No Longer Safe


Drew looked at Arya, wondering what was now going through her mind.

Whatever she had planned for Nikita wasn't death, because she hadn't tried to kill him the moment she showed up, which was actually something worth commending because Arya Knight was a thousand types of bad and she never regretted it one bit.

Maybe someday everything would work out, but here and now, Drew knew shit was about to go down.

Rohit and Ken instinctively took a step back, now wanting to be part of the collateral damage. Two alphas fighting was something they had seen and learned from. The innocents and the weak always ended up being a part of the squabble.

And while the people in here weren't innocent and weak, no one wanted to be hit by flying objects if the two alphas decided that punching each other wasn't enough to show how mad they were at each other.