What If I Disappeared?


The room suddenly gets cold and quieter. My ears are ringing, my head spinning, and I feel like I'm so close to tapping out. None of this is okay. The confusion makes me feel like there's a drug sprayed in the room.

It takes me a while to get a hold of myself and remind myself that I am doing this for myself darn the self-love. I'm starting to doubt whether this is self-love or just me and my curiosity fighting. Who could have ever expected this?

I turned on the TV alright, but everything I watched got me in this particular state.

I can swear that I eat healthy food. Of course, I'm very aware of my depression, but this is not the result of all that. This is what we call shock. Or maybe it's a stroke, damn, I'm still too young to have a stroke. I haven't even had a girlfriend or boyfriend.