Training Plan.

The airship docked to the pier and the entry hatch opened. You Xi Wang and You Zhichi stepped out of the ship with others in tow. Many people wearing woolen attires stood there. You Xi Wang waved at them as he approached with a quick step. He was rushing to give his aunt a hug, but he obstructed by a muscle mountain. The man grabbed the back of his jacket and lifted him up in the air. You Xi Wang said nothing just used Azure dragon step. The man looked surprised as he saw the empty jacket in his hands. 

"Hehehe... the third uncle, you have gotten slower. Is the old age catching up with you?" You Xi Wang teased the man. This man was the third and youngest brother of his mother. This man was called Chen Qiang. He was an initial primal soul realm cultivator. The Chen family second generation was better than You family, but that was because the people in this family were always contending with the dark forces and were tempered by constant bloodshed.