Chapter 38

As he fell from the headbutt you followed him down to hit him with the front part of your left leg. Getting him in the mid-section.

Victor: Oooo!

Proceeding by elbowing his neck, and pushing him away to practically blast his face off. Jumping to deliver the attack with greater effect.

Victor: Raagh!

Y/n: Hmm... HAAA!

You dashed down to deliver a hard punch to the lower part of one's chest.


Victor:*spits blood*

Now using your left arm, you raised it up high to prepare a spiral sphere. You flew up and threw at his fallen/recovering body.

Y/n: Eniz Naiqwa!

Victor: Krk... Huh?

Victor was now on a knee.


The attack went to his body quite quickly, but the ball separated into four separate spheres on the way down. That wasn't the end of it, on the way down each sphere would continue to charge, which would increase its damage and power. Eventually, each spiral would be as strong as the original attack.





Victor: Kaa!

Y/n's mind: I think we have him here.

Y/n: HAAA!

You were ready to hit him with something else, something greater.

Y/n: Nooovvv-

You crossed your arms, placing them across your face but having the intersection right below your eyes.

Y/n: vaaaaa-

Your ki started to pile up in front of you, forming another ball of energy but was appearing to be bigger than the E.N.

Y/n: No- uh.

You quickly sensed that Victor teleported behind you.

Victor: Krk- Nice Try!


He hit you on the right side of your face with the back of his left forearm.

Victor: A WARRIOR like me never falls!

(*Dashes towards you*)

In the fighter's room.

Amina: Hmm...

Liz: What's wrong?

Amina: Huh- oh nothing.

Liz: Nothing?

Amina: Nothing.

Liz: Doesn't look like it.


Liz: Scared that your little cupcake's getting hurt.

Amina:*blushes* W-What do you mean?

Liz: You know what I mean.

Amina: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Liz: Deny it. But you like him don't you.

Amina: He's a friend, nothing-

Liz: Something more. Don't act like I didn't hear you say- "Oh God, please help him win. That's all I will ever wish for... He's, I...I"

Amina: I didn't-

Liz: Off-camera, off story.

Amina: What?

Liz: Nothing.


Liz whispered into Amina's ear.

Liz: Maybe after he wins you can award him with some special pri-

Amina: Shut it.

She quickly covered Liz's mouth with her hand.

(*Other Side*)

Neros: How do you think it's going so far.

Sage: I can't say, but he's definitely holding ground.

Kore: Victor's losing more energy as time passes by.

Taz: Is that the loophole?

Sage: Probably, tire him out and go ham when he's vulnerable.

Back to the fight.

Victor: HAA!

Y/n: Nope.

You avoided his left hook by kicking his fist away. Following it up with a spinning kick using your right foot. Blocked.

Y/n: Hmph.

You jumped back.

Victor: HAA!

He went for a left hook, dodged, right hook, blocked using the side of your left forearm. A knee to the face, successful.

Y/n: Oooo!

Victor followed that up with an elbow to the chest, then a spinning superkick.

Victor: Hmph... HA!


He punched you squarely on the face, successful this time.

Y/n: Tch-

Victor:*grin**evil laugh*

You went from your super kaioken state to base. Only pretending to fade.

Victor: Done already.

You slowly fell.

Y/n: Of course not!


Victor:*spits blood*

You surprised him by going back to your super kaioken state in just an instant, dashing to kick him square in the stomach.

Y/n: Hehe. HA!

Victor: Oooo!

You used your other leg to kick him across the face, sending him to the left. You then teleported in front of him to deliver a deadly clothesline. Not letting him fall, you used your right arm to grab his head and getting him in position for a cutter. But you weren't going to slam him down, rather, throw him in front of you to teleport for another attack.

As he spun you waited till he was facing you, from there you were to deliver a sideways sledgehammer to his stomach. You got into position in a way that you were the going to bat in a baseball match.

Y/n: Now swinging for the local Planet Vegeta baseball team.

You waited till he was in front of you.

Y/n: Y/n!


Victor: Gaagh!

You swung hard, and right at the target. Dead center.

Victor:*spits blood*

Following the hit, you moved your crossed arms over, as well as moving your body to hammer his back; but at the same time, kneeing his stomach. Ultimately, crushing his upper body. From there you moved over and jumped behind him, flying up a little to knock him down via. a hard kick using the bottom of your foot. He hit the floor hard, and fast, but he didn't land flat on the ground.

He stopped himself by extending his arms and legs, but still touching the ground hard and fast enough to get hurt. From there on you flew down, arriving at his location and trying kick his face off. As he got on his feet he saw you and luckily ducked, eventually rising up from a huge jump back and kicking you in the chin.

As you were in the air you flipped over several times and landed on the ground. Proceeding to quickly backflip again, gaining some distance. When you landed you thought-

Y/n's mind: Hmph. This man is putting everything into this. He gets hurt a ton but then goes for the automatic recovery. He may think it's a positive thing since he's getting back into action right away, but then- He's also wasting more energy than necessary by refusing to let his body get back into rhythm.

Y/n: You just won't accept defeat or humiliation!

Victor: Of course I wouldn't.

Y/n: You know, you waste more energy like that... by forcing yourself.


Y/n: After you fall you force your body to get up and fight. You won't rest until you see me dead.

Victor: Explain? The forcing my body- part-thing.

Y/n: Sometimes it's better to stay on the ground, stay put. You know, rest a little.

Victor: A strong warrior goes into battle no matter what.

Y/n: And so does a dumb one.

Victor: Is that so.

Y/n: Sooner or later you won't be able to keep up. I'm not being arrogant, just being true.

Victor: Me, not keeping up.

Y/n: Your energy. Obviously, it decreases as we continue to fight, but I can tell tha-

Victor: That what? It's decreasing at a faster rate.

Y/n: Basically, I can tell you haven't mastered or learned how to control your current state.

Victor: What does that have to do?

Y/n: You can't control your power.

Victor: What?

Y/n: Come on wake up! Your closer to descending to a normal super saiyan than staying in your ascended state. If anything, by the next big hit, you'll go down.

Victor: Hmph, down.

Y/n: Not knocked out, but otherwise you can tell what I mean.

Victor: Whatever.

Y/n: Hmph, whatever. *eye roll*

Victor: What was that?

Y/n: What?

Victor: Nevermind.

After that conversation with Victor, you slowly walked up to him.


Y/n's mind: Let's go hand to hand.

Y/n: HA!