Chapter 20

Y/n: Man, no one cared about that brutal win from Round Two.

Ring Announcer: He's alive, just in critical condition. He's gonna need a healing pod, we need medics.

Medics came over quickly, they got him on a stretcher and carried him over to the hospital.

Ring Announcer: Without further ado... Contestant Y/n wins.

You got mixed reviews. Some people applauded because you showed no mercy and got the job done, while others were angry that you could've killed him. They said you showed no "sportsmanship" during the fight. Then there was another group of people surprised about the result of the matchup. It didn't matter, so you carried on walking back to the fighter's room.

Sage: That was... a little-

Y/n: Out of line.

Sage: Yeah.

Y/n: Well, a win is a win. They thought the middle-class had no energy but then BOOM! I gave them a firework show.

Sage just grinned and laughed a little.

Sage: Oh well.

You returned to the group.

Amina: Quite the match.

Y/n: That's the dark side of me. No mercy.

You said sarcastically.

Y/n: Anyway, just small-

Amina: Small revenge.

May: That didn't seem small.

Y/n: Maybe... I overdid it, but, doesn't matter now.

Amina: You could've just, I don't know. Beat him up a little. Instead of practically almost killing him.

Y/n: Yeah but... I wanted to show him something.

Amina: Like what?

Y/n: What it means to mess with me. Don't underestimate the middle-class.

Amina was confused.

Amina: But he used the illegal technique on me.

Y/n: Yeah, but we're, friends. You don't mess with anybody associated with...

Amina: You.

Y/n: Exactly.

Skip: Don't mean to interrupt, but how long do you think it'll take to repair the ring?

Y/n: Don't know, but what I do know is that we can fix it.

Neros: We can?

Y/n: Yeah. Hey Liz, when you got disqualified did they confiscate your gadgets?

Liz: No, I still have them.

Y/n: Then, do you have an invention that can fix my...

Amina: Mess.

Y/n: No, it wasn't a mess. It was... um, the aftermath of a friendly competition.

Amina: Sure.

It seemed as though she wanted to laugh.

Y/n: Anyway, do you have it on you right now.

Liz: It's at home.

Y/n: Well, let's go get it.

Liz: Right now?

Y/n: Yep. I honestly don't want to wait a couple of hours, just so they can fix a quarter of that thing.

Liz: Fine, but Its gonna take more than a couple of seconds to find that thing.

Y/n: Why?

May: She leaves her inventions everywhere. The rooms basically a mess.

Y/n: Hmm... then let's all go.

Kore: Why?

Y/n: The faster, the better.

Everyone: Ok.

Everyone headed over to Liz's house.

May: Here we are.

Neros: This house looks, so peaceful.

Amina: Because we don't fight or destroy everything thinking we've found our own battleground.

Y/n: Wow, touchy.

You walked into the house, Liz guiding you into her room.

Y/n: This looks like the aftermath of a civil war.

Sage: Or the aftermath of a children's restaurant.

Neros: Oh, Jesus.

Skip: What-

Kore: The-

Taz: Hell.

Liz: Well, go on. Search.

Y/n: Woah, wait, we ain't no dogs.

Liz: Just help me find it.


Everyone searched a certain section of the room. You, Sage, and Neros searched the left side while Taz, Kore, and Skip looked in the middle, and the girls trying to find it on the right.

Half an hour later.

May: Found it. I have a question to ask Liz.

Liz: What?

May: Why was it in a random pair of panties lying around?

Liz: Uh, oh, um... we should head over to the tournament. The quicker, the better!

May: Hey, wait!

May ran after Liz, who dashed out of the room, flying away at the speed of light. Everyone was shook, confused, or both.

Y/n: I wonder.

Amina hit you on the head.

Amina: Hey!

Y/n: Just joking. Ouch.

You left the house and flew back to the tournament.

Sage: Here we go.

You went to the ring with Liz's invention.

Neros: Hey, you three!

The workers turned around.

Y/n: Move it!

You threw the orb, which gave an outline of what used to be the ring. It flashed a blue light, and there you go.

What seemed to be see-through blocks turned into cubes as hard as katchin. Though, the ring wasn't that hard.

Y/n: Magic.

Sage/Neros: Cool.

Everyone stood amazed at what the orb just did. After, you got the sphere-like figure and gave it back to Liz.

Y/n: Time to rumble.

Ring Announcer: Amazing! The ring has been restored!

The tournament once again went underway. Unlike you, Sage and Neros extended their matches to make the struggle seem legit. They put up the fight, won, and made sure to limp on the way back.

Y/n: We're closer. Steps closer. Piece by piece we're showing them what it means to be a true martial artist.

The clash between two titans edges closer, but yet, the matchup seems so far away in time.

Moments later.

Skip: My turn.

Y/n: Good luck. Heard the guy you're going up against is really strong.

Skip: How strong?

Y/n: Strongest elite besides the royal family.

Skip: The one point eight billion.

Y/n: Yep.

Skip: Shit.

Y/n: Hey, remember. Skill>Strength.

Skip smiled.

Skip: Thanks.

Y/n: Best of luck.