Chapter 11

Y/n: Great job, you really showed yourself out there Taz.

Taz: Thanks, but I'm tired... kinda done for.

Kore: You need to rest.

Taz: Course.

Y/n: Don't worry, I got you.

Kore: Huh?

Y/n: Liz.

Skip: The one with all the gadgets?

Taz: The girl that saved me right. What about her.

Y/n: She has something that can restore your energy back. It's a... super bean.

Taz/Kore/Skip: Super Bean?

Sage: You'll see.

You walk around the tournament center until you find Amina.

Y/n: Hey Amina.

Amina: Oh God! Hmph... you scared me.

Y/n: Oops, but do you know... actually do you have one of those beans.

Amina: You mean a senzu.

Y/n: Yeah.

She pulls out a small pouch that looks like it's full of them.

Amina: Here... oh, by the way, these are better.

You observe the bean for a moment but only notice a small difference. The color of them went from green to blue.

Y/n: Are they better because... they're blue now?

Amina: Appearance isn't everything.

Y/n: Of course, I knew that.

She goes on to explain the differences.

Amina: You just have to be mildly... the point where your tired and can't go on fighting for a long time anymore tired, yeah. In terms of injury, a little more lenient but still around the point of collapse. Also, the boost is now 30% rather than the 20 you got before.

Y/n: Cool.

You stood there looking at the bean on your hand. You didn't notice you were there for a while, at that point it became awkward.

Amina: Umm... Y/n.

You snapped out of your daydream.

Y/n: Huh? Oh uh... how long was I daydreaming for?

She giggled.

Amina: Doesn't matter, but here.

Y/n: Five more, for what?

Amina: Your group, and two for yourself.

Y/n: Why would I need tw... oh, I get it. I see how it is, you think the prince is goi...

Amina: Hey common it's not like that.

Y/n: Yeah yeah, I know. Everyone's waiting for the big paper view which is going to be one-sided because in no way can a middle or low-class beat an elite. No no no, its imposs-

Amina: I just think you'll have trouble.

Y/n: Because?

Amina: What do you mean.

Y/n: Elite Prince>Not Elite Me.

Amina: No, it's just that...

She rests her head on your left shoulder while looking down and holding your hand.

Amina: I...

May: Amina! Where did you go? They're going to reveal who's facing who in the first round!

She lets go of you, and behind here you can see May looking around.

Amina: Gotta go.

She leaves, and you fly away to give Taz a senzu, an improved senzu.

Y/n: Here.

Neros: Did she have any? Your little adventure took long.

Y/n: Nope just... something.

Taz ate the bean.

Taz: Woah, this really packs a punch.

Y/n: Increased your power by 30%.

Kore/Skip: 30%.

Sage: Thought it was 20%.

Y/n: Used to. These are improved... but I'll explain later. One thing though, is that you can see one difference which is the color.

Neros: Green to Blue.

Y/n: Yep.

Sage: Our Round One opponents are going to be revealed in a minute.

Kore: Let's go.

You quickly head over to the front where the matches are going to be revealed. You had to wait ten minutes before the draw had finished. You didn't pay attention to all the matchups, just the ones that concerned you.

Round One

• Y/n vs. Zorb

• Sage vs. Tye Mont

• Neros vs. Hoffs

• Amina vs. Giovan

• Taz vs. Potus

▪︎ Kore vs. Reev

• Skip vs. Dino

... and of course.

• Prince Victor vs. Lex

After hearing that you were doing mini warmups, as the judge put papers with the matchups in a container to decide who was going to fight first.

?: I volunteer first. I wanna see what the mid-class runt is made out of.

Sage: I think that guys referring to you.

Y/n: Yeah I think so as well.

Ring Announcer: Um excuse me, sir, what's your name?

?: It's Zorb.

Ring Announcer: Now let's see here... your opponent is Y/n... now do we have contestant Y/n here?

You walk through the crowd and say your present.

Ring Announcer: Alright folks, the first matchup of the tournament, and now let's see the re-

Zorb: No, I want to fight now.

Zorb was angry and ugly. He had black short hair and a mustache, no beard. He was big and tall, but you were sure his size had more fat than muscle.

He wore a battle suit like yours, (your battle suit was basically Vegeta's battle suit in DBZ/DBS but the color of the long sleeves and pants were dark blue) except it was short-sleeved and he wasn't wearing pants but shorts.

They were black while the upper body portion of the armor was basic white.

Ring Announcer: Listen, buddy-

Y/n: Oh don't worry I'll end it quickly.

Zorb: Look at this kid, think you'll match up to my 1,200,000,000.

Y/n: Yeah I'll beat within seconds.

Ring Announcer: You know what it seems like you can't wait so we'll start now.

Zorb: Yes.

Moments Later.

In the palace.

Prince Victor: Let's see what he's made of when it comes to Zorb.

Queen Victoria: Seems like your very interested in this middle-class.

Prince Thomas: Why? Just a runt.

Princess Melissa: I heard he and that saiyan got into a... fiddle.

King Vegeta: Anything you want me to do son.

Prince Victor: No, this saiyan is mine. I'll show him what it means to defy the almighty prince, especially the Vegeta family line.

Back at the ring.

Ring Announcer: Alright you two, you know it. First to be knocked out or taken out of the ring wins. Now... Go!

Zorb: Raagh!

You couldn't bother wasting your energy on him so you decided to go with a full-power punch to the kidney.

Zorb: Gah, Gah, Grr.

He went on his knees and started spitting out blood.

The crowd shocked.

Zorb: How?... so much... pain. From a... low-class

Y/n: *sigh* it's middle!

You go for a full-power punch to the face, knocking him out. You then proceed to kick him out of the arena, just to add extra class.

Y/n: We done now.

Ring Announcer: Uh... contestant Y/n wins by...

You interrupt to shout a message.

Y/n: Just to add, I knocked him out... and took him out of the arena. Both, not just one.

Ring Announcer: Well, he wins by both via knock out and ring out!

You look up at the palace and find the Vegeta family sitting down on a patio. You then start to shout again.

Y/n: You hear that Victor, both, not just one! Both! Me, a middle-class, did this in what... seconds!

At the palace.

Prince Victor: Oh I heard. I'll show you soon, what it means to be a real warrior.