Jack examined his capper pistol that he obtained recently. The gun is very nice looking,(hope someone posts a picture of the capper so I don't have to describe it) and Jack put the gun to the side and took out the Original.
The Original for some reason was close to his groin and Jack was afraid of his rocket jumping ability with that near his groin.
Speaking of which, Jack wanted to try and rocket jump. So he readied the Original at the ground, jump, then fired before hitting the ground. He went flying across the ground and collided with a tree.
Ouch that really hurt!
Jack dusted himself off and began to continue walking when he alerted by the system with a new skill.
[Host has granted a new skill: Rocket Jumping Level 1]
Description: You've taken your first steps to taking control of the sky, less chance of blowing your legs off by self damage.
Jack fist pumped and was smiling at the notification.
"With this I can move fast and kill robots a lot quicker."
#Sir, Some of our drones have been destroyed by an unknown person.
@What do you mean an unknown person, the database should know everyone on the planet. Find out who this person is and send a Hunter to dispose of this flesh bag.
(A/N: I like this story and saw the review and wanted to get back into writing this so maybe some more chapters soon)