See Yulia again!

His mother was being toyed with by someone, but Caesar was still in a state of endless stupor and he hadn' t recovered from his shock.

Ye Tian was truly too terrifying just now. Earlier, he was still smiling, and in the next moment, he wanted to kill Pompey, this great noble young child.

Just now, Caesar saw it clearly that Pompey's eyeballs almost jumped out from his eye socket because of the apnea, his face turned into purple and the eyes were filled with terror and despair.

Thinking of the expression on Pompey's face just now, Caesar's young heart left behind an indestructible shadow.

His teacher was definitely a ruthless person, even more ruthless than the real demon.

Next, there were a few more duels, but Ye Tian did not place any bets because the odds weren' t that high. The reason was that everyone knew the information about those gladiators very well.

However, the battle scene was also extremely bloody and cruel. The powerful survival awareness of the gladiators made them put their exposed intestines back into their stomachs and continue fighting.

It was too bloody, and even Aurelia was frightened. There were a few times in the middle that she subconsciously held onto Ye Tian's palm.

Until the afternoon, the Dueling competition Crassus held was ended, and everyone left contentedly. Quite a few people went to get their awards, and were looking forward to the next battle at the same time.

"I didn' t expect you believed in me from the beginning!"

Ye Tian laughed softly as he watched Aurelia get a bag of heavy gold coins. It was clear that these awards Aurelia got was because the Storm Man failed, so she won.

"What do you mean by believing in you? Can' t it be my own analysis?"

Aurelia laughed sweetly, and then she was stunned to discover that she and Ye Tian were actually so close to each other now. Moreover, she seemed to feel extremely relaxed by his side.

"Sure, of course, you can!"

Ye Tian smiled. Caesar didn' t say anything, as if he was thinking about something. Today, he seemed to have gained quite a lot, because Ye Tian always used to teach him to toy with Aurelia. So Ye Tian naturally took out some real materials, and the judgement was quite accurate.

"Shall we send you back?"

After a moment of silence, Aurelia calmly said to Ye Tian.

"No need. I want to take a stroll around the city..."

Ye Tian shook his head and refused.

"Teacher, when will you come over to guide my sword-arts?"

Suddenly, Caesar asked Ye Tian with anticipation.

"Let's talk when I' m free."

Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then stretched out his hand and placed Caesar's head. He said slowly," At least, you should first digest the foundations I have told you!"


Caesar nodded seriously. This time, he didn' t dare to dodge his head from Ye Tian's hands. Because his mind was filled with the savage and miserable state of Pompey now.

"Make good preparations. I will soon announce your marriage with Kesha."

Aurelia said leisurely, then stepped onto the carriage, lost in thought.


"Who actually thought that the bet that the Storm Man lost bought him so much? And he even bought that much money along with Spartan slaves? "

After all the spectators left, Crassus was happily making the account check. He discovered that something was amiss and hurriedly asked his assistant.

"Master, I' ve paid special attention to it. It was Mis Aurelia and that young man she took here. That young man bought the most..."

The slave assistant hurriedly said respectfully, his eyes was a trace of terror, as if he was afraid that Crassus would vent his anger on him.

"What about the other duels? Did he still buy them?"

Crassus frowned and asked.

"No... However, Aurelia had even won all bets...

The slave assistant said in panic.

"It's nothing. You can go down!"

Crassus waved his hand, causing the slave assistant to feel as if he had received a pardon.

"A very interesting person. Did you see through me, or did you naturally like to win the most using the minimum cost?"

Crassus softly muttered, beginning to become interested in Ye Tian.

"I hope it's not the first. I don' t want to have such a difficult opponent!"

In the end, Crassus became vigilant towards Ye Tian. He had originally thought that Ye Tian shouldn' t be so simple because he was taken here by Aurelia. Now, he was even more vigilant towards Ye Tian.

The dominant leader of the three big shots was indeed extraordinary.

Ye Tian naturally didn' t expect that Crassus had already begun to become vigilant against him. After Aurelia left in the carriage, Ye Tian strolled alone and intending to earnestly experience the scenery of the Ancient Roman.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk..."

The footsteps of the horse hooves began to sound as a carriage slowly approached Ye Tian's side. After that, it stopped. The curtain of the carriage was pulled open, and a head was stretched out from within and slightly bent down.

It was actually a familiar person, Yulia, Gaius Marius's wife, Caesar's aunt. Because she was bent, Ye Tian could appreciate such a perfect arc of her two hills.

It was snow white and full. Its curves and outline were extremely beautiful.

"I' m very happy to see you again, the noble and beautiful lady, Mis Yulia, ..."

Ye Tian greeted with a light smile.

"I am also very happy to see you again, the powerful and handsome Lord Satan..."

Yulia's elegant hand sent out her palm. The meaning was very obvious, Ye Tian immediately got it. He gently supported her arm and made her to gracefully leave the carriage.

"How? Didn' t Aurelia send you back?"

Yulia asked with a faint smile.

"She's suggesting it, but I' ve already rejected it..."

He didn' t know why Yulia would take the initiative to chat with him, but Ye Tian still calmly replied.