A pure foodie!

There was nothing he could do about it. He had asked Diana to send her clothes, which meant , "I've already sent you clothes. How could I take off your clothes and make love with you?."

"Yes, Master."

Diana was a bit scared, but she still plucked up her courage and slowly walked towards the female giant.

As expected, with Diana approaching , the female giant did not react too violently because she was a female,

When Diana handed her a piece of colorful cloth, the female giant hesitated for a moment, but then she took it. She looked at it carefully and sniffed it. It seemed that she liked it very much because her eyes flashed with joy.


The female giant muttered something to Diana and then held out her hand gently towards her,


Ye Tian moved.

"Master, she has no malice!"

Diana stopped Ye Tian and held out her hand,too..

"Can you understand what she said?"

Ye Tian asked curiously.

"No, master. Her language has never been recorded and I haven't even heard the same kind of syllable before, but I have a sense that she wasn't hostile. She seems to appreciate me."

Diana shook her head and explained to Ye Tian. At the same time, her palm had already been held by the female giant, and the giant gave a happy smile on her face.

"Can you communicate with her?"

Ye Tian asked expectantly.

"My respected master, I can try to communicate with her. Although we don't speak the same language, the gods have given us the common limbs and emotions. These can be used to communicate, and even the eyes can be used as a window to the heart."

Diana said with confidence. She spoke well and her identity should not be simple..

Next, Diana began to try all kinds of ways to communicate with the female giant, and most, of course, were physical expressions.

In this aspect,Diana seemed to be very talented. She could actually pass on her meaning to the female giant through her own movements. She made the female giant nod and shake her head from time to time, which made Ye Tian stunned for a while. And of course admire her even more .

After a long time,Diana and the female giant stopped talking.

From Ye Tian's point of view, the hostility of the female giant to him slowly disappeared, her loyalty to him even reached 10.

"Master, she's willing to stay here for the time being, but now she's hungry and wants to eat something..."

Diana turned around, wiped off the sweat on her forehead, and said to Ye Tian with a sumg credit in her eyes. It seemed to take some skill to accomplish this task.

"Thank God, to have sent you to my side, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with the female giant."

Ye Tian smiled and said, "Since she is hungry, take her to the kitchen and give her some food!"

"Okay, master."

Diana nodded, and then said with some embarrassment, "Master, just now she misunderstood that you want to make love with her by force because she smelled a powerful male breath from you "

"Didn't she think about her height?"

After hearing Diana's words, Ye Tian almost fell down with anger and quipped feebly.

"Go and take her to the kitchen , let her experience the lure and charm of human civilization. I don't believe that after eating my dishes, she still wants to go back to the life of the wild!"

Ye Tian said proudly, but now he doesn't have much interest in these giants anymore.

As timid as they were, it would be quite hard to train them into powerful warriors.

But he knew actually that there were giants who had a lot of hidden energy. Ye Tian would not be content if he did not train them to be strong fighters.

With Diana following her, the female giant seemed not to be afraid of Ye Tian anymore. She followed him slowly, with a trace of curiosity in her eyes.

For them, the human world was indeed full of wonders.

Ye Tian personally cooked two roast chickens and several dishes for the female giant . He even took out a big pot of bread.

There was no other way. The giant could originally eat a lot, and he would know that when he saw her push the limits of human power in her stats.

Ye Tian estimated that if they wanted her to eat satisfied for each meal, they would definitely have to eat at least two sheep.

Such a huge appetite along with their cowardice, it would be strange if they did not disappear into the long river of history.

After the Wolf Girl and the female giant, Ye Tian was full of curiosity about ancient Greek of this era.

In this era, were there many species that weren't extinct or even have no records of their extinction?

After all, even though humans in this era were highly intelligent creatures, there was still a limited area for human activity. These places exclude mountains, forests, primitive mountains, and so on. Humans didn't dare to set foot on them at all.

This era was too far away from the future. How many races had disappeared in this cruel war of invasion ?


Ye Tian's cooking skills were good enough to satisfy the appetite of the nobles, let alone a female giant who was almost like a savage. When she tore off a piece of roast chicken, her eyes suddenly lit up. No one knew what she had said to Ye Tian vaguely, but she began to eat quickly.

Looking at her expression, Ye Tian could guess that maybe she was expressing her gratitude to him.

It could be seen that in addition to being timid, this female giant was really simple minded. Even though she was full of hostility to Ye Tian before ,she was now almostly conquered by a roast chicken.

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