Chapter 40

Y/n: HAAA!

You transformed back into a super saiyan, without the kaioken technique added on.

Victor: You really think that'll help.

Y/n: It's better than nothing.

Victor: Alright, but you won't beat me with one arm. You'll be outmatched.

Y/n: I thought you said power levels were everything.

Victor: Hmph, let's just finish this.

Y/n: Ready.

Victor: Ready, HAA!

In the fighter's room.

Liz: Calm down you. Relax.

Amina: But- He-

Liz: Shut up already. I can't take any more of your whining.

Amina: Hmm...

Taz:... What were they talking about? 

Sage: Huh?

Kore: Y/n and Victor.



Skip's mind: Well this is going to be a long story.

Kore: It's like they knew each other before the tournament. 

Liz: and who's Kieran? 

Taz: Yeah, you guys never talked about Kieran.

May: Skip.

Skip: What?

May; You don't seem surprised. 


Taz: Is there something you know that we don't.

Skip:... No. I'm clueless.

Neros: He does, its just a long story.

Amina: How long?

Skip: Enough for it to be its book.

May: Well, enlighten us.

Sage: You want to hear it right now.

Liz: Why not? We'll watch the fight and listen simultaneously. 

Sage:*looks at Neros*

Neros:*looks at Skip*

Skip: What?

Sage: Who's going to-

Skip: Nope.

Neros: Wha- ok.

Sage: You don't have to, I'll do it.

Neros: Oh ok you do it then.

Sage: Wow, ok where do I start.

Back to the fight.

Victor: HA!

Victor dashed forward, starting off with a kick to your ride side. You ducked as you couldn't think of another way to avoid the hit to your broken arm. 

Victor: Hmph, HA! 

Y/n: Woah.

After that initial strike, Victor used the same leg to go for an axe kick, but luckily you rolled out of the way. You got up one knee, noticing Victor was coming in for another strike. You jumped right at the moment he dashed towards you, but not stopping the momentum he went for a right hook. You pushed his hand away at the moment and gained some distance as well. 

While also landing a foot to push him away. He quickly turned around, going for a barrage of punches which by now would be heavy hitters. You only had one arm to block them from. 

Victor: HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!

Y/n's mind: Shit. Shit. Shit.

Victor: HA!

Y/n: Oooo!

Gut punch.

Y/n: Tch- 


Y/n: Hmph, HA!

Victor: Ooh! Grr... What the- Ouch!

As he sunk his hand into your stomach you pulled his head closer to yours, landing a headbutt. Following that by jumping and going for a flying kick to his own gut, and finishing off by going back and getting him with a spinning kick to the head. He flew off into a direction.

Y/n's mind: I'm going to have to defend, and go with counter-attacks. That's the most I can do for now. Yeah... yeah, I reckon he'll tire himself out anyway.

Victor got back onto his feet.

Victor: *shakes head* Wha-, lucky shot. *dashes*

Y/n: *sigh* Let's see how this goes. HA!

Back in the fighter's room.

Sage: So about... 10 years ago?

Neros: Yeah around there.

Kore: So before we were all friends.

Skip: Yep.

Taz: Makes sense.

Sage: Alright, um... so basically we were friends with Kieran at the time, and what most of Victor said was true. His parents "rejected him" because he wasn't destined to be an elite like everyone else in the family was.  

So he was an outcast, but then we met him, and well-

Neros: We liked him, he was like another brother.

Sage: Yeah, but we first met him when- wait, first of all. We would always train, it was a regular thing before we were connected to anyone outside of home. Everything was the same before as it is now. 

Now, since we were always active kids our parents would allow us to get the necessities we needed like food, water, general hygiene, and other stuff like that.

Amina: Question?

Sage: Yes.

Amina: When you say everything was the same, does that account for Y/n.

Neros: What do you mean?

Amina: His mentality, did he always hate how we had classes for the people on this planet. Like how the weaker you were, the lower the class, the worse you were treated.

Sage: Yeah... that's always been his pet peeve. 

Back to the fight.

Victor: Raagh!

Y/n: HA!

As you flew towards him you used your left arm to get in a handstand position, using the strength in that arm to launch yourself into the air. Jumping over him, and spinning, but turning around before you landed to release three separate ki-blast. They all hit the target, but Victor wasn't affected by the full damage since he crossed his arms to avoid getting hit directly.

Following that, he went forward for a while before teleporting above you. There, he sledgehammered you from the top of your head, now having it down, he kicked you right in the face. Proceeding by going for a right hook, which you dodged to jump back with your one arm for a hit to the midsection using the bottom of both feet when he turned.

You then grabbed onto his head with your left, getting him in cutter position again. The floor was facing the back of his head, but this time you were going to slam his front side onto the floor. Rather than just throwing him in front of you.

Y/n: HA!

You flipped him over, and his front side collided with the ground. After that impact, his body rose from the ground a bit. So, you took the chance to get him with a strong uppercut to the gut.

Victor: Ooo!

You then rotated him to go for a spinning kick, again to the gut. The kick, sending him to the sidewall of the crater you were in.

Victor: Grr...

As he recovered you saw that he was planning to hit you and blast you into infinity. You caught a quick glimpse of his fist, which was clenched and charging ki around. Now that you knew you that, you dashed before he stood upright to sweep his leg. Sweeping it hard enough that it canceled out his attack, and hard enough, that it caused you to fall as well.

Y/n: Woah.

Back in the fighter's room.

Sage: Anyway, so this is how we met Kieran.

Neros: But this actually takes us back two more years from the original 10.

Amina: So 12 years back.

Skip: For this portion.

Amina: ok

Sage: So you all know how we were put through fighting academies to determine if we were meant to be fighters that would potentially be apart of the army, or if we would have to stay here to be apart of the planets defense. 

May: Yep. Therefore, giving us another chance of raising our status in the pecking order, or demoting our current rank. From the moment we turned 5 and became 15, giving us 10 years for any type of progression.

Sage: Exactly.

Neros: Or you can just go from being a designated fighter to having a normal job like becoming our local butcher.

Sage: That too. But let's not get off-topic. It was Y/n and Skip's first-ever day, and my first day for the third year. Neros stayed at home since he was 4. So one year off.

Neros: Also, Skip and his family were our neighbors before you guys, (May, Amina, and Liz ). So if you're wondering that's how we met him.

Liz: Until we also moved.

Neros: Yeah, anyway *looks at Sage*, continue.

Sage: Ok, so it was our first day and the head instructor, which in our academy was a woman, read out our names, years, and ranks but you already know how it was. Elites would get a good greeting, mid-class kids would just get a "meh, get stronger", and low-class would get a "boo, disappointment".

But it really surprised us how everyone reacted to Kieran. The head instructor literally said, 

Head Instructor: Kieran, Year 1, Family full of elite warriors. Now I imagine you'll also be- a Low-Class? What? How?

Random Elite Kids: Huge Disappointment! Boo! Boo! Loser!

Kieran: *sighs*

Kid Y/n: Does class even matter?! Does it even mean anything?!

The room became silent.

Head Instructor: Excuse me? What did you say?

Kid Y/n: I said-

Head Instructor: I heard what you said.

Kid Y/n: Then why are you asking?

Head Instructor: Hmm... Your a mid-class, there is nothing special about you.

Kid Y/n: Why is that?

Head Instructor: Just shut up, and until you've promoted into an elite soldier, keep quiet.

Kid Y/n: What if I don't wa-

Head Instructor: Anymore talk from you and you'll be demoted.

(*zips mouth*)

Head Instructor: Anyway...

Sage: She continued saying the names until the list ended. After that, we were put into classes, given saiyan armor, and sent off. I was obviously in a different Army group so I don't know what happened there.

I didn't see them until the first break.

Skip: So is this where I come in?

Sage: *nods*

Skip: Okay, so as soon as we put on our armor we introduced to our army teacher... Mr. Frisco.

May: Was he bad.

Skip: He was... so so.

Kid Y/n: *humming* all done.

Kid Skip: I'd prefer having the sleeves and pants black, with the secondary colors of the armor green.

Kid Y/n: Well they're not. They're blue and gold.

Kid Skip: *frowns*

Mr.Frisco: Alright gather up.

Kid Y/n/ Kid Skip: Huh?

Mr. Frisco: Come on, get in a circle.

(*eveyone gets in a circle*)

Mr. Frisco: We are known as First Year, Group #2.

Kid Y/n: Why can't we be group #1?

Mr. Frisco: Because we're not strong enough! That's why I'm here to toughen you up.

Everyone but Y/n and Skip: YEAH!


Kid Y/n/Skip:*look at each other* yeah, woo-hoo. Fakest cheer ever, yeah.

Random kid: You hear that Kieran, you might not be a disappointment after all.

Everyone but Y/n and Skip: HAHAHA!

Kid Y/n: Hmph... I hope he's actually a skilled fighter, then he'll show them.

Kid Skip: What do you mean?

Kid Y/n: You can't always win with strength.

Kid Skip:?

Kid Y/n: Like my dad said, who's going to win- the strongest man in the world who doesn't know how to fight and throw hands or a decent buffed up man with years of experience and is known to be the most skilled man on

the planet. Who?

Kid Skip: The guy with years of experia-

Kid Y/n: Exactly. It's so stupid how we put people on a certain level based on how strong they were at birth. Even more, how society can care less about their development.

Just look, elites have healing pods, and all the equipment in the world. What do we get, leftovers? Furthermore, about 90℅ of fighters from the army are elites, the others are left in shambles.

Kid Skip: What about promoting?

Kid Y/n: Come on, you know that's rigged. No low-class has ever been promoted to elite. They always say, "they're just not good enough for the top tier".

And elites always stay up top, regardless if they end up being the worst in the group.

Kid Skip: Really, wait how do you know this?

Kid Y/n: Pure observation... and the fact that my father was a low-class that became the strongest warrior in every one of his classes. It's on the records, I'll show you later when we pass by the main room.

Kid Skip: Okay.

Kid Y/n: Other than that, I heard the elites get special treatment. So you're up for a good day.

Kid Skip: Nice. What about you?

Kid Y/n: A regular old training session.

Kid Skip: Sucks.

Kid Y/n: Hmph, but let's see what awaits us next.

*While that happened*

Everyone else: HAHAHA!

Kid Y/n: Holy- they're still going.

Kid Skip: Seems like they really despise the guy.

Kid Y/n: I know, but-


*Thousands of years later*

Everyone: HAHAHA!

Kid Y/n: Grr... I can't this anymore.

Skip: Someone help. Someone stop this.

Kid Y/n: Aw, screw it, end the chapter. End it! End it now!