Chapter 33


(Now that my Brother knows that Im a magical girl, i hadn't tell him about the truth of all of it, and i wanted to be that way, i don't wanna burden him or my family either)


"Huh so your Brother finds out that your a magical girl?" Charles Slice the Familiar, and move to a Higher ground *Slice*

"Yeah, i don't know what to respond after the conversation yesterday, i don't wanna burden them you know?" Cassidy Binds the two Familiar and Charles Slice it both

"Well if He's being Pushy then tell him the truth" Charles Slice the wall and goes inside

"I will think of that..." Cassidy goes inside

"Well we found a the witch layer, We don't have any information about this witch" Cassidy

"Well is fun to find the enemies weakness" Charles Attack the witch

"Don't just... *Exhale*" Cassidy Rush in and Bind the witch

"Thank you" Charles Summon 2 More scythe and Slice the witch

The Witch Attack and suddenly Charles can't move

"Shit i got Caught of something" While trying to get free

"I will make some time" Cassidy Bind the witch "before it attack"

Charles gets free and move besides to Cassidy

"Can you bind it a little longer?"

"I could, i will try"

Cassidy Jump in the air and land in one of the Pillar and Bind the witch

"Charles Now!"

The Witch tries to Cut the String

"No you don't!"

Cassidy Reinforge the String by another Material

"Okay Im done!"

Charles Summoned 4 shadows and teleport inside of the Shadow and Slice the witch


The witch layer fade away and a grief seed was Drop

*Exhale* "Well how much more than we need?" Charles sit in the floor

"Probably 3 or 4 More"

"Also i wanna ask, Why do you want to go to Kamihama anyways?"


(my main goal is to know who's the one who killed of Walpurgisnacht, and the Organisation of the Wing of magius... It's been 2 months after the Incidence... and 1 and half month when i got to kamihama... I learn alot of thing... how we're just a fuel to the universe and we're been fighting despair magical girls...)

"Hey Cassidy, Hello? Snap out of it"

Cassidy wake up in her Day dream

"Huah? ah"

"You been Staring at this wall for Couple of minutes without blinking are you alright?"

"Im fine i just, never mind let's go hunt some more"

Cassidy Sense something

"Familiar?" Cassidy look at the Corridor

"Don't kill it" Charles Whisper

"Oh yeah i forgot"



"Oh hi Kyubey" While eating

"Oh Dianne, Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing im waiting for my sister to come home"

Kyubey Sit beside of Dianne

"Well She's is busy hunting witches she's probably going home"


"Hey Kyubey why do Sis and you hate Each other?"

"I don't know what do you mean hate, is more like a misunderstand of context"

"Well the last time you visit me, You got slice in half, I was scared but Sis Said that You can't die"

Kyubey Stand up.

"Well i do have Multiple of Spares, But i don't wanna waste them doe"

"But every time i saw Sis She some how Talking to herself and also Tired, is her job really Necessary?"

"Being A magical girl is a hard job if you see it by your self"

"If i wish it, Can you do it?" Dianne Stares at Kyubey

"Well it depends what you wish for" Kyubey tilt his head