Aurelia's Appreciation

After Diana and others took a hot bath, they changed their clothes and walked out, looking radiant and Ye Tian was moved. Diana was especially radiant with the charm of a mature western woman.

"Greetings, Master!" Diana and the others went over to Ye Tian and bowed respectfully. When she lowered her head, her perfect, snow-white mountains were clearly displayed.


"Come on, I'll give you tattoos of my symbol. Don't worry about it being ugly, it actually looks beautiful!" Ye Tian took out the prepared tattoo tools, which he had purchased from the system mall.

"Angela, tell them what to do!" Ye Tian said faintly with a smile after seeing he had stunned the three beauties.

"Yes, Master!" Angela nodded respectfully. She then gently pulled off her clothes to reveal her perfect figure, before turning her back to the girls so that they could see the Chinese characters on her back as she explained it to them.

"Who is first?" Ye Tian asked when they seemed to understand.

"Master, let me go first ..." After all, Daisy and Dinna were too young, and they were somewhat ashamed. When Diana saw this, she calmly volunteered as she pulled down her clothes.

From the moment she was purchased, she had known that she was his private property; their entire beings belonged to Ye Tian and he could dispose of them at will.

Fortunately, Ye Tian was a benevolent master. Being bought by him, it could be said that the god of luck was watching out for them. Therefore, there was nothing she would not do for him. Even if Ye Tian wanted her now, she would try her best to cater to him.

She thought that perhaps after being favored by Ye Tian, their status might become similar to Angela's and they could have more freedom at home.

Diana's body really was perfect. Even from behind her, Ye Tian could see some of her curves of the front, especially when she bent over a little.


When the needle pierced her skin, Diana moaned slightly. This kind of pain was completely tolerable for them; it was barely noticeable.

Think of how other slaves were branded. Their bodies were directly burned with a red-hot iron, causing their body to emit the smell of roasted meat. Compared to those cruel brands, Ye Tian's mark was more like a mosquito bite.



"Okay, from now on, you are all mine! You are allowed to move around freely at home and even cook for yourself!" After more than half an hour, Ye Tian completed the tattoos on all three of his new slaves.

Ye Tian was relieved to see that their loyalty had reached eighty percent, naturally they could be given some freedom.

"Thank you, Master..." The three female slaves were grateful, and their loyalty increased again, directly reaching eighty-nine percent. This made Ye Tian very happy. At this rate, it wouldn't take him long to gain more stats points.


Those stat points would improve his strength and physical fitness, allowing him to break through his limits. So, Ye Tian attached great importance to them and they became what he desired most.

"Well, you can go and rest in your rooms!" Ye Tian said as he pulled Angela into his arms. Diana certainly knew what Ye Tian was going to do, so she retired.

"Master..." Angela trembled. In just one morning, Ye Tian had become even more powerful and his combat effectiveness was about to burst. After a close exploration, she was already disarmed and surrendered.


After satisfying himself, Ye Tian sighed. It was not a good thing that his combat effectiveness and his ability to recover were too strong. At least, Angela could not meet his needs alone anymore.

Ye Tian covered Angela, who had fallen asleep, he put on his clothes and walked out. In this era, men's clothes were simple, just two pieces of cloth tied casually. Of course, Ye Tian couldn't adapt to that kind of style, so he designed some more comfortable clothing.

"Master, a group of people came from the outside, saying that they were from the Caesars..." Ye Tian just came out when Diana greeted him respectfully. From Angela's voice, she could speculate how powerful her new master was.

"The Caesars? It should be their gift. I didn't expect Aurelia would be this quick!" Ye Tian smiled, a look of expectant appearing in his eyes.

When Ye Tian came to the door, there was a small team of Caesars' guards waiting for him. In front of them was a large box, and behind them were ten large men with beards, neck collars and handcuffs.

Obviously, they were slaves.

"Presumably Your Excellency is Satan·Ye Tian!" The middle-aged man who was leading the team spoke.

"Yes, sir!" Ye Tian nodded and saluted.

"We are under the order of Lady Aurelia to send gifts and a bounty to you. We are very grateful for your help in saving our young Lord!" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

"Ten sturdy slaves and two Talentums of gold, please check them out!" Without waiting for Ye Tian to speak, the middle-aged man opened the box which was full of shiny gold coins.

For Ye Tian, this is a huge gain.