I'll Get Better For Us [1]


"What is it? You've already made me anxious enough, brother," Qiao complained when Nikita took too long to tell him what it was he wanted to say.

As much as it was relieving to hear Nikita wanted to take some time and heal, as much as he wanted to applaud his best friend for finally seeing things from their point of view, Qiao was anxious, and he was almost bashing Nikita's head if he didn't talk.

"Oh c'mon soldier, you shouldn't be anxious now; I doubt they train you to be this anxious over some piece of news—" Nikita said, but Qiao looked at him, giving him a deathly glare.

"Alright, alright, fine. Don't eat m,e up, man," Nikita said dramatically. He knew he was pissing Qiao off, but this was fun. It was kind of a payback for Qiao embarrassing him about the peeing situation. Now he knew what it felt like, right? But were those situations similar in any way?