March. the choosing

March began and it a week before my birthday and it was also the week that i had to choose a clan. By this time I had already made a few friend from every clan. It was a Tuesday and I was given the list of pro's and cons from every clan. The day went normal but also very strange a few kids from each clan came to me during brake time and asked me which clan i was going to choose and begging me to join theirs. The day flew by like lightning. I got home but I could not tell my mother what i had gotten myself into. I told my self that this was a thing i could not hide from my family but that I had to. The whole week was the same and forward time to that Saturday the 7th of March. It was my birthday and I invited a few of my friend. We got drunk and partied. It was my ideal party but it was something. Sunday was a quiet day and it was the last day to contemplate my answer. One thing that my friend Annie said stayed with me and it was "what ever you choose, choose from the heart".

Monday came rolling around and it was the day that i choose my new path. I had the paths, each as good as the other but also just as bad. The good and the bad of the vampire clan is. That once bitten you shall only age until you are 21. There are sensitive to light but apon wearing their family Crest, which is blessed by the witches to protect them.

The good and the bad of the werewolf clan is once apon being bitten your eyes will change to the colour of your ora. You will implacable rage every firts full moon and a big blood lust.

The good and the bad of the witch clan. You have unexplained power you can draw you power from anything, but it is crucial to only use the magic when needed due to the reason that it drains from your live force

I got to school and there wasn't many kids at school yet, but it seemed that Mr. J, Miss. H and Madame B and all the kids of the orde where already there waiting for me. We gather in Mr. J class and it was time for me to decide. I thought to myself for a while. Before the meeting began.

Madam. B: We now start the meeting of the choosing of a clan by Miss Nel.

Miss. H: Now Sarah once you have chosen a clan there is no going back. You serve you clan. You are part of the Order and you are to keep this towns secret. Do you swear by your life.

Sarah: Yes I promise to keep the secret save, serve my clan and the Order.

Mr. J: It is time to choose

Sarah: I have chosen to be part of the vampire clan. I have thought it through and I am sure of my decision.

Madam B: Very well then. For the best affect of the bite. You must be bitten by the first family. Gishla, will you do the honor of bestowing the gift apon Sarah.

Miss.H: Now Sarah after you are bitten, you will be taken to the schools sick bay. The reason there for is that the venom will slowly kill you. You will not feel the pain in your body but it will be mentally. So we shall not be able to send you home. The venom take 3 hour to take full effect. Which would be enough time befor school ends.

Mr.J: During that time we will ask the witches to make you an amulet that will protect from the sun. Are you ready.

Sarah: Yes i am

Gishla: I am so sorry. Hope you wont hate me for this

I saw the vampire teeth grow out of her mouth. She took my arm. She came closer to my neck and sunk her teeth into my my main artery. The last thing i remember was Edith standing behind me and caught me when i fell backwards. My mind was conscious but my body was out cold. I could feel my body being carried and then laid on a bed. In the first five minutes i could feel a small stinging in my head. The pain started to gradually increase. I could hear people around me talking. I heard Miss. H saying that its been an hour. The pain started to become unbearable. I wanted to move, to kick and scream but my body wasn't cooperating. It started to feel as if I was on fire but it was all in my head. It felt like each sell was tearing apart and reattaching them self. While all this was happening I could hear Miss. H and Mr. J talk and telling each other how much time has gone by and how my process seemed to be going. I could hear that they say that my time was almost over. It felt like it was 20 hours of pain. I could feel the pain stop all of a sudden and I could feel my body come to a sudden peace.

As i opened my eyes, it was hard to do so. The light was sharp and i could hear and see things in all new perspective. I focused my eyes on the little specks of dust floating in the air and i could hear the whistling of birds. I was zoned out like that for a while. When i realize that Miss. H was actually trying to get my attention and to talk to me. I gave her my undivided attention. She explained to me that i will have a blood lust which will only start at the ages 19. She explained that i am already experiencing the heighten senses. I asked her if there was any change to my appearance. She said that within 4 months I will be going through my last bit of changes. I already know that i can eat normally until i am 19. I asked Miss.H if i was allowed to go to the bathroom. She did not hesitate nor did she protest against me. As I got the the girl's bathroom, I looked into the closest mirror. I saw that within only 3 hours my complexion had changed. My skin seemed softer, my facial structure was more feminine. My eyes where like glass. With awe I walked back to the sick bay. Miss.H the said that we should go back to her classroom. She asked Gishla to tell Madam.B and Mr.J to gather in her class as well. Miss.H's class was on the other side of the school, which meant that we would past almost every class. I was afraid that some people would notice that I had changed. As we walked past all the classes I could hear multiple voices, but not like what everyone could hear. It was more like the thoughts of the teachers and the kids in the classes. The kids voices complained about the amount of work and the teachers complained about the noise the kids where making while they were teaching. This all was to much to process at once. Miss.H turned around to face me. She could sense that I was in pain. She told me to only focus on her heart beat and that I should stay calm. We got to her class and waited for the rest of the order to arrive. It was less then five minutes when they arrived in the class room.

Miss.H: The change is complete and Miss. Nel needs to be sworn into the clan to become a full member of the vampire clan

Annie: We have prepared her amulet. the only thing needed to complete the spell is the happiest memory she has when she was alive.

Sarah: Well I have a few that have a lot of value.

Annie: You need the one with the most value. The one memory that brings you total joy. The reason there for is, while we resite the last part of the spell, your job will be to wear the amulet and to think of your most treasured memory. This is so that your most happiest memory helps to protect against the sun

Bianca: Its also an amulet that helps you control your powers and in a later date your blood lust.

Sarah: Then I'm up for it. Lets do it.

Madam.B: Sarah the only thing you need to do is to concentrate on that one memory and not to get distracted while Annie and Bianca do the spell.

Annie and Bianca start with the spell. I start to think back to the time that my mom brought home my middle sister for the very first time. I remember how small she was. I was so afraid of letting her fall that i held her as gently and as careful as possible. I remember the way she smiled at me, the way she held my finger with her tiny hands. I even remembered the little giggle that escaped when I tickled her. The spell was finished and Annie told me that i could open my eyes. I then looks down on the amulet, it glowed a bright emerald green. I looked around and asked everyone if it was normal for it to glow like that. They all looked at it each in shock.

Mr.J: It is normal for vampires,yes. In other cases a vampires amulet usually glows a bright yellow. It only happened once that it glowed green and that was 150 years ago...