For Their Chaotic Angels 


"Good morning team Arya!!" Carrie greeted and everyone cursed in all the languages they knew of at the moment. It was fucking morning and she had no business being an annoying ass that early. Or was she getting paid for it? Damn.

Thanks to Carrie, everyone was awake in the Pavlenko household. Natalya had woken up earlier to pack food for the boys and Carrie. She knew they would need some time to adapt to the environment.

It was only natural that she cared about Nikita because she was kinda like the motherly figure in his life. She had packed food in different containers, even when Drew had told her that the boys would be able to take care of themselves. 

"Be careful, Nikita. We can't lose you too," Natalya said, as she broke down in tears. She knew Nikita was a good doctor and could handle himself. She was aware of his training and even the fact that he wasn't going to be in any real danger, but that wasn't comforting at all.