Violently Beat the Noble

Ye Tian naturally had no way of knowing what was going on from Pompey. After half an hour's journey, Ye Tian finally walked to his home.

Soon, he began to frown, because at the entrance of his home, there was actually a group of people who were standing proudly in confrontation with his ten Spartans.

"What's going on?"

Ye Tian appeared, his low and deep voice sounded. The calmness carried a trace of dignity.

"Master, you' ve finally returned. These people have come to cause trouble..."

An elderly slave heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Tian return. He hurriedly ran to Ye Tian's side and explained to him.

"Who is so arrogant and daring to cause trouble in my estate?"

Ye Tian asked in a deep voice. At the same time he waved his hand, allowing the old slave to retreat.

Then, his gaze locked onto a young man, perhaps 15 or 16 year old. This young man was clearly a noble.

"Your Excellency is Satan Ye Tian?"

The young man walked up to Ye Tian and asked indifferently.

"Who are you?"

Ye Tian calmly asked back.

"Gaius Claudius Glaber!"

The young man spoke proudly.

"The Glaber family?"

Ye Tian asked indifferently.


Glaber answered in a proud voice.

"Sorry, I' ve never heard of it before!"

Ye Tian shook his head. but his name Ye Tian seemed to be somewhat familiar.


When he heard this, Glaber was immediately enraged.

"Er... are you engaged to the daughter of the Albinus Family, Ilithyia?"

Ye Tian came to a sudden realization and thought of something. He couldn' t help but ask Glaber.

"How do you know?"

Glaber was slightly surprised.

"I know who you are!"

Ye Tian finally remembered who this guy was. No wonder he was a bit familiar with Glaber's name. He didn' t know if this person had appeared in the history of the Roman, but before he passed through this world, he had seen the series of movies of Spartacus.

It just so happened that there was a General who was called Glaber, and he had an extremely beautiful and vicious wife, Illithyia.

However, General Glaber in the movies was indeed a wimp + unlucky guy. He couldn' t win the battle with his troops, so he brought Spartacus back to Capua as a spoils of war to gift his father-in-law.

In the end, he brought back a disaster that caused the heavens and the earth of Kapaya to turn upside down, and his father-in-law gave him a good dressing down. His beautiful wife had given him a huge green hat(cuckold), yet he still didn' t know it, and he once had almost been betrayed by his wife. Just when he thought smugly that Spartacus was that easy to deal with, and in the end, he couldn' t help but fall into Spartacus's hands and be humiliated.

Most likely, there was no man in the world who was more good-for-nothing than him.

"Have you finally found out about the Glaber family?"

Glaber laughed coldly, his eyes filled with pride.


Ye Tian directly slapped him and sent him flying. Even Caesar, Ye Tian also dared to touch his head; and even Pompey, he also dared to suffocate him. A small, unknown noble dared to come to his territory to cause trouble. Wasn' t this just courting death?

"You dare to hit me?..."

Glaber completely froze in place. He was actually slapped by a small slaveholder.

"Young Master!"

"Young Master!"


The guards Glaber brought here instantly drew their blade and sword, protecting Glaber in the middle, staring coldly at Ye Tian.

"Sparta!" !!"

Ye Tian shouted loudly.


"Huahaha!" !"


The ten Spartans instinctively shouted, putting on a formation. Then, they felt that their noses were a bit sore, but the blood began to boil at the next moment.

Sparta! !

Their master actually called out this name that was sacred to them.

How long had it been? They hadn' t heard such a hot-blooded voice.

"captured them all!"

Ye Tian gave the order in a cold voice. Glaber dared to cause trouble here, Ye Tian first planned to capture him before speaking.

"Satan, you are defying the law, you won' t succeed. I'm a noble!"

Originally, Glaber was a coward, and he immediately panicked now.

"Clang! Clang!" !"

"Clang! Clang!" !"


The Spartans attacked. It was as if they had returned to the battlefield. They were incomparably valiant, and they hit the seven or eight guards that Grebo had brought flying in an instant. In front of the Spartans, these measly guards were unable to even hold their swords firmly.

"Ah... Satan, you' re a lowly criminal. I' m going to exterminate you...

Seeing that the guard he brought here was instantly defeated, Glaber roared with fear and fury.

"Destroy me?"

Ye Tian laughed coldly, and then he walked over to Glaber's side. Slowly squatting down, he grabbed Glaber's hair and smashed Glaber's face onto the ground, moreover, pressed his head tightly.

After suffocating Glaber , he seemed to have become addicted to suffocating people.

"Tell me, what exactly is going on? A bug like that actually dares to attack my territory?"

Ye Tian asked the terrified Diana in the distance while suffocating Glaber .

"Master, that's how it is. We brought Daisy and Dinna to the market to purchase goods today. I don't know why he knows that we were slaves. Later on, he came over and intended to forcibly buy us off."

Angela was rather calm, she hurriedly explained everything in detail.

"Fuck, not only causing trouble here, but also daring to covet my women?"

When Ye Tian heard this, he became even more angry. He directly lifted up the struggling Glaber.




Ye Tian slapped him with one hand and then the other, fiercely slapped his face. The toothes of Glaber flew down one by one.


In the end, Ye Tian ruthlessly kicked his crotch, causing him to roll the eyes. His voice couldn' t even be heard, and he directly fainted from the pain.

"Tie him well!"

Ye Tian tossed the unconscious Glaber to the ground just like a trash, then gave the Spartans an order.

"Yes, Master!"

The Spartansmen spoke with incomparable respect. Their eyes were filled with respect as they looked at Ye Tian, and their loyalty actually rose.

In this world, there was probably only this master that could stand up for slaves and beat up the nobles.