Chapter 15

It was time, Taz would have to face Kore. At this point, Taz's journey throughout this tournament would end. Many said that he was way overdue, but that didn't matter, because it didn't change the fact he still made it to the second round. Kore, this was a usual placement for him, almost.

Ring Announcer: Start in... 3... 2... 1... GO!

Taz dashed to Kore to kick him, but Kore jumped away and gave him a kick of his own. Taz was now sliding and hitting the ground, his face practically ate the concrete. Taz got up and wiped the blood off his right cheek. The fight starting up again but this time Kore was the one who attacked. He jumped up going for a hard hit, Taz blocked and hit him away with his two feet.

He then started his combo but Kore recovered and punched him down. Kore started his attack as soon as Taz got up, he started firing countless amount of ki- blast. Followed by dashing down and punching Taz across the face. Taz proceeded to stop himself and disappear behind Kore for a ki-blast that blasted him away; almost to the edge of the ring.

He continued with a barrage of punches and kicks which were blocked by Kore. Kore didn't last long as Taz kept on attacking, while gradually wasting energy; he was gonna try to knock him off. His guard fell and he was open, that's when Taz saw his chance but Kore moved away kicking him almost off the ring. He held on to the edge of the concrete without touching the ground, he then lifted himself up.

Kore: You wasted half your energy on that.

Taz: I know, I just thought I had to go all out, and early if I was going to win this. No need to hold back.

Kore: Hmph... let's keep going.

They once again dashed to attack. During this sudden clash, it looked as if they were equal, trading blow for blow before Kore got the lead again. When Taz attacked, Kore vanished away going for the counter. At that point, Taz was just fighting for pride, he was just outmatched on every attack but at least he was tiring Kore.

After clashing multiple times, Kore looked to end as soon as possible, he didn't want to waste any more time as he noticed how tired he was getting.

Moments Later

Kore: I think it's time to end this.

Taz: Not yet.

Kore: Your down the drain brother, I could see your tired as hell.

Taz: I have to keep going like Y/n said. Even low-class can surpass elites.

Kore was silent.

Neros: He's taken some notes out of your book.

Y/n: Guess so.

Kore: Well... you have been trying your hardest to keep up... and.

Taz: And what.

Kore: It's true...

Taz: What's true.

Kore: Class determined during birth doesn't matter.

Taz was confused.

Kore: Just the determination to keep fighting.

Kore then looked at you, understanding what you meant from your speech from earlier.

Kore: I'll help.

He shouted. Everyone confused at that comment, he then proceeded to walk up to Taz.

Kore: Done well for a... low-class... knock'em dead.

Taz: What?

Kore: Congratulations on to making it to Round Three.

Taz: Round Three?

Kore: See you from the spectator's seat.

Taz furthermore confused.

Taz: Specta-

Kore took a deep breath and patted his younger brothers back before making one of the most surprising moves in the tournament.

He kept on walking and eliminated himself by jumping off the ring. He'd sacrificed his spot in the next round for his brother, but furthermore. To help prove class doesn't matter.

At the Palace.

Princess Melissa: Why did that saiyan eliminate himself?

Queen Victoria: They're brothers, but why have the weaker one pass?

Princess Lily: Respect?

King Vegeta: That was just a stupid move. The lower-class won't be able to proceed while the elite could've.

Prince Victor: The Saiyan!

King Vegeta: The disrespectful mut?

Prince Victor: Part of the plan.

Prince Victor was a little annoyed.

Prince Victor: This will all be pointless, but...

Prince Thomas: But what?

Princess Melissa: He has some talent.

King Vegeta: Saying he may be a threat.

Queen Victoria: He and along with two other saiyans, who I presume are relatives, did pumble our elites.

Prince Victor: No! I refuse to believe he did that! No. Just another fluke, a fluke.

Back to the World Tournament.

Ring Announcer: Unbelievable! A forfeit, so... that means Taz wins.

Taz still couldn't believe what just happened, while Kore just returned to the group in defeat. You were the first to interact.

Y/n: Thanks... for what you did there.

Kore: I realized what you meant.

Both of you looked back at Taz, who'd hand was held up high; now returning.

Taz: Why?

Kore: Time for you to shine. Time to show-

Sage: That the low-class-

Skip: And middle-

Neros: Can surpass anyone-

Y/n: Even the elites!

Everyone put there hands in a circle.

Y/n: Time to shine.