I Won't Look Back


By morning, Arya couldn't get any more sleep. She had tried to, but it just wasn't her potion. Maybe she would try later, but even she knew there were slim chances that she would get to sleep during the day. it was something she had forced herself to learn.

"Is Drew back?" Arya asked when she didn't hear the usual bickering among the grown-up children. It had become a norm even when she wasn't here. She knew they would never really get along without wanting to kill each other, not to mention the fact that the warriors were hard-headed.

Arya looked around the house, her eyes still puffy from lack of enough sleep. For a woman who had done her best to stay awake at the holding center, she should have been able to sleep well, especially if she had people who cared about her around her.

They were supposed to be her motivation, but until the day she would leave this realm, Arya's only motivation was to fix Nikita.