Yours Faithfully, Anxiety


Without so much as a warning, I wake up seven hours later, my brain still in shock from what happened in my nightmare. They keep getting frequent like I'm supposed to have been there and saved them, but as usual, I convince myself I can do it.

I am Mykolajki Pavlenko, and a nightmare really shouldn't be something for me to get all worked up about, no?

You'd think that after all the time that had passed and with me having nightmares almost every time I lay my head on the pillow, I would be familiar with all this and get used to it, but then nothing about loneliness and losing my family over and over.

Disgruntled, I lay a little longer on the bed, trying to think of everything that happened three days ago. I know I have a memory card to watch and see what happened. It's so hard being me at this moment.