A New Kind Of Normal


The day had been hectic, but the outcome wasn't really expected.

The commanders had not expected Colonel Dmytri to give them eighteen months of all the things, and that was more than the amount of time they had in mind, but at least now, they would be able to make sure Nikita was settled and everything was done in the right way.

They knew they had to still show up at the Pavlenko headquarters to officially introduce themselves and get their seats on the board and whatnot, but that was just about it. For now, they were going to take the day off of their lives and rest.

Heaven knew they needed the rest. Otherwise, they would be zombies. No one wanted to see commander Xi and Tabakov looking like zombies, no one and especially not the colonel.

"That little twerp said something about spilling coffee—" Qiao whined as he walked into his house.