Chapter 24

Ring Announcer: Time for the draw! We're edging closer to the final everybody! Now, let's change the format around a bit. We'll mix these balls around, and this time the contestants will decide their own fate! Would any of the four like to go up first?

Prince Victor: I'll go, let's get this over with.

He grabbed a ball.

Ring Announcer: Ball number two!

They placed his name on the left branch.

Ring Announcer: Next!

Y/n: I'll go.

You stepped up onto the platform, grabbing a ball. There was one flaw though, you could actually feel the numbers on the ball. So, if anything, this wasn't going to be random. Also, Sage didn't have to intervene anything to have his match.

Ring Announcer: Ball number four!

Prince Victor: Hmph.

You stepped down and returned to your brothers.

Y/n: You can feel the numbers on the balls.

Sage: So I don't have to intervene anything.

Neros: Great.

Y/n: Just find the ball that has a one, not that hard.

Ring Announcer: Next!

Sage went up onto the platform.

Sage: Let's get this over with.

He put his hand in the container, looking for the magical one.

Ring Announcer: Let's see... ball number one, and that leaves us with our two semi-final encounters. Sage vs. Prince, and Neros vs. Y/n!

Y/n: Well, let's do this.

Sage/Neros: Yeah.

The matches were settled, the next round would be a pivotal point in the tournament.

Ring Announcer; We'll give a ten-minute break for the fighters to get some rest or prepare for their match. Good luck to everyone!

In the fighter's room.

You were getting ready, getting your body moving as speed and movement would be very important. You were stronger, but Neros might have something to unleash.

He might pull off something special, and win after all. He was no slacker, and he was right behind you in terms of battle power. This was going to be the match that would really get the batteries going.

10 minutes later.

Ring Announcer: First off, Fighters three and four will square off first! Yes, we are going backwards this time.

It was a little shocking to you, but nonetheless, you would still fight Neros for a spot in the tournament finals.

You slowly got on top of the ring, starting off the match.

Ring Announcer: First match of two in the Semifinals. We have Neros! And Y/n! Brothers! Quite something. Now without further ado... 3... 2... 1... GO!

You didn't dash, but you walked towards each other. You gave each other a fist bump.

Neros: Best man wins.

Y/n: Best Fighter wins.

Both of you laugh a little and give a smirk. You then went back to your starting positions.

Y/n: 3.

Neros: 2.

Y/n: 1.

Neros: Now!

You dashed, the collision causing an explosion.


The only thing that could be seen was the simultaneous sonic booms.

The final was now inches away. You were one step closer. The final turn until the final lap.