Magical girl 1
"Anyone have Grief seeds?"
Magical girl 2
"I got none"
Magical girl 6
"we don't have one if we could have we can teleport anyone out of here..."
"You girls should leave me here, even if we have a grief seed The maximum of People can teleport is 7"
"No! We can't Left you alone!"
"I Already Block there Mind on the accidents"
Magical Girl 1
"... Ok we will go to the different city, Im sure we will encounter a member their"
Cassidy stop walking
"I will stay"
Magical girl 1
"I don't wanna see Aseey alone, Roselle will be Worried when she's better"
"No you Idiot! Follow them!"
"Just go! *Push Cassidy*"
Couple of minutes
Magical girl 1
"Just Follow me where near the Other City"
Magical girl 2
"I use to live here so Your not custom here so just follow me-"
Magical girl 3
"Wait where she is?!?"
Magical girl 5
"She stop Following us a few minutes ago"
The Night light shine to the wilderness,
Aseey Stud in a tree and sit beside it.
Aseey talks to the grief seeds
"Hey Rose, How does it feel to become a witch?
"I know you will be Angry at me Giving up life before i become a Soldier"
"I can Imagine You Screaming or laughing at me... And the moment you become a witch... I was scared to kill you off,so I run away i don't know how to Tell Cassidy What happened to you, I was Scared"
"But hey If your in Heaven or hell Just called my name ok?"
"I will be in your side"
A familiar face stud by the shadows
"Wait... Roselle become a witch?"
"Ca-Cassidy i-"
Cassidy fall on her
"oh God!.. Her soulgem!?"
("I guess this is good bye Rose")
"Her soulgem... it's Draining too fast!... there's only one thing to do..."
"I know this the only think that I will do, i don't have any more time"
"Cassidy... i know that you will forgot about me because of my magic'
*Purified Cassidy's Soulgem*
"Then will fighting my witch without Remembering us"
A marble sounds can be heard