
Unaware of the decisions taken by Maddison, You xi Wang came out of the room, held Yuki's jade hand, and walked to the infirmary. The girl did not ask anything except, "Are you okay?"

You Xi Wang nodded as he continued to lead her by her hand. Yuki walked closer to his ear and whispered, "Can you help me in breaking through the primal soul realm?"

You Xi Wang glanced at her and smiled, "With pleasure my love."

Yuki looked around and pecked his lips gently. The two then walked forward to the infirmary. Outside the infirmary gate, he found his three friends. He asked, "How is the situation of the people?"

Allan spoke, "The two males are fine but Gena is under critical care unit. To keep the bugs away she ate a boosting pill. Her body is now severely over-drafted but apart from this everything is fine. Don't worry much they placed her inside the critical care unit to take care of her better."

Fenny said, "Why did you rush in. alone?"