Chapter 22

You were actually warming up for once in the tournament. Why? Before you had easy opponents that weren't difficult to deal with. Now, there are strong fighters out there that you would consider a challenge.

Four out of the Seven: Sage, Neros, an early final with Prince Victor, and Kasenko. So most likely, you'll have a competitive quarterfinal. The question.

Who? Will it be one of your brothers, the elites, or the other three fighters in the tournament. You'll just have to wait... for about five minutes.

Five minutes later.

Ring Announcer: Round Five! We're on the final laps now! It's time for the draw, four different shows, eight distinct fighters, and two rounds left before the final! First off, the two contestants who'll start this off... Contestant Neros... and... Contestant Blaze!

Neros: That's practically a bye.

Ring Announcer: Then proceeding that... Contestant Kasenko against Contestant... Y/n!

Kasenko: Hear that low-class!

Y/n's mind: *sigh* It's middle.

Y/n: I'll win for sure.

At the palace.

King Vegeta: That's the problem dealt with.

Queen Victoria: You purposely had the announcer match those two didn't you.

King Vegeta: Wanted to end this pointless virus.

Princess Lily: There's one thing you didn't account for.

King Vegeta: What?

Princess Melissa: Victor himself.

Prince Thomas: He's done there as we speak, plotting things his way alone.

King Vegeta: Pointless. I don't know why he insists to fight the low-class.

Princess Melissa: The boy did have potential, and he, based on what Victor has told us, is trying to start some movement.

King Vegeta: Movement?

Queen Victoria: He wants the lower ranks in the system to step up, and overthrow us I believe.

King Vegeta: Overthrow?

Queen Victoria: Haven't you seen what the boy has done. He has inspired other fighters to go beyond themselves and quite frankly, some of the most surprising things have happened.

King Vegeta: Like?

Princess Melissa: There was a low-class warrior that made it as far as Round Three. Beating three different elites, and most importantly; himself and brothers have made it to Round Five.

King Vegeta: There flukes won't last that long. Their little adventure should end now.

Prince Thomas: He's also shown no honor towards the royal family. We're supposed to be on top, and yet we get disrespected by some low-class. We just let him step on us!

Queen Victoria: Your first son just wants to make sure no one has any idea of rising up ever again. You know how he is when you mention power and fighting. He makes sure he's on top, that we're on top, the royal family, because no one-

Prince Thomas: Is better than us.

Queen Victoria: No one trash talks the king and his family, he wants those peasants to learn their place on this planet. Whether they like it, or not. And he wants to do this with his own hands, he hasn't had a chance to fight in a while.

Quarter-Finals Draw.

Prince Victor: Stop!

Everyone turned around to see VIctor making his way in front of the ring announcer.

Prince Victor: Kasenko.

Kasenko: Prince.

Prince Victor: You're relieved of your duties.

Kasenko: What?

Prince Victor: You're done. I've given you an assignment, gather some of the other elites and go.

Kasenko: My prince, I was here to get rid of the low-class. This disaster doesn't need to go to your hands.

Prince Victor: Anyone who disrespects the family needs to pay, and if they directly cause problems with me... then, they'll face my wrath, and I'm aching for a fight. For the blood, of a... Middle.

Y/n: Great, you remembered that.

Prince Victor: And once I'm done with him, I'm going to make sure no one gets the idea to go further past their place on top of the pecking order. No one get the idea that you can beat an elite, or even more stupid, a member of the royal family. When your nothing but a peasant and a waste of saiyan blood. If your no elite, your no-

Y/n: Shut Up! No one cares. Strength this, Strength that; just shut up you arrogant son of a b*tch. We get it if you're not an elite your not a true warrior or whatever.

Prince Victor: Just wait-

Y/n: Let me guess; you'll rip me into shreds, you'll rip my head off, you'll rip me in half like a simple piece of wood. It doesn't matter to me. Oh, and everyone gather up because I still have more to say.

Prince Victor: You have no idea-

Y/n: What it's like to mess with the royal family. I know, and my guess is you'll come after my family like some super villain in an action movie because that's how this works.

Generic movie cliches all around. What's next, am I gonna have 12 hours to get out of something, or 12 hours to solve something, or am I gonna have to save a princess from an evil warlord, or better yet.

I'll have to climb the tallest tower to save her, or maybe I'll have to find a woman with a certain shoe size. I mean I can go on and on talking about fairytales, myths, and other stupid plots of a story where the hero has a big challenge in front of him.

Prince Victor: The difference here is-

Y/n: You'll beat and kill me no problem, so I better watch out because If I say this or that I'll really make you mad. Just sit down and be quiet about your stupid belief.

You may have had a higher power level than most of us here during birth... but it won't change the fact that we may have a greater potential than you can ever imagine.

We could have the determination and surpass all of you.

Prince Victor: You really think that.

Y/n: I know that. Why else would your father hire a mercenary on me? He wanted to save your flesh because he knew you wouldn't be able to compete with me. Either that or you need to have his help at all times because-

Prince Victor: I can handle things myself.

Y/n: Good. We'll see what happens when the family falls. The others and I may be at the bottom of the tree, but I can guarantee... most elites were probably given a lower rank than what they were supposed to have because your father is an arrogant c*nt who strives to stay up on top no matter what.

If anything, the lazy guy just gave anyone who would be stronger than your bloodline a random rank besides elite to prevent any backlash. Ain't that right king!

The king scolded.

Y/n: You can't stand it when someone stronger comes around.

King Vegeta: Nonsense, everyone in the royal family is full of high battle power. For centuries we've remained the best.

Y/n: How many times do you lie and say "I just don't think he has what it's takes" while you're sitting down being a lazy and an arrogant f*ck laying down next to your wife in bed. Who's probably a b*tch and a hoe who's in this just for the power and control of others.

King Vegeta: How dare you say such things! Mut!

Y/n: She probably has you wrapped around and right into her pocket.

The king was furious.

Y/n: You look upset did I touch a nerve?

You said sarcastically.

The king then stood up.

Y/n: Oh he's up from the chair. The most physical activity in a million years! So what happened? You wanna come to show me the wrath of the king.

He was really mad, it looked as if he was going to explode.

Y/n: Come on! Let's go!

He wasn't budging. You then grabbed an inconveniently placed megaphone.

Y/n: Or do you need to ask your wife for permission first?

Everyone in shock at the comment. King Vegeta staying in place for a while.

Y/n: Am I right.

?: Enough!

From the corner of your eye, you could see someone going for a punch. You reacted quickly.

Y/n: Missed.

You moved out of the way and kicked the person into a sauna room. It was Victor.

Y/n: Well. That happened.

Kasenko: HA!

Kasenko wanted to punch you but you kneed his stomach before he could start his attack. He fell down, and it didn't look like he was going to get back up.

Y/n: Another one bites the dust.

Victor starts to get up from the rubble around him. He was also wet from entering the water and from his way crashing in there.

Prince Victor: Why you!

You turned around.

Y/n: Christmas has come early.

Both of you dashed.

Queen Vicotria: STOP!

The queen had appeared before you.

Queen Victoria: Enough of this! You're causing a mess.

Victor wanted to go right there and then.

Prince Victor: Luck shot.

Y/n: Was it really.

Tensions rising.

Queen Victoria: Victor control yourself, you'll have your chance to fight later. This can be solved later... and you.

Referring to you.

Queen Victoria: How dare-

Y/n: Wait right there, gotta add something.

You looked at the royal balcony.

Y/n: Yo! King! Did you send your wife down cause you couldn't come over here yourself? Like, is she more of a man then you are, or are you scared of me? Or maybe you were too lazy to move and fly down here.

Queen Victoria: Excuse-

Y/n: You know, I think I have at least some respect for your son. He actually has the balls to fight me, and come face to face.

Queen Victoria: Show some respe-

Y/n: Not done, and how's it like seeing the action from there Thomas?

No response.

Y/n: Don't even have the courage to talk. Too scared to reply.

Prince Thomas:...

Y/n: No, nothing. How about... um...god, what are the girl's name.

Prince Victor: How do you not know their names? They're basically famous and supreme.

Y/n: Yeah yeah, they're part of the royal family and I don't care. What are they called?

Queen Victoria: Enough! I don't want you talking to any of them. I want both of you to continue this tournament in a peaceful manner-

Prince Victor: I'll make sure you never live to tell the story.

Y/n: If I fall, if I get knocked down, I'll just pick myself off the ground.

Prince Victor: Confidence will be your end middle-class.

Queen Victoria: Wait, I thought you were low. If that's a lie, why care about the low?

Y/n: They've become a part of me.

Prince Victor: Either way, you and they are nothing.

Y/n: We'll see if that's true.

Prince Victor: We shall.

Once again you were face to face. Then, the queen separated both of you again.

Y/n: Mama's boy.

Victor was gonna pounce.

Queen Victoria: Victor. Once again, settle this later. For now, continue, no violence. Make an agreement, for now, shake hands.

Prince Victor: No.

Y/n: I won't shake his hand. I'll just keep the truce on my head.

Prince Victor: As well.

Queen Victoria:*sigh* fine. Farewell.

The queen leaves.

Y/n: I have a bye.

Prince Victor: Who said that?

Y/n: He won't get up.

You pointed at Kasenko.

Prince Victor: He's retired from this. Just, not the original way.

You stood there for a second.

Prince Victor: Medics! pathetic.

Y/n: His choice.

Prince Victor: Whatever. I have a match.

Y/n: A match where your opponent is just going to forfeit.

Prince Victor:*laugh* Of course, everyone knows going up against the mighty prince is a death wish.

Y/n: You know, I'll never trust a thing you say.

Prince Victor:...

Victor leaves.

Y/n: Semi-Finals to come early? My opponent has "quit" before the match, Victors opponent will obviously forfeit, and my brothers have easy opponents up ahead. No need for them to hold back. Easy peasy, the progress. Not what's coming ahead.

You look up to see people around you, shocked in a way. For one, the confrontation, and two, the queen's appearance.

Random saiyan: Son, you've made the biggest mistake of your life. Defying the royal family, and right in front of their faces.

Y/n: Don't worry, I'll put them in their place soon.

The crowd was even more shocked at the confidence in your ability.

Y/n: I'll break the barrier, there will be a change and a big one. Soon, trust me.

You looked at your clenched fist, and from afar you saw the group coming to you.

You raised your right hand up.

Y/n: No need for concern!