Chapter 1

Training Hard

Morning came, King Bobby and the advisors then woke up and they then ate their breakfast. They then headed outside and they went to an area where they were training their moves.

" We need all the power in the universe " said King Bobby.

" We will crush this tournament "

" Warbler will be found and our victory will happen "

" My brother will be back with us " said Blackburnian.

" I know he will "

Lord Grackle was able to use the Bird Implosion.

" My abilities have gotten so good " said Lord Grackle.

" I cannot wait to use my skills at the tournament "

" Crayon must go down, Crayon cannot ever be a friend to Warbler " said King Bobby.

" Warbler has been let down "

" Our meals are better, we are making his life better " said Queen Starling.

" Very true " said Curtis.

Colour King had woken up in Colourland with all his officials.

" That Challenger will pay " said Colour King.

" I am so Colourlandish, Colourland needs to be as Colourlandish as possible right now "

" I will not allow him to continue to do what he has done "

" I did so much for Colourland "

" The people do not like Challenger " said Colour Dictator.

" Yes, they must have Colour King in charge " said Colourclever.

" Colourland will belong to us and Colour King will lead " said Colour Queen.

" True " said Colourclever.

" Indeed " said Colour Administrator.

" I need to be the leader of Colourland, my opinion is so good " said Colour King. " People must agree with me for the sake of Colourland "

" My opinion is truly Colourlandish, I will stop Challenger for the sake of Colourland "

" Colourlandish people understand how Colourlandish I am and want me back "

" Now we will head out for training " said Colour Queen.

" Yes " said Colour Administrator. " Colourlandish people see a jackass when they see Challenger "

" When Colour King is there people do not call him one at all "

" Yes, Colour King is not called a jackass at all " said Colour Queen.

" Colour King must regain power "

" Yes, I must and will do so " said Colour King.

" I know of my skill "

" I wonder if King Bobby has returned as well "

" He might have " said Colourclever.

" I know of what he has been doing for Bird's Isle "

They all then heard about the tournament, they then started to train.

They then noticed King Bobby.

" Well, this is now the ultimate alliance " said King Bobby.

" The last time we met in person was very long ago " said Colour King.

" It is a great sight to see "

" We will make our countries as good as possible, that Challenger guy must go "

" We want Warbler and we must take him from Crayon and his friends " said King Bobby.

' We know of what Crayon has done "

" Well, good training to you all "

" Thanks, we will do great " said Colour King.

" We are allies, it must stay this way " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon and his friends will be stopped, Warbler will be in Bird's Isle at the end " said King Bobby. " Me and Colour King will be the finals "

" Yes, for sure " said Colour King.

" There is no stopping us "

" Challenger is not going to beat me more than once "

" Nor will he do the same to me "

Colour King and his officials then were training their moves.

Crayon and his friends got up and then they were contacted by King Bobby. The message said this.

Crayon, you cannot hide forever. All of us are training our abilities, we will meet at the tournament if not sooner. We expect Warbler and Allie back in Bird's Isle at the end of this. We do not want you hanging out with him, Allie knows how much she loves Warbler so she will agree.

She has shown these feelings so much now. The amount that she loves Warbler is so high. I cannot have you and your friends interfere with this. They are not good for Warbler or Allie. They are a great couple, you must understand. You will need to train harder than you ever have to even have a chance here.

King Bobby Blackbird

" Allie does love Warbler but Warbler doesn't want to be around these guys " said Colourea.

" I wonder if Grackle and Dove will enter " said Colouruke.

" I could see it " said Artby. " Bakers want more of our friends to fight "

" Bakers love our friends, they bake for them "

" They like friends fighting "

Crayon and his friends then made their breakfast and they went outside and they saw Challenger.

" Good morning " said Challenger.

" Good morning, Challenger " the four of them said.

" There will be tons of training now " said Challenger.

" We were messaged by King Bobby " said Crayon.

" He wants Warbler and Allie in Bird's Isle instead of here "

" His demands will not succeed " said Challenger.

" We will fight hard "

" Yes, we will do so " said Crayon.

" Warbler enjoys being around us " said Colouruke.

" Bakers want us hanging with him " said Artby. " Baking does so much "

" I love bakers, my love for the baker is extremely strong "

" Well, we should go train " said Challenger.

" The tournament is super tough " said Colourea.

" We will need it "

" Let's go " said Challenger.

They then headed to their regular training spot and then they started their training.

Challenger used the Electrocution Implosion, Crayon used the Bird Implosion, Colourea and Artby used the Heatwave Implosion while Colouruke used the Deepsea Implosion.

" Awesome power " said Challenger.

" We are still very strong " said Crayon.

" We will crush this tournament " said Artby.

" Bakers want a customer of theirs to win over people that do not eat at the bakeries "

" When a customer wins, it is better for bakers "

" How so ? " asked Colourea.

" It makes bakers happier and prouder of themselves, they love themselves more " said Artby.

" I will be a customer that does that "

" Uh, okay " said Colouruke.

" Well, we should use our blasts " said Challenger.

" Yes, that is a great idea " said Crayon.

Challenger used the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, Crayon, Colourea and Artby used the Ultimate Heatwave Blast while Colouruke used the Ultimate Deepsea Blast.

" Awesome to see " said Challenger.

" It's asskicking time " said Artby.

" We will give King Bobby one "

" King Bobby is a man that will not go down easily but we should be ready " said Colouruke.

" Baking always prevails and so does customers " said Artby.

" Baking never dies, bread will always be eaten by me "


" Well you do enjoy the bread a lot " said Colourea.

" Bread never dies " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Time to use our bombs " said Challenger.

Challenger used the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb, Crayon used the Ultimate Sky Bomb, Colourea and Artby used the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb while Colouruke used the Ultimate Deepsea Bomb.

" Nice exploding " said Challenger.

" Bakers love that from a customer " said Artby.

" I like being a customer who can do that, it feels good "

" Do they ? " asked Colouruke.

" They sure do, customers can protect the baker " said Artby.

" Great customers have made sure that bakers can truly bake "

" Customers are very useful in different ways "

" From purchases " said Colourea.

" Not just the purchases, the way a customer fights can truly inspire a baker " said Artby.

" It is truly inspiring for a baker to bake when they see that "

" Well, we should use our strikes " said Challenger.

Challenger used his Tenfold Electrocution Strike, Crayon, Artby and Colourea used their Tenfold Heatwave Strike while Colouruke used his Tenfold Deepsea Strike.

" Awesome strikes " said Challenger. " Extremely proud "

" It is great " said Crayon.

" I do all of this for bakers " said Artby.

" Always for a baker, they want tournament victories and lots of them "

" Bakers love this tournament "

" Well if there is bread to baked then maybe " said Colouruke.

" The fighters will want bread, crave bread and demand bread " said Artby. " They understand what is at stake in the tournament "

" Bakers are needed "

" Well, we should head to the bakery " said Colourea.

" Yeah, we could use some bread " said Crayon.

" How could we not " said Artby. " It is impossible for us to not need bread "

" We need bread, we will give the best asskickings ever "

" Let's go " said Challenger.

Meanwhile in the Bear hideout, Xax had woken up.

" Easeion " said Xax.

" I am glad to see you are here "

" Xax, we will get our revenge " said Easeion.

" I cannot believe that Crayon has made me look bad more than once "

" I'm a legend, not a dumbass "

" This cannot stand "

" We will make sure that Crayon makes nobody look bad again " said Xax.

" I know we can do so "

" Xax, neither of us have seen you in a long time " said Blackin.

" He was part of the Bear under Brett " said Easeion.

" We must train " said Blackina.

" Our power must be unlimited "

" My desire for Blackina keeps me going, I cannot ever stop loving Blackina " said Blackin.

" I never forget to show my feelings for her "

" That is what I love to see, now let's train our abilities " said Blackina.

" Great idea " said Xax.

The four of them then started training their moves and they were glad to be able to use intense power.

Meanwhile Warbler and Allie had then heard a knock on the door.

" I wonder who that is ? " asked Allie.

You never know " said Warbler.

" It looks like Lord Grackle "

" Lord Grackle ? " asked Allie.

" King Bobby wants us away from Crayon and his friends "

" This could be very bad "

" He didn't see us but we took a close look " said Warbler.

" Yeah, I am not sure " said Allie.

" Same here " said Warbler.

" Warbler, we know that you are here " said Lord Grackle. " Crayon is not here, this is a good time "

" You can get away from him much easier "

" Good time ? " asked Warbler.

" Yes, you must let me inside " said Lord Grackle.

" Bird's Isle is counting on it "

" Now, you know of my ability so I suggest that you listen to me right now "

Lord Grackle was let inside.

" So, what brings you to our house ? " asked Allie.

" King Bobby needs to see you two " said Lord Grackle.

" We are staying at this hotel "

" Colourland Superhotel ? " asked Warbler.

" I have heard of it "

" I have heard good things about it " said Allie.

" Yes, the rooms are so good " said Lord Grackle.

" I am with Curtis "

" Curtis is at his room right now, I was sent here "

" I suggest that you two come with me "

" I hope Crayon does not see anything " said Warbler.

" Crayon is not a man that should concern you, you two can be around us instead " said Lord Grackle.

" Crayon did not support Bird's Isle "

" We support Bird's Isle and you two much more than Crayon does "

" King Bobby says that he is not someone you should be around, King Bobby knows what is best for you "

" Crayon does not "

" Crayon is not the man that his friends think he is "

Lord Grackle then got inside this car they had rented, they got inside. The car then drove them to the hotel where King Bobby and his advisors were there.

" Warbler " said King Bobby.

" This is great "

" I am happy that Lord Grackle was able to find you two this soon "

" My brother is now back with us " said Blackburnian.

" You two will train with us " said Queen Starling.

" We do not know the rules of this tournament but we will do extremely well " said Curtis.

" Crayon is not someone that you can hang with " said Draco.

" He sure is not " said Rourke.

" Now we know that you two will want a room to yourselves " said King Bobby.

" Grackle and Dove will try to enter " said Queen Starling.

" I wonder what they will do " said Diana.

" I think that they will be against us " said Blackburnian.

" We will deal with them "

" I know that Warbler is stronger than them " said Queen Starling.

" Now, I will pay for a room for you two " said King Bobby.

" This place is amazing "

" Yes, it is " said Draco.

King Bobby brought Warbler and Allie to the ground floor of the hotel and they had a room which they checked into.

Meanwhile King Bobby called Crayon who answered.

" Crayon, we must discuss something " said King Bobby.

" King Bobby ? " asked Crayon.

" What do you want to discuss ? "

" Warbler and Allie are at a hotel, Lord Grackle brought them there " said King Bobby.

" You stay away from them, we do not want you around "

" Warbler needs us not you, stay away "

" He's our friend " said Crayon.

" Just like Allie "

" No he is not " said King Bobby.

" His brother Blackburnian is sick of it "

" Blackburnian hates the idea of him being around your group "

" He wants the best for Warbler "

" He is a great guy "

" Colour King has returned, I will work with him to make sure of it "

" Colour King ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes, he is back and stay away from Warbler " said King Bobby. " He will take Colourland back from Challenger, you will see it for yourself "

" Warbler is going to eat better "

" Challenger has trained a lot " said Crayon.

" We will find a way to take him down " said King Bobby.

" He can be defeated "

" You will see me at the tournament "

" Yes, we will see you there " said Crayon "

" We will give it everything "

" These battles will be great " said King Bobby.

" Me and Colour King will be the final two "

Crayon and his friends got their bread from the bakery where Artby thanked the bakers and they left.

" Colour King has returned " said Crayon.

" What ? " asked Colouruke.

" Warbler and Allie have been taken by Lord Grackle to this hotel " said Crayon.

" These events are terrible " said Colourea.

" Yeah, this is not good at all "

" Baking will stop it " said Artby.

" We will keep training " said Challenger.

" Bakers want us to win " said Artby. " Colour King and King Bobby will be stopped "

" That is a dangerous alliance " said Colouruke.

" Knowing our luck now, some Bear members are back as well "

" It would not surprise me " said Crayon.

" Things really could go that way "

They then headed home, Challenger headed to his office.

" That King Bobby is too much " said Crayon.

" We will defeat him " said Colourea.

" Bakers know what they are doing" said Artby.

More time continued to pass, Crayon and his friends enjoyed their supper.

Meanwhile Colour King had met with Challenger.

" Colour King ? " asked Challenger.

" You know what I am here for " said Colour King.

" The tournament " said Challenger.

" Yes, we must prove how Colourlandish we are " said Colour King.

" Us and King Bobby are going to be in the final four with Colour Queen "

" Perhaps Crayon " said Challenger.

" It is going to be a gathering of the truly powerful "

" Crayon is not strong enough " said Colour King.

" Colour Queen, Queen Starling and Colour Dictator are stronger honestly "

" Challenger, I assume that you are cracking down on the protests "

" Protests ? " asked Challenger.

" Why the protests ? "

" They are not Colourlandish and they are not respectful of this country " said Colour King.

" Challenger, has any leader allowed protests ever ? "

" Crayon has not been protesting, so what does that say "

" Crayon has the right to not do so, but other people who want to protest are allowed " said Challenger.

" Plus Crayon and his friends have a lot of training to do so "

" Protesting is not illegal "

" That is a decision that you will end up regretting, protests are not good for Colourland " said Colour King.

" I will claim my victory "

Well, the tournament has a lot of strong contenders, it will not be easy " said Challenger.

" We will meet again " said Colour King.

Colour King left and he headed back to his place.

More time continued passing, Crayon kissed Colourea goodnight and they all went to bed.

Morning came, The Bear were awake and then Whites woke up from being knocked out a long time.

" Blackin, my cousin " said Whites.

" This is amazing "

" Whites, it is great to see this " said Blackin.

" I am glad that you are back "

" Yes, it is wonderful to return " said Whites.

" This tournament will be great for the organization "

" It will " said Xax.

" Blackin is a great man, he will win it all " said Blackina.

" I will make sure that our victory is guaranteed " said Easeion.

" I won't hesitate to cause a lot of injuries here "

" Crayon is a man I want to suffer, Bill and Tara have still not awakened "

" The Bear will get their revenge "

" Tons of Bear members want his end "

" Our organization will not hesitate to steal " said Whites.

" Yes, we can take from the fans " said Xax.

" They will have some good shit "

" That is for sure " said Blackin.

" We must be very careful there, I don't know how they are going to plan this tournament " said Blackina.

" Now we should train our moves " said Blackin.

" Yes, we cannot beat Crayon otherwise " said Easeion.

" All of us want a crack at him "

" Yes, for sure " said Xax.

They then started training their moves in the hideout, they were happy to do so.

King Bobby and the advisors woke up while Warbler and Allie did the same.

" Good morning " said King Bobby. " It is time for us to get ready for training "

They got ready and they then headed to their training spot.

" Learning the Bird Implosion is a must " said Curtis.

" I must know it "

" Yes, we need that power " said Queen Starling.

" Now it is time to begin " said King Bobby. " We must keep Crayon away from Warbler "

" He is having the life that Bird's Isle needs "

They all then started, they all trained their bombs, blasts, strikes and implosions.

Chapter 2

Completing the Training

Crayon and his friends woke up and then heard about the 32 person format.

" 32 people ? " asked Crayon.

" This is going to be quite the tournament "

" It seems like it " said Colourea.

" I wonder what fighters there will be "

" Advisors to King Bobby are likely " said Crayon.

" Well, we have to be ready " said Colouruke.

" We will keep training " said Artby. " Bakers want that "

" Bakers are too good as people to not want that "

" Too good as people ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, bakers are some of the best people you can meet " said Artby. " When a baker bakes, you will see all of that "

They made their breakfast and then headed out to train.

" Bakers are loving us as customers " said Artby. " When a baker is in love with one of my purchases it is great "

" Love with your purchases ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes in the same way that bread has fallen in love with my mouth " said Artby. " Bakers also understand the taste buds and they respect them with their baking "

" Bakers treat our taste buds so good, I will always be grateful "

" Uh, okay " said Crayon. " Well we should train our moves "

" Yeah, I'm doing that for bakers " said Artby.

" Bakers mean so much, they know I fight to purchase bread and to be the type of customer that they will always crave "

They were at their regular training spot and they started to train. Meanwhile Easeion was with Xax.

" We must get our revenge " said Easeion.

" The Bear means too much, our members have done so much "

" I love the Bear "

" They sure have, everyone was living it up here " said Xax. " I remember it when we were all here "

" It was such a great moment "

" They will wake up and they will remember what Crayon did " said Easeion.

" Bear members know that he must be sad for the sake of the Bear "

" Bear members must hate Crayon but I am sure they already do "

" Exactly, how can we live it up as well when Crayon is around " said Xax.

" He did not want us stealing so much "

" We have so much good shit here "

" Crayon must stay out of our way "

" Crayon's suffering will be something all Bear members want in their lives " said Easeion.

" Blackin wanted him out of the way for his perfect wedding, Crayon will be so hurt by us "

" His wedding was meaningful "

" He loves Blackina "

" Hahahahaha " said Xax.

" I know that we will get our revenge against Crayon "

" Yes, it will be great " said Easeion.

" Crayon will not stop us "

Crayon and his friends began their training and they started with their implosions.

Crayon, Artby and Colourea used the Heatwave Implosion while Colouruke used the Deepsea Implosion.

" Great attacks " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, good power here " said Crayon.

" Yeah, we have been hitting our stride " said Colourea.

" Bakers want that " said Artby. " Bakers know of our power, they want more powerful customers "

" They want great customers that can defend them when it is necessary "

" Well, if people are attacking a baker, the baker would want that " said Crayon.

" Crayon, I am glad you understand the bakers, we should use our blasts " said Artby.

Crayon used the Ultimate Bird Blast, Colouruke used the Ultimate Deepsea Blast while Colourea and Artby used their Ultimate Heatwave Blasts.

" Wow " said Colourea.

" It is really amazing " said Crayon. " Our abilities must be on a different level for this tournament "

" Grackle and Dove may enter " said Colouruke.

" That would be cool " said Crayon.

" Bakers like them " said Artby.

" Bread does a lot for them "

" We should use our bombs " said Colourea.

Crayon, Artby and Colourea used their Ultimate Heatwave Bombs while Colouruke used his Ultimate Deepsea Bomb.

Glad to see this " said Colouruke.

" We'll blow the fuck out of people " said Artby. " We explode for the baker "

" I explode for bakers and the flavour of bread explodes in my mouth "

" Awesome explosions will come "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Bakers have transformed my mouth into a different one thanks to baking " said Artby.

" Transformed your mouth ? " asked Crayon who was confused.

" Bakers have done so with their baking, bakers have transformed parts of our bodies " said Artby.

" Baking is heroic "

" Heroic ? " asked Colouruke.

" Yes, it sure is " said Artby. " Bakers know they are heroes, they will not forget that they are "

" We should use our strikes " said Crayon.

Colouruke used the Tenfold Deepsea Strike, Crayon used the Tenfold Bird Strike while Colourea and Artby used their Tenfold Heatwave Strikes.

" Brilliant " said Crayon.

" Bread has awakened something inside me " said Artby.

" Colouruke's fists are better fists and Crayon's taste buds have been transformed for flavour explosions inside the mouth "

" Dude, what the fuck " said Crayon.

" Crayon, bread is exploding with flavour inside our mouths" said Artby.

" You don't sense these great flavour explosions ? "

" No, it does taste good " said Crayon.

" Same here, I enjoy bread with tomato sauce but I don't sense any explosions " said Colouruke.

" I sense them " said Artby. " Bakers have made our taste buds into better taste buds and have understood them "

" Bakers have shown so much decency towards our bodies "

" Well, we could head to the bakery " said Colourea.

" I could use more flavour explosions " said Artby.

" My mouth deserves it "

Meanwhile, in the Bear hideout there was discussion.

" Our power is rising " said Whites.

" I feel stronger "

" It sure is " said Blackin. " I will win this tournament for the Bear "

" We need Melissa to wake up " said Xax.

" Yes, her power would be very useful " said Whites.

" She knows how to fight "

" Crayon will lose this tournament " said Easeion. " The Bear will guarantee that "

" Revenge will happen "

" I hope so " said Xax. " Perhaps the fans can be robbed "

" I would love to rob the fans " said Easeion.

" They could have some good stuff on them "

" I would imagine there would be some good things to steal " said Whites.

" Yeah, I would think so " said Xax.

" This will be great " said Whites.

" We must be very careful " said Blackin. " There are going to be a lot of high profile people there "

" If we get caught it will be an issue " said Blackina.

" We will succeed and make sure that we have more stuff here " said Whites.

Crayon and his friends went to the bakery and got what they needed, Artby thanked the bakers and then talked about a bread based dream that he had.

They then headed back to their place. More days continued passing and everyone on each side continued their training.

Everyone on each side continued their training, morning came.

King Bobby and the advisors then woke up Warbler and Allie.

" Time to get up " said King Bobby. " Warbler, we have made your life better unlike Crayon "

" Crayon has not influenced Warbler well " said Blackburnian. " Crayon is not a friend people from Bird's Isle should have "

They all got ready and they went to train outside.

" This tournament will be dominated by Bird's Isle " said Lord Grackle.

" Damn straight " said Blackburnian. " Warbler is fighting with us now "

" Not with Crayon "

" We know what it is at stake, Crayon cannot win " said Queen Starling.

" We will make him look like a moron " said King Bobby.

" He will not defeat me "

" Hahahaha " said Queen Starling.

" Now let's train " said Draco and Rourke.

" Yeah, that is a good idea " said Curtis.

They trained their moves, Curtis learned the Bird Implosion.

" Hahaha " said Curtis. " My power really is something "

" It is " said Lord Grackle.

" It will be good to compete in the tournament " said Warbler.

" These battles will be great for Bird's Isle " said Blackburnian. " Bird's Isle is great "

Crayon and his friends got up and they then ate their breakfast and they then headed outside. Meanwhile Bear members were talking.

Melissa woke up.

" Welcome back " said Whites.

" I am happy to see you, Whites " said Melissa.

" It is amazing "

" It sure is " said Whites.

" Our elite members are all here " said Xax.

" Melissa, Blackin and Blackina are here " said Whites.

" Melissa, we have heard from Whites about you " said Blackin.

" Whites has said great things about you " said Blackina.

" Glad to be here " said Melissa.

" The Bear is the best " said Whites.

" My desire for Blackina is so strong, I doubt anyone has that kind of desire " said Blackin.

" I love hearing that " said Blackina.

" I love seeing how much Blackin shows the love for me "

" Yes, it is great " said Whites.

They then all trained their techniques.

Crayon and his friends were talking outside their door with Challenger who showed up.

" Good morning, Challenger " said Crayon and his friends.

" Good morning all " said Challenger. " We should get another set of training "

" Yeah, that would be great " said Colouruke.

" Bakers want us tougher as customers " said Artby.

" It is what they need "

" They need great customers to fight for them at all times "

" I will defend baking "

" Baking's great "

" Well, let's head there " said Challenger.

" Bakers want us there " said Artby.

" We should go now " said Challenger.

They then headed to their regular training spot and they started to use their implosions.

Challenger used the Electrocution Implosion, Crayon used the Bird Implosion, Colouruke used the Deepsea Implosion while Colourea and Artby used their Heatwave Implosions.

" Awesome to see " said Challenger.

" Bakers love power " said Artby. " Bakers understand me as a customer "

" Power ? " asked Colourea.

" Yes " said Artby.

" Now, let's use our blasts " said Challenger.

Challenger used the Ultimate Electrocution Blast, Crayon, Colourea and Artby used their Ultimate Heatwave Blasts while Colouruke used the Ultimate Deepsea Blast.

" Nice " said Challenger.

" This really is good to see " said Colouruke.

" Bakers will bake happier and better " said Artby. " Bakers are now safer when they bake "

" We haven't fought inside a bakery in a while " said Colourea.

" That is true, our bakery fights have pretty much ended " said Crayon.

" You never know when they will continue " said Artby. " Sometimes a bakery can be violent and sometimes it can be peaceful for a long time "

" Bread is very useful, so I do understand it "

" Well, it does taste good with a lot of different foods, but these fights for it seem a bit much " said Colouruke.

" We should use our bombs " said Challenger.

" Yeah, we need to create explosions that save baking " said Artby.

" I will save baking "

Challenger used the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb, Crayon used the Ultimate Bird Bomb, Colouruke used the Ultimate Deepesea Bomb while Artby and Colourea used the Ultimate Heatwave Bomb.

" Awesome explosions " said Challenger.

" It is great to be hitting our stride like this " said Crayon.

" It sure is " said Colourea.

" We are going to give King Bobby an asskicking " said Artby.

" Bakers love when a customer gives one to a person "

" Flour has helped us with that "

" Well, let's use our strikes " said Challenger. " This will likely be our last day of training, so let's make it count "

Challenger used the Tenfold Electrocution Strike, Colouruke used the Tenfold Deepsea Strike while Artby, Crayon and Colourea used the Tenfold Heatwave Strike.

" Awesome power " said Challenger.

" It is truly great " said Crayon.

" Bakers will love this " said Artby. " We should get some bread at the bakery here since we are going to head to the tournament area tomorrow "

" Yeah, sounds like a plan to me " said Colourea.

" Let's go " said Colouruke.

They then headed to the bakery, an announcement for the tournament happened.

Today is the last day to file your application for the tournament, the strongest 32 people will be part of the tournament.

You will be flown to the tournament which is between Colourland and Numeria on a island called Colour Island.

The flights leaves at 10 am in the morning, so get everything ready. When you get there everything will be explained.

Crayon got the message and then he talked to the others.

" Man, this is going to be great " said Colourea.

" It sure will be " said Crayon.

" This will be an awesome tournament "

" We will have to fight great opponents " said Colouruke.

" We will dominate, bakers will guarantee that " said Artby.

" Bread does so much, we have eaten great bread "

" I wonder who will be there " said Colouruke.

" King Bobby, Queen Starling, Colour Queen and Colour King are going " said Challenger.

" They will be are biggest competition "

" Colour Dictator and Blackburnian will also go and they will be strong "

" We will give them an asskicking " said Artby.

" A customer based one "

They then arrived at the bakery, Artby thanked every baker and then said his goodbyes. He talked about baking based dreams he had towards bakers there.

Meanwhile, in the organization the members that had woken up then heard the announcement.

" My desire for Blackina and my power will guide me to victory " said Blackin.

" Hahahahaha "

" I just love Blackina too much for this to go wrong, there is no stopping me "

" The Bear has truly connected the hearts between myself and Blackina "

" Our love is so strong "

" This relationship will never end "

" Yes, we will be together forever " said Blackina.

Crayon and his friends said their goodbyes to Challenger and they went home, time continued to pass and they had their supper which they enjoyed.

Perhaps there will be a bakery there " said Artby.

" My mouth will need that "

" We can check, but we have a lot of intense fights " said Crayon.

" True " said Colouruke.

" New bakers will get to see my purchases for the first time " said Artby.

" It will be wonderful "

" Bakers need those purchases around the world, I will be a great customer to all bakers "

" Baking and bakers forever "

" Well, there will a bakery probably somewhere " said Colourea.

Time continued passing again, Crayon was kissing Colourea. Everyone went to bed.

Chapter 3

The Journey to the Tournament

Everyone got up and they made their breakfast which they enjoyed and they then got their stuff ready and they exited the door.

" Man, this is going to be great " said Crayon.

" It sure will " said Colouruke.

" This tournament will be a great challenge " said Colourea.

" Bakers will love this journey, bakers there will remember our purchases " said Artby.

" New bakers will get to see me, my mouth will get treated by their baking it will be so good "

" Unfortunately the bakers here will have to do without my purchases "

" Uh, yeah " said Colourea.

" I am getting pumped " said Artby.

They then headed to the airport where King Bobby, his advisors, Warbler and Allie were there.

" Well, look who it is " said King Bobby.

" My victory will be something special "

" I look forward to being able to see Bird's Isle enjoy my victory "

" You haven't won, the tournament hasn't started " said Crayon.

" I am winning, me and Colour King will be the allies that we must be " said King Bobby.

" Warbler will never hang out with any of you again "

" This is true " said Curtis.

" Warbler must be in the castle again "

" We'll see about that " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke, you have not been the friend that is needed " said Blackburnian.

" We believe that Crayon has influenced him poorly "

" That is true, Crayon is not what he needs " said Diana.

" How so ? " asked Colourea.

" He has not done that at all "

" Crayon's a good friend " said Artby.

" Crayon has done that, he has sucked as a friend " said Diana.

" He refused to support Bird's Isle, Warbler is eating so good now "

So you want to buy his friendship ? " asked Artby.

" We are just making sure he eats great, we know that he can do wonders on the battlefield " said King Bobby.

" I am using money to make Warbler the man he must be "

" You must think of the battlefields and what Warbler can do "

" His skill will become unstoppable "

" He is strong, but does he want to fight ? " asked Crayon.

" Warbler enjoys hanging out with us "

" He enjoys being with us more to be honest " said Curtis.

" He is a complex man "

" You can all make these claims but King Bobby does not believe them "

" He truly believes in Warbler and understands the truth within him "

" It is true, I care about Warbler " said King Bobby.

" I will not forget to do so "

" Yes, you have never forgotten to do so " said Queen Starling.

" I am not sure what to think " said Warbler.

" All of these gestures are very nice "

" Ours are brilliant " said King Bobby. " You loved staying in that hotel, you looked so happy there "

" I see someone else coming in "

" Challenger " said Crayon.

" Good morning " said Challenger.

" Challenger, Crayon and his friends are not influencing Warbler well" said Queen Starling.

" I don't see that " said Challenger.

" Warbler seems to enjoy all of us "

" Warbler wants to be a nice guy, I believe " said Blackburnian.

" I know him very well "

" Warbler is not a person known for cruelty "

" Warbler is such a great guy " said Diana.

" Bird's Isle will win this tournament " said Lord Grackle.

" There are so many resources around the universe we want "

" We know of Warbler's power and he and his girlfriend Allie can help us "

" You plan to use him just for wars, but we are the bad friends? " asked Colouruke.

" Colouruke, it does not make sense " said Artby.

" Baking is what Warbler needs "

" He doesn't need war "

" Bakers like him in the bakery "

" Artby, you don't realize his power " said King Bobby.

" He is a capable of so much "

" We understand that he is strong, but these wars are not wars that we need right now " said Challenger.

" These wars are great " said King Bobby.

" Warriors love them "

" They love fighting "

" Fighting is everything to them "

" We should get on the plane "

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" You will see us again very soon "

They all got into the plane which left. Another flight with Bear members and Colour King's people was at 11 am.

" So, the Bear is here " said Colour King.

" You will not stop me "

" My power is extremely strong "

" My love for Blackina is so strong " said Blackin.

" Nobody can love like I can "

" Yes, they can " said Colour Dictator.

" Colour King is going to win this tournament "

" You may love Blackina a lot, but Colour King's power is too good " said Colour Queen.

" My desire for Blackina makes me stronger than ever " said Blackin.

" He desires me so much " said Blackina.

" Colour King, you are outmatched " said Easeion.

" Hahahahahaha "

" We are too much "

" By a man who loses to Crayon more than once " said Colour King.

Crayon is weak compared to Challenger, Colour Queen, myself and King Bobby "

" You will look like a fool against me "

" Easeion will not stop Colour King " said Colour Queen.

" I have to agree, he will not " said Colour Administrator.

" I will do great " said Easeion.

" I am incredibly skilled "

" I have gotten stronger "

" I am not seeing this " said Colour King.

" I just do not believe what you are saying "

" You do not have the skill to back up what you are claiming "

" I'll make you look sad out there " said Easeion.

" I've got talent "

" I am extremely talented "

" There is a reason I am here "

" Really ? " asked Colourclever.

" Don't be ridiculous "

" You aren't going to make us sad "

" Yes, he will fail to do so " said Colour King.

" I am not, I am just talented " said Easeion.

" This will be a great tournament " said Whites.

" The Bear are going to win "

" Well, I really don't see that " said Electro.

" Challenger's a dick, but only Colour King and his officials are going to stop him "

" Yes, the battles for Colourland will be great " said Colour Administrator.

" It will be nice winning against Crayon and his friends " said Colour Dictator.

" The Bear are going to be living it up here " said Xax.

" We'll get rid of anyone who messes with us "

" That's right " said Whites.

" I love the Bear "

" We shall see " said Colour King.

" We should get on the plane "

The flight then took off and they left the airport.

At around 2pm, the first flight landed in Colour Island where they were greeted by a man.

" I am part of the tournament staff " said the man.

" Follow me "

They then followed him and they saw this giant stadium.

" This is where fighting will happen " said the man.

" The round of 32 is the preliminaries, the official tournament is the round of 16 "

" These fights are single knockout fights, if you lose you will be defeated "

" The other fighters can view the fights and there will be fans here to watch "

" Fans will get to watch King Bobby " said King Bobby.

" When fans watch King Bobby it is good for Bird's Isle "

" Well, there is also where you will all be staying " said the man.

" We set up who you are with based on who we feel you would get along with the most "

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" Blackin will stay with Blackina, Whites with Melissa, Xax with Easeion, King Bobby with Queen Starling, Colour King with Colour Queen, Colourclever with Colour Dictator, Warbler with Allie, Blackburnian with Diana, Curtis with Lord Grackle, Grackle with Dove, Paula with Salvador, Challenger with Colouruke, Crayon with Colourea and Artby, Electro with Oceanoke and Colour Administrator.

" Also Draco and Rourke will be together as well "

" The rooms with three are because of who is there, those rooms will be larger "

They all then were together and they headed around the island. King Bobby's group and Challenger's group split apart.

" We should see where there is a bakery " said Artby.

" Bakers need my purchases "

" Well, let's go " said Colouruke.

" Baking will help our mouths a lot, we need our mouths treated by a baker "

They then saw a bakery which they went inside.

Glad to see bakers " said Artby.

" There is so much good bread, my purchases must continue for the sake of my mouth "

" My mouth means a lot to a baker "

" Um, okay " said a baker.

" I will buy bread, my mouth depends on me doing so for it to remain the great mouth it has been " said Artby. " I am proud of the improvements that have been made "

" I am so thankful for baking, I cannot ever stop loving baking "

They got their bread and then headed into the hotel they were staying in and they took the bread to their rooms.

They then headed to the hotel where they checked into their rooms.

Meanwhile Easeion and Xax were talking.

" The Bear is too good for this to fail " said Easeion.

" We will make these fighters so sad, they will never punch again "

" Yes, our victories in this round are certain " said Xax.

" Colour King will be taken down "

" He wants to make this about Challenger " said Easeion.

" I will make this about winning "

" I will make it about the Bear "

" We will make him a sad motherfucker "

" That's the spirit, bro " said Xax.

" I am not scared of these Colourlandish leaders at all "

" They got lucky, we are just too strong "

" Our abilities are great "

" Yeah, Blackin and Blackina are going to rip through everyone " said Easeion.

" Their love for each other knows no bound, I loved Alice in the way that she was the villainess I need but they are able to show each other a special kind of desire "

" The others will wake up in the hideout confused " said Xax.

" We have a TV there, they can watch us " said Easeion.

" They will get to watch Crayon being sad, I know they will like that "

" Seeing Crayon lose on the TV is great "

" Yes, it will be great for Bear members to see " said Xax.

" This will be a great tournament "

King Bobby was in Warbler's room with Allie.

" Well, now you know what is at stake here " said King Bobby. " They will feed us good here "

" Glad to see " said Warbler.

" With Crayon you won't eat as good " said King Bobby.

" You will get to witness Bird's Isle dominating literally everything which is great

" You two will join us advisors "

" You will report to all the advisors "

" We're going to be advisors ? " asked Allie.

" Yes, but they will have more seniority " said King Bobby. " You will be staying in the castle "

" Trust me, it is going to be amazing "

" Well, I must head back to Queen Starling "

" She is a great queen and women of Bird's Isle have loved the queen "

King Bobby headed to his room with the queen.

Meanwhile Blackin and Blackina were kissing each other and they were very happy with each other.

" Our love will never die " said Blackin. " My desire for you is so good, there is no chance it could end "

" I love hearing that " said Blackina. " I have this same desire and it is truly beautiful "

" Blackina, your body is so beautiful " said Blackin.

" I cannot stop looking "

" It is such an amazing body to look at "

" Nobody has been with a body that looks that way and nobody has loved your body in the way that I have "

" I love your body as well " said Blackina.

" We will be the final match "

" If that is the outcome, we will have to figure something out " said Blackin.

" We will " said Blackina.

" I love you, Blackin "

" I love you, Blackina " said Blackin.

After that was talking with Colour Queen.

" My power is too much, I will defeat Challenger " said Colour King.

" Yes, we will use this tournament for great purposes for Colourland " said Colour Queen.

" I love the people " said Colour King.

" The Colourlandish people think about what it means to have Colour King rule them instead of Challenger "

" They are sick of him "

" He is a joke "

" They sure are tired of him " said Colour Queen.

" We will take Colourland to new heights for sure "

" Hahahahaha "

" Challenger has not been as Colourlandish as myself " said Colour King.

" I am too Colourlandish to not obtain my victory "

" Challenger is going down "

" He most certainly is " said Colour Queen.

More time passed, everyone ate their supper. Later on the Bear members were all downstairs in the lobby.

" We are meeting here for a reason " said Blackin.

" Crayon and his friends are on a particular floor, we must find out the floor " said Blackina.

" You want us to rob them ? " asked Whites.

" We need you to mess with them in some way " said Blackin.

" We need them off their game "

" We can damage the door " said Easeion.

" I will just charge a small amount of energy and strike "

" We will strike in the middle of the night " said Melissa.

" Yes, we cannot be seen " said Blackin.

" If we are caught tampering it will be disasterous " said Blackina.

" We know that the organization still needs this "

" We are on the third floor so they may be on the fourth " said Whites.

" You will be able to do it " said Blackin.

" I do believe in all of you "

" Yes, same here " said Blackina.

" Now, we will head to our rooms " said Blackin.

" Yes, let's go " said Melissa.

" We will get to Crayon by doing this " said Easeion.

They then headed to their rooms, more time continued to pass. Grackle and Dove were talking.

" Glad to make it here " said Grackle.

" It is great " said Dove.

" We will give it our all " said Grackle.

" Now, it is time to head for bed " said Dove.

They went to bed, soon everyone outside of the four Bear members.

" We are going to piss Crayon off " said Easeion.

" I want this anger within him "

" It will distract him good " said Xax.

" It will be good to see him angrier "

" It sure will " said Easeion.

" Hopefully Crayon will be blamed for the door if the anger doesn't happen "

" Yeah, I would love that " said Xax. " We are going to enjoy this "

" That is so true " said Easeion.

" I am going to enjoy Crayon being blamed and forced to take responsibility for something he didn't do "

" It will be great "

" Yeah, it will be " said Xax.

" We need to truly get to Crayon "

Xax and Easeion then were with Melissa and Whites and they entered the elevator.

" The thing is we don't really know their number " said Whites. " We know they have special rooms "

" We will look for larger rooms " said Melissa.

" I am looking forward to their reaction "

" Yes, we need Crayon extremely angry " said Easeion.

" We need that "

They then saw one larger room, they charged very tiny bits of energy towards the door and they left.

They then saw another room that was larger, they did the same again and they quickly left. They then got to the elevator and they headed back to their rooms and they messaged Blackin and Blackina.

Blackin and Blackina were happy to see that and they then all went to bed.

Morning came, they all woke up.

Crayon and his friends then got ready and they noticed the doors.

" What happened ? " asked Colourea.

" Someone must have attacked " said Crayon. " I don't really understand why they would do an attack like this "

" They could have damaged the door a lot more " said Artby.

" Yeah, I don't really understand this " said Colourea.

" Well, it really could be any Bear member, any of Colour King's people or King Bobby's "

Colouruke and Challenger had the same marking and saw them. Everyone then went downstairs for breakfast. The doors being damaged were discussed.

" Wow, I am shocked " said Grackle.

" It does not make sense " said Dove.

" I wonder who would do this " said Challenger.

" We were not attacked, I don't think anyone else was to be honest " said Dove.

Yeah, nobody has said anything " said Grackle.

" I really don't know what to expect for the future " said Colouruke.

They all enjoyed their breakfast, they then heard an announcement about the tournament.

" The first match is today, we have set up a bracket for the 32 fighters "

" The match will be at 11:00 am, make sure to be there and ready "

" Individuals who fail to do so will be disqualified "

" Other fighters can watch the fights "

" The first match is going to be the first seed against the 32nd seed "

" Colour King will fight Salvador "

" We will reseed everyone for the next round based on how much the fights are won by "

" See you all there and good fighting all "

The announcement stopped.

" Colour King vs Salvador " said King Bobby.

" Well that is going to be a difficult one "

" This is a bad matchup for Salvador "

" I will fight hard " said Salvador.

" I was hoping that Salvador would be fighting someone that is not Colour King but that is the way it must be I guess " said Blackburnian.

" Yeah, it is unfortunate but we must support Salvador now " said Curtis.

" Yes, we will do so " said Diana.

" The advisors will always be supported by our other advisors " said Paula.

" These fights are going to be exciting " said Artby.

" Knowing all of us, tons of bread must be eaten "

" Baking will lead to victory "

" Bread is something winners truly eat "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

More time passed, they then all headed to the stadium.

" Salvador, be prepared for my intense power " said Colour King. " You are with King Bobby, a good ally of mine so give it everything "

" When Challenger goes, our partnership will be great for our countries "

" Well, we both want the demise of Challenger " said Salvador.

" King Bobby will stop him "

" Yes, I believe that King Bobby will fight me in the finals " said Colour King. " That being said, all of our groups have gotten a lot better "

" Crayon and his friends will fall down " said Salvador.

" Warbler must not hang out with them "

" King Bobby will not stand for it, he is sick of it "

" Yes, that is true " said Colour King.

" I have heard of what Warbler is dealing with "

" King Bobby has told me "

" Warbler is a good person " said Salvador.

" I know the king is looking out for him "

The two of them then headed to the stadium and they were in there special areas for fighting. Everyone else was talking.

" Well, this will be an interesting one " said Easeion.

" I don't know who Salvador is but Colour King is very strong "

" Salvador will give it his all " said King Bobby.

" Our advisors are the best "

" Warbler will see that Salvador has had enough of Crayon hanging out with him "

" Again with this ? " asked Crayon.

" Yes, we are not going to allow any of that " said Blackburnian.

" I have been there for Warbler, when you were not "

" Warbler deserves the best in the world " said Curtis.

" He is eating better and will be able to be himself, which you have ruined "

How so ? " asked Crayon.

" He is getting to see his potential for Bird's Isle " said Lord Grackle.

" His potential will do so much for Bird's Isle "

" So you are going to just use him for war, how is that any different than us supposedly using him " said Colouruke.

" Not to mention our doors " said Artby.

" That was not us " said Rourke.

" We have no idea who did that " said Draco.

" It could be anyone " said King Bobby.

" I did not do that myself "

" Well, you will get go see Salvador fight " said Curtis.

" Yes, it will be great to see him fight " said Paula.

Chapter 4

The First Fight, Colour King vs Salvador

An announcement started.

" Five minutes till this fight begins between Colour King and Salvador "

" Enjoy getting to see this fight "

" Both of them are here in this stadium "

Colour King and Salvador were talking.

" Well, prepare to lose " said Salvador.

" King Bobby is the man to win "

" It will be me " said Colour King.

" We must make sure that Crayon and his friends cannot win this tournament "

" Yes, we must " said Salvador.

" The advisors will work to make sure of that "

" Crayon cannot get in our way "

The fight then began, Colour King and Salvador then rushed each other with their punches.

The punches landed, Salvador then kicked Colour King but Colour King got up.

" Salvador is going to pull of an upset here " said Curtis.

" King Bobby will have an easy path to his victory if that were to happen " said Lord Grackle.

" Yes, he would " said Diana.

Salvador then started charging lots of energy into his hands and then he was able to use the Ultimate Sky Fist Barrage.

Colour King was hit and he took damage but then he used the Ultimate Colourland Blast, directly hitting Salvador down.

" Whoa " said Challenger.

" Hahaha " said Colour Dictator.

" Great attack " said Colourclever.

Salvador was able to get up, he used the Ultimate Sky Blast while Colour King used the Ultimate Colourland Bomb. The attacks collided and they both were hit down to the ground.

" You seem to have gotten stronger since you fought Crayon and his friends " said Colour King.

" You do know what me and King Bobby plan to do "

" Yes " said Salvador.

" I will get rid of Challenger " said Colour King.

" Challenger must be out of the way "

" King Bobby wants Crayon and his friends away from Warbler " said Salvador.

" They have not influenced Warbler well "

" Warbler shows that he is a kind person and that we cannot have people take advantage of him "

" Now, let's continue " said Colour King.

Colour King then used his Colourland Implosion while Salvador used his Sky Implosion, they both were struck down with intense power.

They both then got up, Colour King then used his Tenfold Colourland Strike while Salvador used his Sky Fist Barrage to counter, they both were hit by these attacks.

Colour King got up first and then he used his Ultimate Colourland Blast while Salvador then used his Tenfold Sky Strike. The attacks hit their targets and they both were hit down to the ground.

Colour King and Salvador got up and they kicked each other.

" This really could go either way, I was not expecting that " said Easeion.

" Still, I'm not too worried "

" Colour King being eliminated would give the Bear a huge gain "

" Yeah, Blackin will have an easier path " said Xax.

" He is a brilliant man " said Whites.

" My cousin will win this "

" He is so strong " said Melissa.

" The Bear will not be stopped in this tournament "

" Our elite members are all here and ready to fight "

Colour King then used his Ultimate Colourland Bomb while Salvador used his Sky Implosion and the attacks collided with each other.

Colour King then got up and he then grabbed Salvador and knocked him down. Salvador was able to get back up and he then started charging his Ultimate Sky Bomb while Colour King used his Ultimate Colourland Bomb and the attacks then hit each other and they both were knocked down.

" Colour King is going to win " said Colourclever.

" He is one step closer to stopping that dick Challenger " said Electro.

" Challenger has been one to the country of Colourland "

" Colourlandish people do not like him as much as Colour King "

" Colour King is a great man, so Colourlandish with his opinion " said Colour Dictator.

" Yeah, he is too Colourlandish for him to go down " said Colour Queen.

" Colour King is the best " said Colour Administrator.

" He is an amazing leader "

Colour King then used his Colourland Implosion with tons of power and he directly hit down Salvador who was slightly struggling but he got up.

" Now, brace yourself " said Colour King.

" You are seeing my true power "

" I am not done yet " said Salvador.

" My reign for Colourland will happen, King Bobby knows what he needs to do " said Colour King.

" You will now face this power "

" Give it all you have "

Salvador then used his Sky Implosion while Colour King used the Colourland Implosion, the attacks then hit their targets.

" This is looking like it " said Colour Administrator.

" It sure is " said Colourclever.

" Colour King is extremely strong " said King Bobby.

" Salvador would have beaten many others "

" I believe that he could do so " said Paula.

" Our advisors are strong " said Curtis.

Salvador then got up and he then struck Colour King with a punch but Colour King then kicked him to the ground.

" Salvador, this is it " said Colour King.

" My rule for Colourland must happen "

" King Bobby will make sure nobody hangs out with Crayon " said Salvador.

" I know he can do that "

Colour King then started to use the Colourland Implosion while Salvador used the Sky Implosion, the attacks then hit each other and Salvador was defeated.

" The winner is Colour King " said the announcer.

" The next match is Challenger vs Paula "

" The next match starts in 2 hours, so get ready "

" There will be a third match today, for this round there will be either three or two matches in the day "

Other fighters were talking.

" Colour King was very strong " said Easeion.

" Salvador would have beaten many here but Colour King is very strong " said Blackburnian.

" This partnership between him and myself will not be stopped " said King Bobby.

" It is a perfect partnership "

" Two great leaders " said Curtis.

" Challenger is not what these lands need " said Diana.

" Challenger can stop it " said Colouruke.

" I know he can "

" No he won't " said Queen Starling.

" The queen is right " said King Bobby.

" Crayon will never hang out with Warbler again " said Lord Grackle.

" If Paula was to pull an upset against Challenger it would be great " said Curtis.

" We need that " said Diana.

" Yes, we do " said Draco.

" Crayon hanging out with Warbler is not what Bird's Isle needs " said King Bobby.

" This harms Bird's Isle how ? " asked Colourea.

" It is not good for Bird's Isle, Blackburnian has done so much more for Warbler than Crayon has " said Diana.

" True, I have done so much more " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon is not the friend that Colourea claims "

" Bread has done a lot for him " said Artby.

" His mouth has been influenced by baking "

" Baking has helped Warbler more than ever, bakers have transformed his mouth a lot "

" It is a great mouth transformation "

" His mouth ? " asked Curtis.

" He has enjoyed our great meals, if he is getting any baking it is because of us "

" We have been the ones to transform his life "

" Bakers do so much, Curtis " said Artby.

" They bake bread " said Draco.

" Warbler does not need your purchases as much as he needs us " said Rourke.

" He does need them " said Artby.

" I don't think he does to be honest " said Diana.

" Blackburnian is going to crush it "

" Yes, I will " said Blackburnian.

The Bear then left the stadium and they went inside the hotel.

" Colour King's victory was expected " said Blackin.

" I should be fighting soon "

" My skills are very strong "

" You will win, my desire for you is so strong " said Blackina.

" I have super strong feelings for you "

" My cousin will make these Bird's Isle advisors look like nothing " said Whites.

" I know he can fight "

" I will win my round " said Easeion.

" Same here " said Melissa.

" I am glad that Crayon's door was ruined " said Easeion.

" He has no idea who did it hahahaha "

" I love that "

" Let's keep that door like that " said Blackin.

" We will take him down easier "

" He will face the end " said Blackina.

" I will enjoy his sad face when he is eliminated in the first round " said Easeion.

" I want Crayon sad, we must do more harm to him "

" Harm to Crayon is great "

" How about you diss Crayon during the fights " said Xax.

" Yes, I will do that " said Easeion.

" We will make sure our members make quick work of him "

" Hahahahahaha "

" Hahahahahaha " they all said.

" We can also diss his friends when they fight " said Xax.

" That is a good idea " said Whites.

Crayon and his friends were talking.

" Challenger should win this " said Colourea.

" He will " said Crayon.

" We beat Paula without him " said Colouruke.

" Not to mention Challenger is a lot stronger " said Crayon. " He will probably win this tournament "

" I am confused about the door but we must focus on our victories " said Artby.

" Well Easeion has been pretty pissed off at Crayon so it could be him " said Colourea.

" It could be any of these Bear members, advisors or Colour King's government officials " said Crayon.

" I am not sure who did this "

" That is true " said Artby.

" Bakers will not like our door looking that way "

" Baking is great, we must head there after the third match ends "

" Yeah, we can do that " said Colourea.

Warbler arrived with Grackle, Dove and Allie.

" Warbler " said Crayon.

" Yeah, I was not seen " said Warbler.

" I am glad to see you all "

" Bakers want that " said Artby.

" They do ? " asked Allie.

" Bakers understand our purchases " said Artby. " It is great to be all here "

" It sure is " said Grackle.

We will hopefully all advance " said Dove.

" Yeah " said Grackle.

" King Bobby will be wondering " said Warbler.

" Yeah, you might want to make sure that he does not see this " said Grackle.

" Bakers will set him straight " said Artby.

" I don't think he is going to listen to a baker " said Warbler.

" Baking can help " said Artby.

" King Bobby will order the demise of bakers if they go against him " said Dove.

" He does not care about them " said Grackle.

" We must just keep fighting hard and eating bread " said Artby.

" The winner will be someone who goes to bakeries and eats bread "

" Bread will guide the fighters to victory "

" Baking will be a large part of the reason for this "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" Yeah, my love for the baker will allow me to make it far in the tournament " said Artby.

" Bakers and tournaments are connected a lot "

" How so ? " asked Dove.

" They bake for the fighters, they care about fighting which is what we need " said Artby.

" I should get going, the king will be suspicious " said Warbler.

" Yeah, he will be " said Allie.

" See you two later " said Crayon.

They all then headed back to the stadium, meanwhile Electro was talking with King Bobby.

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

" He must lose "

" Yes, Paula must defeat him " said King Bobby.

" Warbler must not hang out with Crayon at all "

" I understand what is going on with you and Colour King " said Electro. " He won his first match "

" Yes, Salvador would have advanced against many others " said King Bobby.

" He does have ability, he had a bad matchup "

" Well, we must make sure that partnership happens since we cannot let a dick like Challenger ruin it " said Electro.

" Yes, Challenger cannot run Colourland it must be Colour King " said King Bobby.

" Yes, I am glad you see " said Electro.

They then all headed to the stadium, Paula and Challenger were getting ready.

" King Bobby will win this " said Paula.

" Don't be sure about that " said Challenger.

" He is fighting for Warbler " said Paula.

" He knows what is best for him "

" To fight in wars " said Challenger.

" These are not good wars not to mention honestly "

" They will expand Bird's Isle " said Paula. " With all our advisors we will have no problem "

" There are some smaller islands we plan on invading in the future "

" King Bobby says that he will be giving Warbler more money and access to great meals as well, we cannot go against that ever "

" These wars will be great "

" These islanders are not worth invading " said Challenger.

" They are " said Paula.

" They must be for the sake of Bird's Isle, you are not understanding Bird's Isle "

" You will be going down, Challenger "

" These islanders will be taken down "

" They are not a concern for us "

" They have not done anything " said Challenger.

" I do not care if they have or not, us getting resources is what matters " said Paula.

Chapter 5

Challenger vs Paula

An announcement went on.

" Paula and Challenger are fighting for the second match of the tournament "

" The match starts in ten minutes "

Well, this will be a good one " said Oceanoke.

" Yes " said Electro. " Challenger has been a dick, Crayon knows it as well "

" He will not admit it " said Oceanoke.

" No, he has not " said Crayon.

" Why would I admit something that I do not find to be true ? "

" Well, Colour King thinks that he has been one " said Electro. " The partnership between King Bobby and him must happen "

" Crayon, Colour King is taking this tournament and he will make sure that Challenger is out of the way "

" Yes, he will remove that guy " said Oceanoke.

" Challenger is going down "

" He must go " said Colourclever. " He has not punished people anywhere near enough "

" I do not like that about him " said Colour Dictator.

" Punished people for what ? " asked Crayon.

" Disrespecting Colourland, he never did anything about the drug dealers " said Colourclever.

" Colourland cannot be insulted like that "

" That is true, Colour King is so Colourlandish " said Colour Dictator.

" Crayon you are less Colourlandish than him "

" Crayon could me more Colourlandish " said Colour Queen.

" Crayon is not less Colourlandish " said Artby.

" We are all Colourlandish "

" Bakers have told me that "

" Bakers ? " asked Colour Queen. " Colour King is the most Colourlandish person ever, he makes us be more Colourlandish which is necessary "

" Challenger never ever did that "

" Challenger eats bread, bread helps him " said Artby.

" Bread is great that way "

The fight then started.

Paula then started charging up the Ultimate Sky Blast while Challenger then used his Ultimate Heatwave Bomb to counter, the attacks hit.

They both got up, Paula then punched Challenger directly.

Challenger then started firing up the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb while Paula then used the Sky Implosion which hit. The attacks then knocked thrm to the ground.

" Hahaha " said Paula.

" Bird's Isle needs us advisors to help Warbler "

" Warbler will live better with us, we cannot let him down in any way "

" Warbler has been hanging out with Crayon and his friends in Colourland " said Challenger.

" With King Bobby around he does not need them in his life " said Paula.

" Now, we will continue "

Paula then rushed Challenger with the Tenfold Sky Strike, Challenger then used his Tenfold Heatwave Strike. The attacks then hit each other, Challenger got up first and he kicked Paula.

Challenger then started charging up his Heatwave Implosion, Paula then used her Ultimate Sky Blast. The attacks then hit each other and they fell to the ground.

Challenger then got up and he then used the Ultimate Electrocution Bomb while Paula then used the Ultimate Sky Bomb, the attacks then hit their targets.

Challenger then got up and he then used the Heatwave Implosion, Paula countered with her Sky Implosion. The attacks collided and they were both hit by the attacks.

They both then got up and Challenger aimed a kick towards Paula and he got a hit.

" King Bobby's plan for Bird's Isle transformation will be great " said Paula.

" It will cost many lives " said Challenger. " Islands that are not a threat in any way "

" Maybe they are not, maybe they are " said Paula.

" We don't know, but we know that they have useful materials "

" Materials ? " asked Challenger.

" Food supplies for us to take, lots of metals to be taken " said Paula.

" Lord Grackle always talked about the resources "

" He said there would be no casualties against Numeria " said Challenger.

" He has this confidence in Bird's Isle, King Bobby wants him to happen will be great " said Paula.

" Confidence or just unable to understand the reality of a war ? " asked Challenger.

He understands wars " said Paula.

" Now our battle will continue "

Meanwhile Blackburnian and Diana were talking.

" Our advisors are great " said Diana.

" They are, King Bobby's plan is perfect for my brother " said Blackburnian. " These wars will do so much "

" Yes, they sure are " said Diana. " They will improve the life of Warbler "

" Yes, Warbler will have more money from this " said Blackburnian. " Crayon and his friends will be stopped and they will never speak with Warbler ever again hahaha "

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

" Paula must win "

" Yes " said Colour Administrator. " The partnership between Colour King and King Bobby depends on more victories "

" Yes, it is important " said Colour Dictator.

" You keep going on about Challenger so much " said Crayon.

" Yeah, he's a dick " said Electro.

" Quit whining "

" We don't need you doing that "

" Hahaha " said Easeion.

" I have to admit seeing Crayon this frustrated amuses me a little "

" Yes, when he is pissed off I do enjoy that "

" Same here, bro " said Xax.

" The Bear will stop Crayon " said Easeion.

" I beat you guys before, I'll do it again " said Crayon.

" Challenger's a dick, Crayon " said Electro.

" He has been a dick, he's a dick "

" You keep calling him a dick all the time " said Crayon.

" Yeah, I don't get it " said Colourea.

" Colourea, you just keep making excuses for the man " said Electro. " I find him a dick, Colourlandish people know that he is one "

" Challenger's a dick " Electro yelled very loud.

" Dude, what the fuck " said Crayon.

" I find him a dick, I'll always find him to be one " said Electro.

" Crayon, I will not stop "

" That is true " said Oceanoke.

" There is no reason to stop "

" Yes, there isn't a reason to do so " said Electro.

" I don't see a reason to go on about it " said Crayon.

" I'll make sure you won't defend him in your next match if we are to fight " said Electro.

" I'll send you home, I'm going to help Colour King "

" You will not win this tournament "

" I'll make sure of it "

" Colour King is not a dick, Challenger is one "

" Colourlandish people find Challenger to be a dick "

" Well, yes " said Colour King. " I see what is going on here "

" I am so Colourlandish, Challenger must lose this fight "

" Yes, go Paula " said Curtis.

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

" Bread has stopped that " said Artby.

" No, it hasn't " said Electro. " Challenger is a dick, I must say it "

" People here need to hear me say it "

" It is good for people to see that I am calling him one "

" Not really " said Colouruke.

" I have to agree " said Colourea.

" Bakers do not find Challenger to be a dick " said Artby.

" Would a customer who enjoys bread be one ? "

" Let's watch Challenger lose the fight " said Electro.

" Yeah, let's do that " said Oceanoke.

The fight resumed with Challenger using his Electrocution Implosion and he directly hit down Paula with it who was slightly struggling.

I will not give up this fight " said Paula. " There is so much for Bird's Isle here "

Paula then used the Sky Implosion while Challenger used the Ultimate Electrocution Blast and the attacks then hit each other and they both fell down to the ground.

They both got up, Paula then punched Challenger directly. Challenger then got up and he kicked Paula down to the ground.

Challenger then used his Tenfold Electrocution Strike while Paula used her Tenfold Sky Strike, the attacks hit each other and they fell down to the ground. Paula was getting near the end.

" Bird's Isle will become this powerful place " said Paula. " Our advisors will not fall down "

" I will not quit "

" Let's continue " said Challenger.

Paula then fired off the Sky Implosion while Challenger used his Heatwave Implosion, Paula was defeated.

" Yes " said Artby.

" That's what baking can do "

" Baking breeds champions, bread is made for a tournament like this "

" Glad to see Challenger win " said Dove.

" It's great " said Grackle.

" Two of my advisors are eliminated " said King Bobby.

" We have terrible luck, honestly "

" Yeah, it sure looks that way " said Queen Starling.

" We have great advisors remaining " said Curtis.

" I won't lose " said Draco.

" Same here " said Rourke.

An announcement came next.

" The next match is King Bobby vs Allie "

" The fight will happen 90 minutes from now, it will be the last fight for the day "

" Now is the time to get ready "

" Good luck to all the remaining fighters "

Meanwhile Bear members were with each other.

" Well, it seems that none of us are fighting today " said Blackin.

" That is a shame " said Whites. " I was expecting to see my cousin fight "

" I will fight tomorrow most likely " said Blackin.

" It will be amazing to see someone I am in love with, destroy an opponent " said Blackina.

" My love for Blackin drives me a lot "

" I love him so much "

" Yes, I have that desire " said Blackin.

" We are truly a great couple, nobody can love as much as I can "

" My desire for Blackina is stronger than anything "

" I love Blackina so much "

" Thanks " said Blackina.

" Well, I am glad to see that " said Whites. " We will create a supreme wedding "

" I will be the best man "

" I would expect that " said Blackin. " My love for Blackina is so strong, everyone is shocked when they see so much love "

" Yes, they are " said Blackina.

Meanwhile Easeion was with Colour King's government officials.

" So, Easeion it appears that you want the end of Crayon " said Colour Dictator.

" I have noticed the dislike you have for him "

" Yes, our organization have wanted his end " said Easeion.

" We don't agree with you all taking over Colourland but now Crayon must be stopped " said Colourclever.

" It seems a lot of people want that " said Colour Queen.

" Yes, people are tiring of him " said Colour Dictator.

" Everyone wants revenge against him " said Colour Administrator.

" So who is more opposed Crayon or Challenger ? " asked Easeion.

" That is a difficult choice, for us it is Challenger " said Electro.

" For the Bear and King Bobby it is Crayon " said Oceanoke.

" Maybe we can unite until Challenger and Crayon are gone " said Colourclever.

" You have robbed a lot of people but some of them did not support Colour King " said Colour Dictator.

" Crayon will be finished " said Electro. " We are tiring of him and his defense of Challenger "

" We know that his door was ruined but we have no idea who is responsible " said Oceanoke.

" Me, Melissa, Xax and Whites are " said Easeion.

" We were able to pull it off "

" Well, that is good " said Colour Dictator.

" When Challenger is taken down we will have to be enemies " said Colourclever.

" Understood " said Easeion.

" Blackin will be ready for a fight when that time comes, same with Brett "

" Brett ? " asked Colour Queen.

" The father of the Smithsons " said Easeion.

" Being a Smithson means a lot to me "

" Blackin, King Bobby and Colour King working together would do wonders for the time being "

" Anyways, I'm sure you have a lot to say to your fellow Bear members " said Colour Dictator.

" Yes, I do " said Easeion.

" Thanks "

" Good " said Colourclever.

" Go and tell the Bear of what will happen now " said Colour Dictator.

Easeion then told the other Bear members about the deal.

" Sounds great to me " said Blackin. " Crayon will have no chance "

" He will be so sad " said Easeion. " Hahahahaha "

" I cannot wait for the reaction "

" Yes, his downfall will be amazing " said Xax.

" We will enjoy his end " said Whites. " The Bear will win this tournament "

" Now, we should mess with Crayon and his friends further " said Melissa.

" They will look foolish, which we like "

" Yes, it will be great to see them that way " said Easeion.

" I will diss Crayon during the fight "

" I will not forget to do so "

King Bobby then was with Queen Starling.

" So this deal with the Bear will be interesting " said King Bobby.

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon will give up soon " said King Bobby. " We will get to him "

" Warbler will be better off without Crayon " said Queen Starling.

" My match against Allie is soon " said King Bobby.

" You will win the match " said Queen Starling.

" Allie's great but I am King Bobby " said King Bobby.

Queen Starling and King Bobby embraced, King Bobby then was with Allie in the area.

" So now we shall face off " said King Bobby.

" Warbler is a man we think about a lot "

" Yes, I do love him " said Allie.

" He does care about me "

" Warbler is a man we have made sure to put the interests of very high " said King Bobby.

" Crayon has not been a good friend "

" Which ways ? " asked Allie.

" He has not been good for Warbler, he has went against our ideas " said King Bobby.

" Me and Blackburnian helped with that dating site "

" Bird's Isle is dating so great because of me, we must remember what I have done for dating here "

" What has been done for dating ? " asked Allie.

" So much, I have used that dating site to promote people who support the king to be together more now " said King Bobby.

" People are now dating people who support the king "

" Instead of people who oppose the king "

" That is what I have done "

" It is huge for dating "

" Understood " said Allie.

" I am very happy with Warbler right now "

" I love Warbler "

Chapter 6

The Third Fight: King Bobby vs Allie

The fight was about five minutes from starting, King Bobby and Allie were in the stadium ready to fight.

" Go Allie " said Warbler.

" Bakers know about the bread she has eaten " said Artby.

" Baking changes tournaments "

" Allie is stronger than Paula or Salvador " said Crayon.

" Yeah, it will be a good match " said Challenger.

" King Bobby is the strongest man I have seen " said Queen Starling.

" Outside of Colour King, who could stop him ? "

" Allie is someone, us advisors have respect for but King Bobby must win " said Diana.

" Yes, he will " said Curtis.

" His power is so good " said Queen Starling. " I am happy around him, I have been a good queen "

" This is a tough one since my brother's girlfriend is fighting the king I serve " said Blackburnian.

" There are people in this tournament that both of them could easily beat "

" Yes, for sure " said Curtis.

" We haven't met Allie that much but King Bobby has been pretty extreme " said Grackle.

" Grackle, he does this for the good of Bird's Isle " said Lord Grackle. " You do know about resources ? "

" He knows, he just thinks it is a bit far sometimes " said Dove.

" This will be a great fight " said Electro.

" King Bobby will take this "

" He will " said Draco.

" Everyone will be able to see King Bobby's power " said Rourke.

The fight then started.

King Bobby then charged his Ultimate Bird Blast while Allie used the Ultimate Bird Bomb. The attacks then collided with each other and they took damage.

King Bobby then used his Ultimate Bird Barrage while Allie used the Tenfold Bird Strike, the attacks hit their targets and they both fell down.

King Bobby then got up first and he then punched Allie down to the ground.

" Warbler is a man that we are going to make have a better life " said King Bobby.

" I do love him but I don't know what Crayon and his friends will think " said Allie.

" You are better off without them " said King Bobby.

" Several people in this tournament are against them, they must burn in flames "

They are not good friends for Warbler "

" Warbler deserves so much, his meals our are so great when he is at the castle "

" You remember that meal that you had with him don't you ? "

" Yes, I do " said Allie.

" So you want to throw that away ? " asked King Bobby. " I don't support an idea like that "

" Blackburnian, his brother does not like Crayon "

" What does he hate the most ? " asked Allie.

" He believes that he does not influence Warbler the best " said King Bobby. " He is having a difficult time who to root for here but he will root for me "

" The one thing I will say is that your abilities have gotten better, we will continue this great match "

King Bobby then started charging for the Bird Implosion will Allie used her own, the attacks then collided with each other with lots of power and they both took damage.

" Man, this is intense " said Electro.

" I will show my ability in the next match "

" Mine too " said Oceanoke. " We will both advance "

" You two will do good " said Colour Administrator.

" King Bobby is a powerhouse, even our leader won't have an extremely easy fight against him "

" Colour King has already advanced, he will win his next round as well " said Colour Dictator.

" I am not worried about him "

" I am not worried either " said Colour Administrator.

" He will, he is more Colourlandish than Challenger " said Colour Queen.

" Challenger is not the leader that has been great " said Lord Grackle.

" He has not understood resources "

" True " said Colour King.

" This partnership between me and King Bobby is so amazing "

" I love the people, they deserve so much more than Challenger "

" Challenger's a dick " said Electro.

The fight then continued.

King Bobby then used his Tenfold Bird Strike while Allie used her own, the strikes then hit each other and they both fell to the ground.

They both then got back up and they then kicked each other.

King Bobby was charging up his Bird Implosion while Allie then used her Ultimate Bird Bomb, the attacks then hit each other and they both were damaged.

King Bobby then used his Bird Barrage while Allie used the Ultimate Bird Blast which also hit as well, they were both damaged.

Allie was slightly struggling but she got back up and she then used her Ultimate Bird Blast again which struck King Bobby.

" I will not give up this fight " said Allie.

" Here I go "

" Give it everything " said King Bobby.

" I want to see "

King Bobby then charged up his Ultimate Bird Bomb while Allie used her own, the bombs hit each other and went off which damaged them both but they were able to get up.

King Bobby then used his Ultimate Bird Blast while Allie used her own, they both then were hit down to the ground.

Allie was getting near the end, but she was able to get up.

" Warbler is a man I care about " said Allie.

" I am happy with him "

" Well, we want the best for him " said King Bobby.

" Crayon will go down, Blackburnian has done more for Warbler than Crayon ever have or will "

" Crayon must be defeated "

" I'll give it what I have " said Allie.

" Yes, I know you will " said King Bobby.

King Bobby and Allie then were charging their Bird Implosions with as much power as they could, they both then hit their respective targets down to the ground. King Bobby got up first and he was declared the winner.

" Very nice " said Curtis. " His power is so good "

" His victory will come " said Draco.

" Yes, it will " said Rourke. " Crayon will tremble with lots of fear "

" I want him trembling " said Curtis.

" He will crumble into dust against King Bobby "

" Hahahahaha "

" Yes, he will not win " said Queen Starling.

" I want him taken down " said Blackburnian.

Meanwhile there was an announcement.

" That is all the fights for today, there will be three fights tomorrow "

" The first match tomorrow is Electro vs Crayon "

" Have a good evening and night "

Meanwhile everyone then headed outside the stadium and they were outside.

" We should get bread " said Artby. " Baking will guide him to a victory "

" Bread helps fighting "

" Yeah, we can go get bread " said Crayon.

" Let's go " said Challenger.

They then went to the bakery and got their bread.

" Man, I love bakers " said Artby. " When I fight, I am fighting for the baker as well "

" Great customers fight for their bakers they purchase from "

" Bakeries are the best, bakeries must be fought for in tournaments "

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

" I have a fight to win " said Crayon.

" Crayon has trained so hard and eaten so much bread, he's winning " said Artby.

" Winners eat bread, winners love baking for sure "

" They do ? " asked Crayon. " We have eaten a lot of bread "

" That is true " said Colouruke.