About the earpods, the previous day, while waiting for the day the siege would start, I enchanted four small earpods (one of those Bluetooth ones that would fit snugly on one's ears) that could be used for our communication purposes. The three of us had it and one would be left for Seth once we accomplished what we came for.
Liu Qing and I slipped inside the castle as discreetly as possible. Of course, we still had our dalaketnon disguise which I really hoped wouldn't be seen through. We had studied the castle's layout with the help of Abian and plotted a route to head to the northern tower. Of course, we didn't know the specific room where Gwen was, so we had to take a guess which room, or maybe even cell, she was placed in.
We stuck to the shadows as we moved forward. Unfortunately, when we reached the entrance that would give us access to the northern tower, another alarm sounded.