The Choices In Aldyayon


With Qiao gone, Arya knew she had added responsibilities. Granted, they were here at her father's request, but she couldn't help but feel like Drew would have been enough for the damn mission.

It was crazy how much she was willing to do just to make sure everything went back to its original place. She wanted her freedom and if the whole of this gang being here was the easiest way to get it, then she was going to utilize them.

"Drew, Ken, and Enrique, be on the lookout for any Aldyayon scents. They're looking for the people who attacked the palace and well, Samy and I reek of everything smoky," Arya said as they walked deeper into the realm. 

The Aldyayon kingdom was beautiful but nothing was prettier than the royal palace. Sure they hated the man who lived in it, but they still appreciated what their forefathers had done with the palace.