The Prince and His Mate [1]


After their dismissal, the ream had gone in different directions but the crown prince Lu Qiao Feng was raging.

"What was that, huh? Where the hell have you been? What's that scent on you? Fucking say something! And get the fuck out of those clothes!" Qiao angrily said to Drew who was just staring at him, equally pissed. 

Last night, when they had fought, Drew had run away to a place he could get his comfort, and that too, from the most unexpected person. He had then spent the night there, sleeping on the couch despite the pleas by his host, for him to sleep in the guest rooms, but that seemed to be out of the question for the warrior.

Drew didn't tell a soul where he went and even when he had reached his destination, he didn't say a word as to why he had shifted and run through the different forests just to get there. His host had been kind enough to understand that sometimes, silence was all that was needed.