The daily life of the slaveholder

"Master, you woke up..."

In the pre-dawn light, Ye Tian opened his eyes and leisurely sat up in bed. By his bedside, a beautiful young lady with a curvaceous figure politely greeted him.

The girl was blonde and graceful. She wore a long rectangular cloth that folded around and tied to her body. The garment had a very simple and crude design, but it completely revealed her perfect figure.

This was the unique dress worn by those of the Ancient Rome era, bold and extravagant.


Ye Tian had just woken up; his morning glory was very firm. Without a word, he pulled the girl straight into his arms.

A soft exclamation was the only resistance the girl offered; she considered Ye Tian her master and so, allowed him to do anything to her. She would even offer her life.

After the sun rose, the two finished up.

Ye Tian still lazed in his bed.

While the exhausted hot young girl raised up and cleaned the bed for Ye Tian.

"Angela, female slave, loyalty: 99!"

While Ye Tian looked at the young lady working, some stats popped up before his eyes.

"Angela..." Ye Tian said in a soft whisper.

"Yes, Master!"

Angela looked up and gazed at Ye Tian with adoration.

"Other than in my presence, you are forbidden from wearing such revealing clothes!" Ye Tian caressed Angela's hair and murmured.

"Today, sew yourself a palla (ed. basically a poncho) that covers your body well. As for the cloth needed, may go buy it yourself."

"But, Master, that will waste a lot of cloth..."

Angela was very concerned about Ye Tian's wasting some of his wealth on her.

"This is my order!"

Ye Tian's tone took on a hint of seriousness.

"Thank you, Master!"

Angela's eyes moistened; any slave would want to wear warmer clothes and wished for their Master to treat them better.

Ye Tian's face finally showed a small hint of a smile.

It had been a year since he had travelled back in time to ancient Rome and he managed to accomplish many achievements in this time and became a slaveholder.

Now he owned a manor, with twenty male slaves and five female slaves.

From all of his thralls (ed. different ways of saying slaves, servants), only Angela had caught his eyes; she was overwhelmingly stunning compared to the other female slaves.

But when purchasing her, the price was slightly expensive; fortunately, her virginity was intact.

The Roman Republic, 91 BCE!

Ye Tian travelled back into this volatile time period of the Ancient Roman Republic.

That year, Caesar turned eleven, Pompey fifteen and Crassus twenty-four years old!

Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus, who were the three great giants of Ancient Rome, would end the era of the Roman Republic!

This was the year that the Social War broke out in Ancient Rome. The Italian 'Allies' wanted to gain Roman Citizenship. However, the Roman rulers refused, thus war broke out. Amongst the 'Allies', the Marsi people were the fiercest, so the Social War was also called the Marsic War.

When Ye Tian had first arrived in the Roman Republic, he was frightened and anxious. In such an era, the probability of him being enslaved was quite high, with a ten to one chance he would end up bound in shackles.

But, as a time traveler, how could he possibly not have a cheat system? Just when he had reached the precipice of despair, the system suddenly appeared!

The Strongest Slaveholder System!

The System told him how to cultivate himself to become the strongest slaveholder.

When Ye Tian cultivated a slave's loyalty up to 80 percent, he would earn one free stat point to distribute as he wished. When a slave's loyalty reached 100 percent, he would get five free stat points.

If Ye Tian finished the tasks assigned by the system, he would earn trading vouchers that he could use to buy various products and props in the system store.

After unlocking the system, Ye Tian's anxieties were eased quite a bit. He received an ancient Roman starter kit that contained hair dye and tanning lotion from the system. He quickly used it to dye his hair golden blonde and tanned his skin so that he looked no different from other Romans.

The System also gave Ye Tian a start-up fund. With that money, in addition to some he had earned working, he managed to buy an estate and become a veritable slaveholder with twenty five slaves in his possession.

[Beep, congratulations to Ye Tian for cultivating a slave to 100 percent loyalty. You have earned five free stat points, as well as gained an additional reward of 100 gold coins.]

Within Ye Tian's mind, the System's notification rang, which made him quite glad.

Once the notifications reached his ears, he could no longer wait to allocate his free stat points.

Host: Ye Tian

Identity: Junior Slaveholder

Strength: 85

Constitution: 85

Dexterity: 85

Charisma: 61

Unallocated Stat Points: 5

Slaves: 25

Without any hesitation, Ye Tian added all five of his free stats directly into Strength.

The Strength attribute had a direct effect on Ye Tian's endurance, resilience, and physique.

This was important to him; being a slaveholder meant he often had to seek suitable slaves, which required physical exertion.


After he added the five points to his Strength attribute, it felt as if he had consumed a rare elixir. With his body pumped up to the max. His muscle mass increased, and it even felt as though his little brother had grown!

So, Strength was a very important attribute to increase.

Host: Ye Tian

Identity: Junior Slaveholder

Strength: 90

Constitution: 85

Dexterity: 85

Charisma: 61

Unallocated Stat Points: 0

Slaves: 25

Having a Strength level of 90 was far more than that of ordinary folks. It was now an easy feat for Ye Tian to run five kilometres straight without losing his breath. He felt that if he continued on like this, he would soon reach god-tier.