Chapter 3

Around three hours before noon Y/n finally woke up. Not ready whatsoever for a day of teaching, but somewhat prepared for a day of rushed training. The first thing he did was take a quick shower and then go downstairs to eat some breakfast.

He opened the fridge to see a disappointing sight.

"Awww, why? I just went to town for food yesterday and now I have to go again for... for some stupid cereal." Y/n sighed. "Screw it I'll go I don't even care I need me some cereal." He closed the fridge and left the house to go around town.

This time Y/n went to an actual store, looking for some decent cereal to eat. Just in case he ever saw himself in the same situation ever again he bought at least five boxes for security.

"Alright, got the goods. Now, let's see what time it is..." Y/n uncovered part of his wrist wrap and checked the time on his watch. It was very cheap but it did the job. "Ooo I'm late. Considerably late." He stood still for a moment and looked down at the bags of cereal. "Eh, worth it." Y/n said.

He quickly flew home and grabbed a bowl to eat. Y/n was already late so he decided to take his time. Once done, he cleaned the kitchen and put the other boxes away since he never actually put them in the fridge he just left them out on the table.

By the time that was done around an hour and forty-five had passed. At the time Y/n was calm but instantly got stressed when finding out he would only have an hour and fifteen minutes of training. Supposing he got to the Holuwa Mountains in an instant.

"Ah, why is this day going so bad?" Y/n put his hands to his hips and sighed. "You know when you think about it, it is my fault that my day is going down so I can't really complain."

After thinking for a moment Y/n left the house and went to the mountains to train. It took him about ten minutes to get there so he only had an hour and five minutes to do as much training as possible.

"You're late." Sage pointed out once he arrived.

"Yeah I know, but I had to take a little detour." Y/n responded.

"Where to?" Neros asked.

"Shops." Y/n answered. "There was no cereal and I need me some breakfast with cereal."

Sage slightly smiled as he shook his head.

"We just ate energy bars, and then came here. Didn't really bother with the cereal thing." Neros said.

"Really? Damn, you sure you don't want some cereal?" Y/n asked.

"I say we're fine, I think we could last," Sage told him.

"I guess, suit yourselves." Y/n shrugged. "Now let's get going."

For the next few hours, the three brothers trained together, hoping to improve their abilities. Y/n specifically, worked on perfecting his ki control, improving his techniques, and improving his reflexes. Trying to get faster as he did them. He also worked on the bigger scale of things. Trying to make his own finishing move or ultimate attack.

What he had in mind was more of a combo move. Starting with what consisted of many strikes to the body to weaken the opponent, then a powerful beam followed by a stronger second. The first beam would endanger his counterpart, and the second would finish the job.

Unfortunately for the mountains, they would be Y/n's test subjects. While he did that Sage focused on being more effective, figuring out ways to put more power into his attacks. Along with Neros he also tried using different combos for battle. Seeing what would work for him.

Neros observed attentively, trying to figure out his brothers' weaknesses as he focused on defense and overall strength. The youngest of the three also tried working on his counterattacks and condition. In case he wasn't the strongest then he wanted to make sure he could last long enough until he could take the upper hand.

This was something Y/n also focused on except he ignored it for the day so he could focus on his techniques. It wasn't too long until he eventually got tired because of his lack of conditioning.

"Aw jesus, I'm knackered." Y/n panted as he went to sit down.

Sage and Neros stopped their exercises and went over to him.

"Well to be fair you've been forcing yourself beyond your limits by repeatedly pushing yourself as much as you could even though your body couldn't handle it," Sage said.

"I think you should stop," Neros suggested. "Before you blow up."

"N-no... I need to continue." Y/n insisted. "I need to continue if I want to get better ... or... or have any chance... at improving my skills in combat."

Y/n panted as he got up, he was barely able to stand but forced himself to continue.

"Yo, you need to stop," Neros said. "Take a break."

"No." Y/n shook his head.

"You're too tired, you're not gonna improve just stop for today," Sage told him.

"No, I need to keep going!" Y/n yelled, firing his most powerful attack yet. "Watch, I'll be alright."

Before Sage or Neros could say something they noticed a beam heading straight for Y/n. As it soared passed the mountains they noticed it was actually Y/n's attack from just a few seconds ago.

"Y/n watch out!" Neros pointed at the large beam behind him.

Sage flew up as fast as he could, trying to push Y/n out of the way. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough.

Meanwhile, Y/n quickly turned around to see the attack. He put his hands up but he was too weak to protect himself, the beam ended up hitting him straight on.


There was a big cloud of smoke in the sky, after a few moments Y/n's body fell from it. Sage and Neros quickly rushed to see how their brother was doing. When they arrived they saw that parts of his clothes were torn, and he was slightly bleeding.

"Ow, that hurt- tch." Y/n managed.

Neros sighed and shook his head as he and Sage helped him up.

"Well, karma's a bitch ain't it. You should've stopped when we told you to." Sage said.

"Yeah yeah I know." Y/n sighed.

"Your kinda different today," Sage told him.

"Wha- What do you mean?" Y/n asked.

"It's like you're smushing your daily training into an hour's worth, like if you don't have the usual time for training with us. You may have been late but we could've just stayed or continued until you were done." Neros said.

"Yeah, cause I don't have the time. Well, at least not for today." Y/n replied.

"How come?" Sage asked.

"Well yesterday when I ran into Liz, I also ran into Amina. She helped me out a little and then we had a conversation. At the end of it, she asked if I could train her for the entire day tomorrow, or what would now be called today basically." Y/n explained.

"And you said yes," Sage replied.

"Yep," Y/n nodded, sitting on a rock. "We agreed this afternoon. Then after that Liz also said she wanted to chime in. It was all good and fine but then I realized how little time I would have. I noticed then that I messed up and that I would need to rush things if I wanted to stay on track and not mess up a day of training.."

"So you're basically trying to condense the training you get from around five to six hours into a mere hour." Sage inquired.

"Yep, you got me. Gotta stay consistent or at least keep the even progress system one way or another." Y/n told him.

"Wow." Sage simply said.

"Such dedication." Neros clapped his hands.

"Yeah yeah," Y/n waved a hand and rolled his eyes at Neros' gesture. "What time is it? How much time is left before noon?"

Neros thought for a moment, "About ten I think."

"You should be on your way, but are you sure you want to go now. Cause your um." Sage put a hand towards Y/n.

"Looking like a dead horse." Y/n finished off his sentence.

"Yeah, that." Sage nodded as he retracted his hand.

"Thought so," Y/n ran a hand through his hair as he looked to the side. "But."

"But what?" Sage raised a brow.

Y/n sighed, "I can't disappoint. I have to help them."

"Hmm..." Sage rubbed his chin. "Then-"

"Maybe we can come with you," Neros suggested.

"Huh? Come with me?" Y/n questioned, turning to him.

"Yeah, I mean with your current condition you probably won't last the full class. One hour and you're out, your done mate." Neros said.

"Good point." Y/n agreed. "Alright fine, sure, you guys can come with."

"Alright then let's get going, but we better take you to the doctors or something. Unless you want to stop back home." Sage floated up.

"No I'm fine," Y/n shook his head.

"No you're not, you're injured." Sage floated down.

"Well, then that's why we're going to Amina's. She told me yesterday that she could help me if I was ever hurt. So might as well do that." Y/n replied.

"Alright fine, we'll do that then." Sage floated back up.

"Sweet," Y/n smiled.

"Well follow along." Sage flew away.

Y/n and Neros quickly followed with Y/n needing his younger brothers support in the air. Around 20 minutes later they arrived in front of the home of Amina, May, and Liz. Sage knocked on the door and waited for a response, no one answered but after knocking again someone answered the door. It was May, the oldest of the three.

"Hello. Who-, oh it's you three, Sage, Y/n, and Neros." May said in an unhappy tone.

"Nice to see you too," Y/n waved.

"So what brings you three here," May asked.

"Y/n's here to go out with your sister Amina," Neros answered.

"What!?" May clenched her fist.

"Wait, what the? Hold up. No no no, in no way is that true!" Y/n frantically waved his hands. "Long story short, met your sisters near the markets yesterday and we made a deal for today."

"What was the deal?" May asked, bringing a fist up.

"Jeez, put your fist down it was only for me to train them." Y/n told her. "They asked me about it so I said yeah sure I'll help you."

May put her fist down and gave a weird look, "Really?"

"Yeah, really." Y/n nodded.

After a moment May gave a sad look.

"Something wrong?" Sage asked.

"Nothing, just that I usually teach and train with them," May explained. "But whatever, go ahead."

"Well to be fair you still can, because right now I'm not really at my best." Y/n said.

"I can tell," May noticed his injuries.

"Yep." Y/n looked himself up and down.

May opened her mouth to say something but her mother, Talena, also the mother of Amina and Liz, called for her name.

"Yes, mother?" May asked, turning back.

"Do we have visitors?" Talena asked.

"Yeah, it's Sage, Y/n, and Neros," May answered.

"Well ask them if they would like to come in," Talena told her oldest one.

"You guys wanna come in?" May asked.

"Sure." The three brothers nodded.

Sage and Neros went in as Y/n trudged and laid down on the floor next to one of the sofas. Eventually, he sat up and leaned against it, turning to the kitchen as he heard someone coming. He rubbed his eyes and noticed it was Amina, she was eating her cereal and wasn't wearing much clothes.

Just a white shirt and her underwear insight.

"Hey Amina, how's it going?" Y/n greeted.

Amina noticed him and spat out her cereal.

"Looking good," Y/n smiled.

Amina looked herself up and down, slightly going red knowing Y/n could see her underwear.

Y/n opened his mouth to tell her something else but his head was smacked by May.

"Disgusting, can't you tell she's not changed yet and you're out here looking!" May snapped.

"Like I was supposed to know she was just wearing panties down there." Y/n rubbed his head.

Out of embarrassment Amina quickly left the area and into her room to shower and then change. After what felt like hours of waiting Amina finally came back as the three brothers and Liz were waiting for her.

"O-oh hey, Y/n!" She greeted nervously. "Are you here to help me and Liz get stronger?"

"Yep, " Y/n smiled and nodded. "But because of a little incident this morning you're gonna get the help of two extra teachers."

Amina glanced at Sage and Neros before giving them a wave.

"Now are you two ready?" Y/n asked.

"As ready as I can be, " Liz told them.

"Well I'm here aren't I, " Amina said.

"Well... good to hear then, " Y/n replied. "Now let's head over to the Holuwa Mountains.

"Holuwa Mountains?" May questioned.

"Yeah, something wrong with that?" Y/n asked.

"I thought you were gonna go outside or something," May answered.

"Well the mountains are where we can create as much destruction as we want to while getting away with it," Neros spoke up.

"Hmm... I guess, " May shrugged.

"Let's head over then." Y/n clapped his hands together.

"I'm coming as well, " May told them. "I trust Sage but not you two." She pointed at Neros and Y/n.

The two brothers looked at each other in confusion.

"Well, it's settled then let's go, " Sage got up and led the way.

Y/n and Neros glanced at him before shrugging it off and following along. The girls did the same and in time they arrived at the training site.

"We're here," Sage told the girls as they landed.

They took a moment to look around and explore the area.

"You guys train here?" Liz inquired.

"Yeah, every day. Almost." Neros said.

"This area looks like an old war site," Amina stated. "Everything's destroyed."

"Oh, yeah." Y/n scratched his head. "Pretty much. But I mean, we train and fight here. So it's not all gonna be pretty like you."

"What?" Amina turned to him, face slightly warm.

"I said we train and fight here. So it's not a gonna be pretty." Y/n repeated.

"Oh, ok. I just thought... you said something else." Amina looked back at the mountains.

"Maybe I did, " Y/n said.

Amina glanced back at him, face getting a little warm again.

"Anyway, " Y/n began. "What do you two want to start off with?"

"What do you mean?" Liz asked.

"Like practice techniques, get faster, master ki control, etc." Sage quickly explained.

"We don't usually practice things specifically, we usually just spar," May told him.

"Any techniques or fighting styles that you always practice while sparring?" Y/n asked.

May thought for a moment, "Not really just the basics from school but that's like common knowledge. Nothing you can improve from that... Or maybe, actually, Liz probably coordinates while fighting with her gadgets or something."

"No, I just throw or use them when I need to," Liz said. "I don't really coordinate with them."

"Oh well, this is a problem." Y/n tapped chin, thinking of what to do.

"I think we could teach them basic battle strategies and fighting styles," Neros suggested.

"That could work, " Y/n nodded.

"So let's start off with that then, " Sage said.

"Alright, still kinda hurt and tired from earlier though." Y/n rubbed a shoulder.

"Oh, here have this." Amina reached into Liz's pocket and pulled out a couple of plants. She then got a small bowl and went over to Y/n.

"Uh, you want me to eat a plant?" Y/n tilted his head.

"No silly here hold this, " Amina passed him the bowl to hold onto.

She then got the plants and crushed them in her hands. As they fell she got out an object to start mashing them until they became a liquid.

"Now here drink this, " Amina pressed the bowl against Y/n's lip.

The saiyan stared at her and then down at the bowl before reluctantly drinking. After a moment his eyes were full of different colors and there was a small sparkly aura that covered him as his injuries were healed.

"Woah, " Y/n looked himself up and down after a few moments. He felt tingly.

"Healed?" Amina asked.

"Yeah, definitely, " Y/n brought his hands up and looked at them. His power had been restored and he felt that his abilities increased.

"Did his abilities increase as well?" Sage asked.

"Not quite, " Liz told them. "They may have been given a boost but it's only a temporary one. Though, the effect gives more speed than strength. 10% towards strength and 20% speed."

"I feel weird, " Y/n stated. "But overall, my power level will still be at 62.5M(Million) right?"

"Yep, " Liz nodded.

"I see, well, I can't complain about that healing me was enough as it is." Y/n replied.

"It really sucks, you deserve to keep that boost," Amina said.

"You think?" Y/n turned to her.

"No I know, " Amina responded.

Y/n smiled, "Thanks."

"You're welcome, " Amina smiled back.

May coughed, "So, where's the training in all of this?"

"Oh, right, " Y/n got back on track. "Training... well, I don't have much to say but, let's do this."