Visiting the Slave Market again

"Diana, Angela, follow me out ..."

After dealing with Grebo, Ye Tian took a comfortable hot bath with the help of Diana and Angela, then said to them.

In this era, the bath did not need to be washed by oneself, because the female slaves help throughout the course; of course, midway, Ye Tian, who was extremely energetic, could not naturally take a bath in peace.

"Yes, master!"

Diana and Angela reverently replied. Then they went to change in a conservative skirt and followed Ye Tian out together.

"Master, where are we going?"

After walking on the street for a long time, the feet of the two women could not help but be blistered; Angela could not but asked Ye Tian; because she found that Ye Tian seemed to be walking around aimlessly.

"Found it, this is it!"

Ye Tian finally stopped and replied. There was a huge piece of land in front of them, covering an estimated area of four to five hundred acres, near the nobles' dwelling district in the west, bustling bazaars in the east, convenient north-south transportation. And there was a little river in the north; It was just that the river had now dried up.

"I plan to buy this land!"

Ye Tian said lightly. This was not the plantation area, nor the manors, but there were still more than a dozen tousle houses there.

This land would surely be invaluable in modern society; in this era, it was worthless. But If Ye Tian bought and successfully developed it , it would definitely become a prime lot in a short time.

"Master, you want to buy this land?"

Diana asked. She was a little surprised because this land was not very valuable in her eyes as it was not suitable for planting; otherwise, the land owner would had already developed it.

"Yes, do you know who it's owner is?"

Ye Tian nodded, then asked.

"It belongs to a small and well-known rich man, Max Allred.I heard, he has a daughter; and he has been trying to contact the Julius family; I think, he should intend to marry his daughter to the child Caesar of the Julius family ..."

Diana seriously thought for a while, then said slowly.

"A rich man, planning to marry his daughter to Caesar? Is his daughter called Cossutia?"

Ye Tian thought back for a while and asked.

"Yes, it's Cossutia. I've seen her, she was really a beauty embryo from childhood...."

Diana nodded and replied

"Sure enough ..."

Ye Tian was lost in his memory. In history, Caesar was definitely a romantic man and he had once owned countless women. But when he was a minor, his father booked him a marriage; the girl was a daughter of a wealthy businessman, named Cossutia.

However, before Caesar was an adult, his father passed away. In order to keep his status, Caesar abandoned Cossutia who had not yet married with him, as , the girl's family was rich but had no political status. After that, he married Cornelia, the daughter of Cinna who had served as the consul for four times.

"Let's go to the slave market first!"

After knowing who was the owner of the land, the problem would easily be solved.Moreover, the owner was just a wealthy businessman. As long as the price was reasonable, Ye Tian would easily take down that land. Soon after, he would be able to build the first luxury restaurant of ancient Roman.

However, before that, he needed to buy some slaves who owned the innate skill for cooking, and then teach them how to cook. After the restaurant was built, he could open directly.

It was noon at this moment, and the slave market was still lively.

"Lord Satan, welcome to you ..."

When Ye Tian strolled to the slave market, he was recognized by a slave trader. The slave trader quickly greeted Ye Tian with a great smile.

"Philip, I thought you would hide from me ..."

Ye Tian said with a smile, after all, the slaver trader pitted him last time.

"How is it possible? In order to congratulate Lord Satan, I specially prepare a gift for you ..."

Philip smiled very bright.

"Congratulate me? What's going on?"

Ye Tian asked with a smile.

"Haha... this wasn't a secret at all. You have saved Mrs. Aurelia and child Caesar. Mrs Aurelia appreciates you very much and prepares to marry her daughter to you, this news has spread already. Just now, many people saw that Mrs. Aurelia came out from the senate with her entourage. It's estimated that she is contacting the relationship for you ... In the future, you are also a noble, please don't forget to take care of the everyday people like me,my Lord… "

Philip said leisurely, his eyes filled with envy.

Ye Tian was stunned. He didn't expect that Aurelia's action was so quick. Besides that, she also built up the momentum for him, and letting people know that he would become a noble soon.

No doubt, she was worried that Pompey would not let the thing go at that and went on in retaliation. After all, the aristocratic identity of Ye Tian was just her words. If they did not put on records in the Senate, Ye Tian would still not be a real nobleman.

Aurelia was really putting his thing in mind!

Ye Tian's heart felt a bit warm, and he was moved actually.

"Haha ... I didn't expect this thing to be spread so quickly! As for care... you can rest assured, we can cooperate very well ..."

Ye Tian laughed, very happy.

"By the way, I plan to buy some slaves today. Rest assured, I'm not a bullying man!"

Ye Tian smiled, explaining his intention in coming.

"I don't know what kind of slave you want? Lord!"

Philip asked respectfully, as of then Ye Tian's identity had completely changed.

"I want to buy some slaves who have cooking skills; men,women, old and young are ok. As long as they have excellent cooking skills, or have a little base of cooking skills.

Ye Tian said lightly.

"It's easy, I don't know how many you need? my Lord."

Philip nodded, and there were many slaves who could cook.

"Thirty people!"

Ye Tian thought for a while and said lightly. Thirty people were enough.

"Thirty people? So many? Can you wait for two days? my Lord. I will try my best to find the best slaves for you!."

Philip asked. No slave trader would hoard so many slaves with cooking skills at the same time; After all, if they couldn't sell them, they had to keep them.

"Of course.But at that time, you need to send them to my manor."

Ye Tian nodded. He also knew a lot about the slave's market.

"Lord, please follow me, I have prepared a gift for you. I promise, you will be satisfied!."

Philip mysteriously said to Ye Tian, which aroused Ye Tian's curiosity.