
You Xi Wang stood in front of the tunnels along with his team. He said with his back to the people, "When you go inside these dark holes, remember the light in your heart. Remember that there are people waiting for you back home. Remember that only with a calm can you get past the storm. Your best friends, the people who walk the path of life and death along with you, are also by your side. 

Do not let go of the spark inside the eyes that sent you here. The dark inside is not eternal. Think of being a traveler in the night, you will be surrounded by dark, but it is not without the dawn that you will bring. We are the phantoms. We dwell in the dark to bring light to the hearts of those, who need it. 

We are the phantoms of hope, and we never break down. Men! Pick up your arms, we fight this darkness." 

The last few words were said loudly, the people behind him roared, "Hoo-ah."