War God Charge.

You Xi Wang ignored what the people behind him talked about or thought. He came and stood at the edge of the firing range of the phasor canons. He spoke in his mind, 'This is it. One step forward and the canons will fire.'

The system spoke, [Yes, these things are already locked onto you. It seems they can locate the target from a distance further than 2 kilometres.]

You Xi Wang nodded and spoke, 'Indeed, but this is good at least we know that the scouting visor is working. If I charge using azure dragon steps, the detection system might get confused. What do you think?'

The system spoke, [Every martial art has three layers, minor accomplishment, a major accomplishment, And Mastery. Your azure dragon step is stuck in minor accomplishment. It won't be able to help you rush unscathed through this firing range. Though we can use muscle enhancement to increase the chances it won't make much of a difference.]