January/ the new school

January began all was good and well. The new school year did well down closer and i could bring my self to go to this new school and wear the hideous uniform. Now this uniform consisted out of three colours brown, yellow and green

Our shirts are green, the pants, skirts, jerseys and stockings are all brown. Our  PE clothes are yellow and green. So just to imagine all these colours combined are utterly disgusting. The clothes didn't bother me that much.

The day school started my Dad walked with me and my sister's to school. Also mainly to pay the first terms school fees. After my Dad was done paying the fees the school secretary asked one of the seniors to show me were my clas was. Now this girl i got to now from my previous school. I did great her and she did the same

Now in my country we don't have a massive building with locker were we can put our books is. What we do is we go to school carrying a big school bag with large amounts of books to school. We sit outside while chatting with friends while we wait for the bell to ring and then we stand in rows assigned as our classes. I was in the 11th grade and we have to separate classes.

So as i was introduced to the other kids that were in my grade we started talking this is where i met Annie, Edith, Gishla and Beanca Chris and the rest of my classmates. As the bell rang for us to go to assembly i followed my classmates to to the assembly hall. The principal gave us a speach on the year ahead and that we should do our best in school and concentrate hard. If only someone knew how our year would play down. Assembly was over and we were sent to our classes. I was exedently put into the wrong class. I then went to the secratery and ask to check if I may have been put into the wrong class. She did check and saw that I was in the wrong class. She rold me to gather my things, I did and she then walked with me to me new class.

This was were I met Madam B. This was the way we were to address her and by nothing els. She looked like a fairly young teacher around her 20s, but she acted like one of those 80 year old teacher. I would sometimes laugh if she would get so mad if a class next to us got so loud that she said she could bearly think. I didnt take much thought of it at that time. As our day went on until the second last period where I met Mr Jasper James, but i soon learnd that he liked to be called Mr J. He was my English teacher. Some of the girl in my class have so huge crushes of him but i just listen to class. As the last class of the day came around i had history. This is were i met Miss H. As history being my favourite i asked many questions and had many theories to tell. I think this made me the teachers pet. After school i went to get my sisters from their school and then we walked home. Our schools wasn't far from home so it wasnt a problem for us walking home.

As we got home we had nothing  but stories to tell of how our days went to my mother. My littlest sister had an amazing day of making friend and telling them her back stories. They all wanted to know who she was. My middle sis didnt have one of her greatest days. She told me that no one really paid attention to her as the new kid. She said that she sat all alone during lunchtimes and that she felt so lonely. The only thing i could tell her was that it does get better, if not now soon. She looked at me with a little smile and i gave her a hug. I was my turn to tell my mom how my day went. I told my mon that the day was normal like any other day but for a teen like me being asked way to many questions i got curious. I didnt mind it at the time but i did bother me later on.

Two days pass and we had a little school dance a few hours after school. I was given permission to go, so I got dressed in one of best black jeans and nices of shoulder shirt with nice black boots. All things went great until the end of the night. Where i met Sam and Jacques. I really thought Jacque was cute but Sam soon changed my mind. I couldn't even ask his name, then i was told he had a girlfriend. I also soon learned that Sam was part of the LGTBQ community. I am not homophobic. I myself am part of that community. I am bi, so i did find her somewhat what attractive, but i got this vibe of her that she would toxic to my life. The night was over and i went to the schools main gate and waited for my mom there. Not long of waiting for my mom to of my classmates came to join my side while waiting in the dark. We got to know each other better. Chris is the sweet and kind one between the two and Chaun was the more of an asshole. He wasnt really one to talk and he only talked about himself. After a few minutes of talking to them my mom finaly came to pick me up. By this time i was exhausted and so hungry. The ride home was short but i almost fell  asleep in the car. When i got home my parents were to awesome to tell me to go take a nice shower or bath and when i was done, there will be a nice plate of food in the microwave.

After I ate Iwent straight to bed.

January sped by like nothing els i made new friend, i found out how the not so friendly people in the school was and whi all the cut one where. One this was still bothering me. I could still feel this strange energy about some of my teachers and around some of the kids at my school. I knew that i had to get answers some way even if it ment digging deep into the towns history...