
You Xi Wang commanded and the ship entered the rock belt. The pilot crew moved the ship according to his instructions. Fenny asked, "Your tunnel will stay clear for how long?" 

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "I cast binding array around the open space, but this thing is very fast, the faster it the greater impact, so I am not aware how long. Make the ship advance at full speed." 

Fenny nodded and said, "Good." 


Outside on the surface, Aaron and Jackob were gazing at the starboard side of the ship. That was where they were afraid of a stay meteor to come and intercept them. They were fully aware of the impact a collision can cause them. The two people were on full alert. 

As soon as the ship completely entered the meteor belt, You Xi Wang mobilized his spirit sense. He was not completely recovered so he decided to help the people differently. He was sitting in the captain's chair.