. "What about you?" Aizawa asked. "I'm going with Katsudon." Izuku said, grinning. "Still love them it seems." Aizawa said, amused. "Yep, they're so good!" Izuku piped up, happily. Aizawa smiled a little at how cute he looks talking about his favorite food. They soon ordered. The two enjoyed there time together, chatting.

The booth beside them sat a boy with short spiky black hair and a girl with long white hair with a horn. The two were staring at eachother blushing. "Its to bad I have to take you home soon.." The boy muttered, making the girl blush. "I don't think my dad would mind if I stay out a little longer.. I can just shoot him a text." The girl muttered, shyly, making the bou smirk. "Is that your way of saying you want to spend more time with me too?" He asked, making the girl flustered. "K-kota-kun!" The girl squeaked, making Kota blush a smidge. "Eri-chan." Kota said, sweetly, making Eri blush furiously and glance away. "How about.. We can walk by the beach.. The full moon should be out tonight." Kota said, making Eri excited. "I would love to do that." Eri said, happily, smiling widely. Kota blushed seeing the big smile she gave him. A waitress pulled up to them and placed a recite down in front of them. "Ah, thank you!" Eri said, a little startled. "Yeah, yeah.." The lady muttered. The two kids looked to the price and paled seeing it was ¥19692.00 ($200).

The two gulped and looked at eachother. They both pulled out there wallets to only have so little each. "So, how are you going to pay?" The waiteress asked. The two glanced at eachother. Both were sweating nervously. They didn't want others know they were out just the two of them so they couldn't call anyone. They were screwed. Then an idea popped in both of there heads at the same time. Both of there faces turned serious. They both stood up ibruply and nodded to eachother. "RUN!!!" They both screamed running away. "AFTER THE 2 TEENS! THEY ARE TRYING TO DINE AND DASH!!!!!" The waiteress yelled, pointing at Eri and Kota. "Oh shit!!!" Eri squeaked. Waitresses, waiters, and security guards tried tackling them or catching them, but there hero lessons payed off and ran off from the restaurant staff easily.

Izuku glanced over to all the commotion. "I swear I heard Eri.. Whats that about?" Izuku said. "I think something about dining and dashing.. Kids are just only trouble." Aizawa muttered, sighing. Izuku laughed a little. "Jeez, I would hate to be those kids parents." Izuku said, smiling. "Yeah, hopefully they get caught and taught a lesson." Aizawa said, before taking a bite of one of his dumplings.

1 hour later through the date.

Aizawa's and Izuku's phone started ringing. They both were surprised the police were calling them. They both answered there phones in a hurry.


Aizawa and Izuku pulled up to the police station both with an annoyed faces. They got out of the car and went into the police station. The two walked in, showing there hero licenses. They went to the back. They saw Eri and Kota in seats by a desk. Both on the verge of crying. Both of them were a mess and full of sand with some scrapes.

"Eri." Izuku said in a demanding voice. "Kota." Aizawa muttered, furious. The two teens paled at the two voices and started shaking. They both slowly looked up like robotically. "D-dad.." Eri muttered. "Don't dad me! What were you thinking! You should have called if you need money. You are both training to be a heroes! You are lucky that they aren't pressing charges." Izuku said, sternly. "You both are on school cleaning duty for 2 weeks with extra homework." Aizawa said, making the two teens cry. "We're sorry!" They cried out bowing. People in the police station sweatdropped a bit at the commotion. "And where are the other friends?" Aizawa asked, sternly, making the two pale and glance away from the two adults. Then it clicked in the couples head that the two were on a date. Aizawa sighed, slicking his hair back with his hand. "Now! Kota take Eri home this instant! And run! If we make it back before you two, I'll kick your asses!" Izuku yelled at them, glaring. The two squeaked. Kota grabbed Eri's hand and pulled her to move. The two then ran off holding hands.

Izuku sighed, he almost wanted to laugh. Aizawa put an arm around Izuku's waist. "Want to get ice cream then follow the two, making comments?" Aizawa asked, making Izuku chuckle. "Yeah." Izuku muttered. The two walked out and got ice cream, beforing getting into there car. They drove off, until they found Eri and Kota infront of the dinner. They parked and rolled down there windows. They stuck there heads out as they both enjoyed there ice cream. The two listened in on the young couple, watching them.

"Sorry for pulling you off to the beach area.. The sand just slowed us down.." Eri muttered. "Thats okay, I'm not angry. Its my fault we had to run through a kid park. We almost killed that little girl by running her over." Kota muttered. "Yeah... Though the that cop finished that little girl off when he was running.. But to be honest.. It was a little fun running away from the cops with you..." Eri muttered, blushing a smidge. Kota blushed a smidge. "Yeah... Maybe if you want.. We can go on a 2nd date sometime." Kota muttered. Eri became flustered at this. "Yeah... I would like that. And maybe something the doesn't cost money." Eri said, making Kota chuckle rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, that sounds great and finally have that walk at the beach." Kota said, smiling. Eri smiled warmly at this.

Eri hugged Kota, making the boy blush bright red. The two became pitch red, becoming overwhelmed with there feelings. The two shyly looked to eachother. "Yeah... I can't wait.." Eri muttered, softly. Kota blushed. "Me too.." He muttered. The two slowly leaned into eachother and gently kissed eachother for a split 2 seconds. The two were both blushing harshly as there hearts pounded harshly as they stared at eachother.

"YOU CALL THAT A FUCKING KISS!!!" Izuku yelled, making both of the teens heads shoot to the car. "You guys are going to make me vomit by how lovey dovey you guys are." Aizawa said, blankly. "Hahaha! Don't get my daughter pregnant or I'll chop it off!" Izuku yelled at him. "Get a room if your going to kiss." Aizawa said. Eri and Kota were very embarrassed and flustered almost frozen.

Kota ran away as Eri ran inside. Once it was empty they two adults chuckled darkly. They sat back in there car seats properly. "I feel more satisfied now." Izuku muttered. Aizawa hummed softly and kissed Izuku's cheek as he turned on the radio. The two finished there ice cream, before going into Izuku's place.

They heard commotion upstairs as they walked in. Loud music was playing through out the building.

The two walked upstairs. Once they made it up, the place looked like a party explosion. Present Mic and James were in princess gowns with full on makeup and wigs as they sang karaoke as Elizabeth and Midnight were in a kitchen, making a big mess baking.

The two adults sweatdrop, but didn't really care for it at the time. They didn't want to deal with it today. The two quietly went into Izuku's room. They two showered together having some fun quietly, before going to bed, leaving the 4 in livingroom to themselves.