the new town

On October 23 around 14:45, almost everything was moved to the new house. Later that night we took the last load of furniture to the new house while we bought pizza for dinner

It took us a week to get the last things unpacked and every thing in its place. I had my own room (that was still  a mess after the move) and my two othe sisters share one room and my parents room was in the middle of our rooms. My sisters and i had each  a bathroom in our bedrooms. Which my mom, dad and i had to share.

I was still in my old school  untill my year ended as a tenth grader. The las few months I tried to makes as much memories as possible  befor i had to leave. Everyone in that school  knew who i was, not by popularity but for my rebelliousness. Even the principal knew who i was, but also by the fact that he had taught  my father when he was in school.

When exams rolled in thats when my friends and i started doing the best of shit. Since my mother left her old job, we were rode the bus to school and home. With that after every test my friend and i would get high under the bleachers. While i was waiting for the  bus which  always came around  14:00.

I spent alot of my afternoon high  after school but i stopped before I got addicted. The days past by as i tried to forget that my time to leave  the place i had made so many  memories had drawn  so close

It was our summer vacation which is the end of the school year. Around December the 4th I went and collected  my report card, but a week before we always that week of before we got our report cards, i shaved my head. When i went to get it i gave myast good bye to my teachers and to the principal.

On the weekend of the 6th December was the last weekend I spent with my friend Kristal. During this time my boyfriend had moved and had no guts to tell me which makes him my ex, but i doesnt matter now. That weekend was sort of a good bye party.

I got high and drunk ag got my first tattoo of my astrology sign (which is a pisces) at that time i may have been 16 but i regret nothing. The one thing i did regret was hooking up with one of my ex's during that weekend.

Note from the writer

I will be posting two chapters every week making  them longer as i go so will you bear with me and read this and share. I would love to become a writer one day