The Warrior and The Commander


Andrew looked helplessly at Carrie and Natalya. He wondered whether he had heard the woman wrong, but Natalya, as usual, was laughing his ass off. The horrified face Andrew was making made Natalya burst out with laughter for the hundredth time since Carrie started talking.

On the other hand, Andrew could see the resemblance that Carrie and Arya had. The authoritative women who knew nothing about mercy. He wanted to complain, he wanted to say he was worse than Nikita, but he couldn't.

Such were the times he wished Ken would show up and be his slave, but hey, he was with the humans, and there was nothing he could do about it anyway. But he still had to try.

"Do I also have to—" Andrew managed out, however before he could screw them over, Qiao reached out to Andrew, covering his driver's mouth with his hands and shutting him up immediately.