Poor General.

You Xi Wang's remark shocked the whole court even the queen herself did not expect such an outburst from him. 

You Xi Wang stayed unaffected and asked, "I have always heard that elves are close to nature and would do nothing to destroy it, yet you guys went forward with the creation of an artificial earthen substance? Are you serious? This is blasphemy." he spoke as if he, himself was an elf. 

The team did not understand why the captain was so irritated and triggered. How were they to know that he was a traveler from another world, who grew up reading about the fantasy races? You Zhichi patted his back and said, " Calm down. Let her finish." 

She turned to the queen and spoke in a soft voice, "I apologize for my brother's rudeness, Your Majesty. He is a kid, I hope you will be generous."